He get's jealous when someone else 'hits' on you (Requested!)

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SCOTT: Scott was your best friend, it was as as simple as that. You two were pretty much glued at the hip, always with each other. It was after a lacrosse game one day, after a long time of hard work from the boys, and many cheers from yourself. You waited patiently outside the boys locker rooms, waiting for Scott, the thing you did after every game. He would usually drive you home, the two of you recapping pretty much the entire game. But this time, Isaac came out first, coming over to you as soon as he saw you. "Hey (y/n)," he smiled, making you smile back. "Hey Isaac, nice game out there," you said. "Thanks," he said, taking a seat on the ground next to you against the lockers. You two talked a bit, talking mainly about the game or school, whatever really came to your mind. "So who are you waiting for? Like I can walk you home if you want" Isaac asked after a while, as you opened your mouth to speak. "She's waiting for me," you heard from behind Isaac, looking up to see Scott, his face unemotional. "Oh, hey Scott," Isaac said, waving his hand awkwardly, before putting it on the back of his neck. "I'm just going to go now," Isaac said after a few moments of silence, as you saw him walk down the hallway and out of sight before turning to Scott. "What was that about?" You asked Scott confused as he stared at the ground. He seemed to shake his head a bit, putting on a smile finally, and looking up at you. "Nothing," he said, "How about some ice cream?" He asked, his face lighting up like a little kid now, a total 180 turn from before. "Sure," you laughed.
Stiles: "I don't get this," you heard Jackson say from beside you as you sat in math class. Your friend Stiles sat on the other side of you, scoffing, before continuing on with the worksheet. You sighed, putting your pen on Jackson's paper, pointing at the question. "All you do is distribute the X and you're done," you said, squinting your eyes at his completely correct rest of the paper. "Ugh, it's just so frustrating," he complained as Stiles gave him a glare. You practically rolled your eyes at his overdramatic self, as he spoke again. "I just don't know, I might need a tutor," he said, as you could have swore you saw Stiles flinch beside you. You stayed quiet, head down, continuing on working on the worksheet. "Maybe, you could tutor me?" he went on, eyebrows raised. "Lydia can tutor you," Stiles said suddenly, pretty loudly too. Jackson narrowed his eyes at Stiles, as he didn't back down. "Maybe I want (y/n) to tutor me," Jackson said, eyes not leaving Stiles'. "Maybe (y/n) doesn't want to tutor you," Stiles said right back, sitting now at the edge of his seat, talking across you at the ticking time bomb that was now Jackson. "Watch yourself Stilinski," Jackson said threw gritted teeth, before standing up and walking off. "Well..that was interesting," you said awkwardly, leaning back in your chair. Stiles took a deep breath, before visibly relaxing. "Oh, and Stiles?" You said as he snapped his eyes up to you, "You're cute when your jealous."
DEREK: "Any day now," Isaac tempted, as you narrowed your eyes at him. You stood across from him in Derek's loft, training like usual. Derek was over talking to Cora, as he told Isaac and you to go on and start. You sprang forward, hands out, gripping onto his arm as he quickly, grabbed your outstretched hand, twisting it behind your back. "Is that the best you can do?" Isaac smirked. "Shut it Lahey," you growled, spinning around and shoving his chest, causing him to stumble back. You took the opportunity of his unbalance to spring at him again, knocking him to the ground. You put either leg on both sides of him, pinning him down. Before you could slam your hand down onto him, he flipped you over as he straddled you. You tried shoving him off you, but he took both of your hands in his, and put them against the floor. "I win," he whispered as you heard a yell from above. "Hey! That's enough!" Derek growled as suddenly he was right above you both, taking Isaac by the back of the shirt and shoving him off you. You saw Cora in the background rolling her eyes, as you just stood up off the floor. "What the hell was that about?" Derek growled once again. "Uh, training? Like you told us to?" You said confused as Derek's face faltered a bit. "Well...cut it out," he scoffed, before stomping upstairs.
ISSAC: If there was anyone who got under Isaac's skin like no other, it was the alpha twins, Ethan and Aiden. And if there was anyone who Isaac had a real weakness for, well, it was you. The twins noticed this almost immediately, even though you didn't. Isaac was just another guy in Beacon Hills to you, meaning you two really hadn't talked all that much. Sure, he was utterly cute, but you weren't one to fall based on looks only. "Hey (y/n)," you heard an unfamiliar voice say next to you as you got your books out of your locker one morning. You looked over to see one of the twins. You weren't sure which one it was, but you just smiled a bit. "Hi..?" You trailed off, as he seemed to chuckle. "Aiden," he said as you just nodded. "So I was wondering what you were doing later tonight?" Aiden asked, leaning back against the lockers, cocking his head to the side. Aiden looked over your shoulder for a second, making you turn around to see Isaac Lahey a few lockers down, giving Aiden an intense death glare. You spun back around to Aiden, brushing off the weird Isaac thing. "I'm busy," you said simply, fully aware that you had absolutely nothing going on. You gave him another small smile, before you closed your locker, leaving a shocked Aiden behind. As you walked off to class, you could have swore you saw Isaac smile to himself.
For the Anon who requested this, and Bryanna who wanted a jealous Derek Imagine, I hope this works (:

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