Chapter 16

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"The only thing that matters is getting your temperature down. He takes a bite of his chicken. What's this called again?"

"Tandoori chicken with pilau rice and naan bread."

Two hours later Derek takes a wash cloth and wipes Stiles mouth with it. Then he takes the bucket of sick and throws it down the toilet. He sees Stiles trying to get up, "Don't get up tell me what you need and I'll get it for you."

"The bed has a remote I was trying to reach it to raise the bed head a little higher."

Derek finds the remote and gives it to Stiles who adjusts the beds to her perfect  angle. "I have been here five days I didn't know that was what the remote was for. Please have a sip of lemonade you need to keep your liquid intake up." He puts the straw near her mouth. She takes a sip and lies back on the pillows.

"There is a nasty flu going around a lot of patients came into the hospital with complications this week."

"I'll call your job and let them know you're unwell."

"Thank you but it's best I call so they can hear and see how unwell I really am. I don't want them to think I'm trying to have an extra week off before our honeymoon."

"Fair enough."

He watches as Stiles calls her boss and tell her she out won't be in. "Put Derek on the phone."

Derek takes the phone and waves to Jenny, "There's a nasty flu going around couple people have died from it. It's best you don't go back to work till you both are feeling one hundred percent. Whatever strain this is it is very contiguous. On Monday we had five people with the flu. Today we have thirty."

"OMG, "says Stiles.

"I need to call my boss," says Derek.

"Don't worry I'll explain the situation to him. They're short staffed at the station. People are dropping like crazy and Stiles looks like death warmed over. I'm sure you will be catching the flu soon."

"I'll stay home doctor and I'm still going to call my boss and let him know I won't be in. I will tell him to expect your call as well."

He gives the phone back to Stiles who speaks to Jenny
for another minute then hang up the phone. "It looks like we are  spending the next week in bed," says Stiles.  "Lets hope I feel better before the honeymoon."

"Honeymoons can be postponed sickness can not."

Derek runs and gets the bucket so Stiles could throw up again.  "I'm sorry I have spoiled our weekend."

"We are together and we went on a date the weekend is not spoiled."

Derek gives Stiles a good wash all over with a wash cloth and change her night gown. Afterwards he wrings it out to show her how wet it was. "Thanks hubby."

"You're welcome."

He grabs a quick shower and change his clothes before joining her in the bed. "We need a bed like this in all our houses."

"We will be by the time we get back."

The next day Stiles temperatures went even higher and Derek calls the doctor. "We need to get her to hospital right away."

Alarmed at the doctors words Derek starts to put some clothes in a suitcase. "Leave that for Danvers to do."

Derek sits on the bed and hold Stiles her body was so frail and her voice was very weak. "I'll call an ambulance."

"There's no need Mr Hale I wrote in a private one just in case we needed to take her in."

Derek carries Stiles into the ambulance and the doctor gets in and close the door. "If she only started feeling unwell yesterday this is a very odd rapid decline," explains the doctor.

Derek looks at the doctor, "Her boss said they had a few flu cases on Sunday today there are over fifty. Several people have died as well over the course of the week. Two more since we spoke to her yesterday."

"That is not good news I'm afraid Mr Hale.  Our hospitals have also seen a raise in flu cases. We have up our infection control. Things like patients and doctors must wash their hands and wear a mask at all times in the hospital."

"That's good to know I want my wife to get the best care available."

"And she will," reassures the doctor.

There was silence after that till they arrive at the hospital. "She will have her own room right?"

"Yes she will Mr Hale."

Derek watches them take Stiles inside the hospital and follows closely behind them. He stays outside while they do a temperature check and make her comfortable in bed.

Derek walks into the room and looks down on Stiles who was asleep.

"I really hope and pray you don't become a statistic. I have only just found you. I can't lose you not now I have a reason to get up in the mornings."

A doctor comes and introduces herself as Mrs Rawlings, "Good morning Mr Hale I will be looking after your wife today. It's good she is asleep that way her body can get the rest it needs. We will take some bloods and do some other test as well. Is there a chance your wife could be pregnant?"

"Yes there's.  This weird flu that's going around killing people does any one know what it's about?"

"Not yet sir."

Derek phones starts ringing, "Excuse me." He walks out the room and answers his phone. "Hello Erica."

"Hello sir I'm sure you're aware of the situation with people dying all around the world."

"I'm yes."

"It's just should everybody keep to their assignments or do you want to change it. To people doing their best to find out what's going on?"

"Right now we keep to the assignments. I need you to get me the head of every health organisation on a conference call in one hour. I'm at the hospital with my wife send the car here for me."

"There are time differences sir."

"I'm very much aware of that Erica and I don't care. Think of it this way if you can pull this off. You get to leave the shop."


"An hour."

"Yes sir and I hope Stiles pulls through."

"You and me both."

He walks back into Stiles hospital room, "Sir this hosptial as you are aware is just for the organisation's use. If we are asked to take patients for the Nhs. Will you allow it?"

Derek was shocked he was not aware of that information.  "I need more information to be able to give you a definitive answer."

"I'm the head of the hosptial please let me know your decision as soon as possible sir."

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