Chapter 4

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The rest of my day leading up to lunch was dull to say the least. I mean it's school, so obviously it sucks, but this school is different. all the people talked to one another. they all seemed to care about each other, and I liked think someone might care about me.

When lunch finally rolled around I was so excited. Eating was definetly the highlight of my day.

I walked into the noise filled cafeteria and scanned the room looking for Matthew.

I finally spotted him in the middle of the cafeteria surrounded by a group of friends.
I felt awkward intruding on them but I really didn't have much of a choice considering I don't have any other friends.

Wait... But I didn't come here to make friends.. I came here to escape from hurting people from the pain.

I can't do this. I can't stay here and hurt these people. They don't deserve it. I can't just walk into their lives and then die.

I turned on my heals and walked out the cafeteria doors towards the classrooms looking for an empty one.

"Kayla! Hey Kayla wait up!" I heard Mathew cry out and his loud footsteps came after me.

I stopped and slowly turned to face him, placing a calm look on my face.

"Hey what's up?" I asked as if there wasn't really anything going on.

"Well I saw you in the cafeteria I tried waving you over but you just left. Is everything alright?" Oh, no. There it is. Concern. He's concerned about me which means he cares which means I will hurt him.

"Oh yeah that no, everything is fine just not really into having lunch right now but thanks for checking on me. I'm going to go now you just go back to your friends or whatever..." I trailed off and turned around to walk into a random classroom just to escape him.

" hi can I help you?" I jumped in surprise at the rough voice j heard behind me.

I slowly turned to see a man in around his late 50's with gray hair and he was a plump man which a round face.

" oh, I'm so sorry I just.. I was trying.." I cleared my throat, " I will leave I didn't mean to bother you!"

I turned to leave.

"No wait. You can stay if you would like I'm not doing anything." He seemed nice and I had nowhere else to go.

I turned back around and walked over towards a desk in front of the teacher.

" I'm Mr. Jones, but while I'm not teaching you can call me Scott." He said sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I took it.

"I'm Kayla. I'm new." I said and we real weed hands.

" well hello there Kayla. Why'd you move here? Parents get a new job or something?" He asked picking up his fork to eat the microwave meal sitting on the desk cluttered with papers.

" no. Not exactly." I said with a nervous chuckle.

" well then why are you here?"

I figure he could sense my nervousness.

" you don't have to tell me, but I will listen if you want to tell me." I nodded slowly to him and took a deep breath. I can't believe I'm about to tell him this.

"I... Um.. I. I have a brain tumor. Diagnosed a few month or so back and I'm dying. My mother ignored it saying it wasn't a tumor my dad hasn't spoken to me since he found out. My friends abandoned me, and I ran away." I took a deep breath. It's a lot harder to say those things than o thought.

Pity filled the old mans features. " oh Kayla I'm sorry. How long?"

How long...

How much time do I have left?

When am I going to die?

This is the first time I have really and truly thought about it. I am a ticking time bomb. I'm going to explode and I'm going to take out everything and everyone in my path. And now I have dragged this old friendly man into this path.


I moved to stand up.

" don't leave. You aren't a ticking time bomb." He stood.

Oh. Did I say that you loud?

"Yes you did."

"They say at most a year but that's only if I take chemo. Which I'm not because I'm going to die anyway so why torture myself. But they said without chemi I have anywhere from today until 3 months. That's it." I said and a single tear streamed don't my face and I realized I was shaking uncontrollably.

Scott stood from his chair and moved around his desk pulling me into a hug.

"My dear you need someone to be there for you. My wife and I haven't had a child living with us for years. It would be a blessing to have you stay with us."

I looked up into his grey eyes that were filled with tears.


"We would love nothing more."

I grabbed him tightly in a hug.

" thank you. Thank you so much."







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