chapter 30

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Erica leaves the room and Derek sends a text to Stiles and her family. Then remembers the fake Jordan was still on the phone. “I’m sorry about that Lee.”

“It’s not a problem sir.”

Derek knowing that Jordan wasn’t called Lee Jordan had an idea. “Lee how would you like to come to dinner tonight at mine?”

“I would love to sir,”  Derek could hear the excitement in his voice.

“Great I’ll see you then.”

“Wait which house am I meeting you at, sir, the country one or the other one?”

“You’re being too vague Lee tell me what you mean.”

“I meant the house in Surrey sir.”

So you’ve been to both houses thought Derek. “Well Lee since you are in London we should meet at the London house.”

“Remind me again where that is?”

Derek gets a message from his tech people saying they have Jordan’s location. He makes a note of the address and sends a team to extract him. “I’ll text you the address later. I need to go my next appointment is here.”

“Ok, I’ll speak to you later sir.”

“Bye Jordan.”

“Goodbye sir.”

Derek hang up the phone and was about to throw it against a wall and stop himself in time. Three people he could identify got very close to Jamie and who knows what he told them. What pillow talk did he tell that woman. Clearly Jordan brought that woman into the hospital. No wait Derek thinks to himself Blume has worked there for seven years. So was it more likely he was the one who bought the woman doctor in instead of Jordan?”

He leans back in his chair and rubs his temple then he looks at the now cold tea and sighs.

The enemy now knew more about the organisation than they had anticipated.
He really needed to speak to Stiles and her family. He couldn't trust that Lee Jordan didn’t know where he lived.

His office door swigs open and Erica shows the British Prime Minister inside the room. Derek looks at the overweight man whose eyes were darting all over the room.


“Tell me where we are up to with this flu,” says Derek with as much authority in his voice as he could muster.

“Look here old chap my health minister is the one dealing with it.”

Derek looks at the man in disbelief, “Are you telling me there are thousands of people dying. British citizens and you outsourced your responsibilities to your health minister?”

“What can I do I have already shut down the country, surely I’ve done my bit.”

Derek walks round to his desk and perches on the end of it.  So he was looking down at the prime minister and he was forced to look up at him. “I shut down the country not you.”

“Does it really matter you’ve taken my wages from me and I can’t even go to the country house and relax.”

“I need to know which government you’ve told about me Norman and while we are on the subject. Another country’s president has died in our country and you’ve yet to inform me about it. Why is that?”

“Well you see, ahem. Well you see.”

“Why don’t I answer the question for you Norman. You didn’t want me to know about it.  Which tells me you knew both presidents were in town didn’t you?”

The man plays with his fingers and looks down at the floor. Derek wonders how a man could look like an overgrown toddler.  “Which of the presidents did you tell about me Norman. Don’t let me ask a third time you will not like me if I do.”

“I already don’t like you,” snort Norman.

“Here is the thing you don’t like your wife so me killing her wouldn’t bother you in the slightest. The mistress you have is getting bored of you and  I’m not surprised since she is the same age as your oldest daughter.  You have money problems and I’m guessing you’ve been selling secrets to the enemy.”

“Like I’m going to tell you,” laughs the prime minister.

“That’s true you don’t value other people’s life so I can’t use your love ones to put the squeeze on you. Let me show you who I’m going to be having lunch with later. He shows him a picture of the woman doctor.

“She is still alive I must say I’m very surprised. I pegged you as being a sharp old chap.”

Derek sneers at him then he reads the notification on his phone. It would seem Lee Jordan sent Erica a picture of himself. He shows it to the Prime Minister and the colour drains from his face.

“Ah, I see you know dead in twenty- four hours.”

The Prime Minister sinks back into his chair and clutches his heart as if he was having a heart attack.

“Who is he and how do you know him?” Ask Derek.

The prime minister looks at Derek and realises he couldn’t do his usual charming routine with him. “His name is John Robert.”

“Go on,” says Derek.

“I met him let me think about three years ago along with the woman whose picture you showed me before.  I can’t remember her name but I do remember she was a doctor from Texas.”

“How did you meet them?” Ask Derek.

“Five years ago I was thinking of running for Prime Minister. A European country head knew I was having money issues and told me he could make me Prime Minister for a price. He was still curious about what happened in Denmark. For some unknown reason as powerful as he was he has never heard about you Derek.”

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