You get in a severe car crash, part 2 (His POV) Part 1 here!

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Scott: I sat on the couch, fiddling my phone in between my fingers waiting for (y/n). It only took a few minutes to get from each others houses, so I just couldn't understand what was taking her so long. Suddenly, my phone lit up, the caller ID saying it was my mom. "Hey mom, what's up?" I asked down the phone, as she sighed. "Scott honey, you might want to come down here," she said as my face fell. "Mom what's wrong?" I asked, already outside and hopping on my bike. "It's (y/n)," was all I heard before I was speeding down the road towards the hospital.
"What happened?" I asked grimly, tears threatening to escape my eyes as I looked at (y/n)'s unconscious body. "A drunk driver ran a red light, there was nothing she could do," I heard my mom say, but her voice sounded far away. "She's going to be okay though," I said, it coming out as a statement, a fact that had to be real. My mom didn't say anything as I walked over, pulling up a seat and taking her limp hand in mine. She was going to be okay, she had to be okay. She just had to. She was my best friend. No, she was more than that. Way more than that actually. She was the one I could talk for hours with. The one where we could sit with absolutely nothing to do, and yet not be bored. She was just..the one. I sat with her for another few hours, my hand never leaving hers. Suddenly I felt her heartbeat grow stronger, and pick up in pace. My head snapped up just to see her eyes flutter open briefly. "Sc-Scott?" She said weakly as I broke a huge smile. "I'm here (y/n). Everything's going to be okay, I'm not going to leave you," I reassured her, knowing that I was never going to leave her.
Stiles: (Y/n) was supposed to be here half an hour ago, and I was starting to worry. She wasn't picking up her cell, or answering any texts. Suddenly I heard my dad's pager go off in the other room, making me spring up off my desk chair and sprint into the other room. "Seventeen year old girl, motor vehicle accident, intersection of main and oak," the pager was reciting, as my eyes widened. My dad walked out of his room, his uniform on, yawning a bit before he headed for the door. "Dad I'm coming," I said sternly, before practically running for the door. "Stiles, it's almost one in the morning, go to sleep," he said, but I don't think he understands. "I think it's (y/n)," I said, hoping to all god that I was completely and utterly wrong. My dad's eyes suddenly widened as we both dashed to his car.
As my dad's car screeched to a stop, tears already pricked in my eyes. (Y/n)'s car was on the side of the street, broken glass covering the pavement like a blanket. I ignored my dad's yelling and ran right across all the glass right up to the smashed up car, looking in and seeing (y/n), her head leaning back against the seat. She had huge gashes on her forehead, blood trickling down her face, her hair matting to her bloodstained face. "(Y/n)!" I yelled, ripping of the piece of metal that was left of her car door, and taking her into my arms. I heard the ambulance sirens approaching in the background as she groaned. "(Y/n)! Stay with me now. It's Stiles. You're going to be okay, just stay with me okay" I said threw tears as the ambulance pulled up. "St-Stiles?" She asked weakly, attempting to open her eyes. "Yeah it's me, and I'm not going to leave you okay?" I said as she was taken from my hands by a paramedic and put in the ambulance. "Relation?" the paramedic said, putting his hand up blocking my way from entering the ambulance. "Boyfriend," I said, it slipping out of my mouth, knowing I just had to be with her. He seemed to narrow his eyes at me before letting me hop in, instantly taking (y/n)'s hand in mine.
Derek: "Derek, you might want to come down to the hospital," Scott said as I picked up my phone. "Why?" I asked annoyed, standing up off the couch and rubbing my face. "Oh I don't know, maybe because (y/n) was in a car accident and is down here magically healing in front of everyone!" Scott yelled down the phone as I groaned, hanging up and running out of the loft.
"Where is she?" I growled as Scott came into view. He pointed to a door down the hall, as I sprinted down into the room. I ripped back the white curtain to see (y/n)'s fragile body already bruising. "What happened?" I growled once again, knowing Scott was right behind me. "My mom called me saying there was a girl down here who was in a really bad car accident, and was already healing. I came down and it was (y/n)," Scott explained as I took a seat in the chair next to her bed. "Where was she going anyway?" Scott asked as my head dropped into my hands. I didn't answer him as I heard (y/n) stir next to me. "Well, I'll leave you two alone then," Scott said awkwardly, knowing perfectly well I wasn't going to acknowledge his presence anymore. A few more seconds and (y/n)'s eyes were open, looking around the room and then down at her bruising body. "Well shit," she said, before she met my eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here," she said threw gritted teeth as I sighed. "Keep your voice down would you?" I asked her calmly as I felt and heard her heartbeat rise. "I will not keep my voice down Derek Hale! First you tell me to leave out of the blue, and then you show up at the hospital when-" She continued as I cut her off. "Did you ever think I wanted you to leave to protect you?!" I said, finally loosing my cool, before sighing and calming back down. She stayed quiet as she continued on staring me down. "Now will you shut up and rest a bit so we can get you out of here?" I said, as she opened her mouth up to talk again. I shoved my lips down on hers quickly before sitting back in the chair, raising my eyebrows. "Will you please shut up?"
Isaac: "I thought you said (y/n) was coming," Stiles said as I paced the room. "I did," I said, looking at my phone once again. The distance between her house and Derek's loft was about ten minutes by car, and now that it's going on half an hour, I was starting to panic. Suddenly my phone lit up, (y/n)'s picture coming up as I quickly picked it up. "(Y/n)? Are you okay? Where are you?" I said down the phone hastily, as Stiles and Scott stared, waiting for an answer. "Isaac? This is Mrs. McCall, I'm down at the hospital, and (y/n) just came in..she was in a car accident," she said down the phone, before I was flinging the phone across the room. I ran up to the table, stealing Derek's keys off the table and running out of the loft, the voices of Scott and Stiles ringing in my ears.
"Where is she?" I asked frantically as I practically ran into Mrs. McCall in the hospital. "Isaac honey calm down. It's okay, she's in that room right there," she said, as I thanked her quickly before running in the room she had directed me to. Inside, (y/n) sat, visible stitches on the side of her forehead, and a cast going around her arm. "Isaac?" She asked as I walked in, as I kneeled down next to her bed. "Are you okay?" I asked, calming down at the fact that she was awake and talking. "Well," she started picking up her cast, "I get to have everyone sign my cast now." She said as I couldn't help but break a small smile. "That would be the first thing on your mind huh?" I chuckled as she nodded her head. "Thank god your okay," I said, getting up and kissing her lightly on the temple. "Get some rest," I told her, before sitting back down next to her, planning on staying the night.

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