A second goodbye.

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Hope wiped the blood from her lip with a defiant smirk, her eyes locking onto Josie’s with unwavering determination. “Had enough yet, Josie?” she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she summoned a protective shield of magic around herself.

Josie’s eyes blazed with fury as she conjured a barrage of lightning bolts, each crackling with raw power as they arced towards Hope. “You think you can save me, Hope? You’re just as delusional as ever,” she shot back, her voice laced with venom as she deflected Hope’s counterattack with a wave of her hand. Hope’s lips curled into a bitter sneer as she felt the sting of Josie’s words slice through her defences like a knife. “At least I’m trying, Josie. What’s your excuse?” she retorted, her voice tinged with frustration as she unleashed a torrent of flames in retaliation.

But Josie was relentless, her anger fuelling her every move as she launched herself at Hope with reckless abandon. “You don’t know anything about me, Hope. You never did,” she spat, her words a harsh reminder of the gaping chasm that had formed between them.

As their spells collided in a dazzling display of light and energy, Hope felt a surge of power unlike anything she had ever experienced before.
With a flick of her wrist, Hope cast a spell to send Josie hurtling away from the chaotic battleground, her heart heavy with the weight of their fractured friendship. “Go home, Josie,” she whispered, her voice tinged with sadness as she watched her friend. Hope chanted the incantation, weaving her magic into a spell that would send Josie far from the chaos of their battle, away from the prying eyes of the watching crowd. But before she could complete the incantation, Josie’s voice rang out in a defiant counter chant, her own magic intertwining with Hope’s in a deadly dance of power.

The air crackled with energy as their spells collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the air with explosive force. Hope’s heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to maintain control without hurting her friend, her concentration slipping with each passing moment.
But Josie’s resolve was unwavering, her determination burning like a fiery inferno as she poured every ounce of her strength into the counterattack. With a triumphant grin, she watched as Hope’s spell deflected, in a blinding flash of light, she felt her skin burning with indescribable pain, golden and white obscuring her vision of the Salvatore boarding school hall, the spell had backfired, sending Hope hurtling backwards, all air knocked out of her lungs, with a cry of pain, she landed har on the cold dirt ground. Dirt ground…. Not the polished hardwood floors of the school, but grassy floor, near a quarry on war edge of Mystic Falls.

This is what started her journey.

Hope opened her eyes. It was the very next day, the sun was creeping in through the curtains of her 2010s apartment in Mystic Falls. She stretched her arms over her head, thinking about how she had ended up here in this time. Hope knew, the collision of their spells had caused this, the problem was, she didn’t really know what Josie used to send here, in the past, it wasn’t intentional she believed. It happened more on accident because of both of them.

Hope should have known better, she should have left mystic falls when everyone forgot of her, but with her feelings for Landon and then Malivore’s continued existence…. It was rough to say the least.

Elijah was here last night, Hope thought, walking into her living room, he’s going to be daggered soon, she knew that, she didn’t know how to feel about that, she loved her uncle but he wanted to kill her dad more than anything, on the other hand she couldn’t imagine letting Elijah get hurt by the Mystic gang. It was the day of the dinner party, and she needed to get ahead with her day.

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the town of Mystic Falls as Hope stepped out of the Grill, where she’d spent most of her morning, sketching, reading and having breakfast.

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