Finn is dead?

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So, are you leaving?

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So, are you leaving?

Miakealson Mansion

The crackling of flames provided a somber backdrop as Rebekah, Isabella, and Klaus gathered around the fireplace, their faces illuminated by the flickering light. The weight of Finn's death hung heavy in the air, their voices echoing off the stone walls of the room like whispers of ghosts from the past.

In the dim glow of the fire, Rebekah's voice cut through the heavy silence, a mournful wail that echoed off the stone walls like a haunting melody. "I can't believe Finn is dead," she whispered, her words laced with sorrow as she grappled with the reality of her brother's demise.

Klaus's response was a thunderous crack of contempt that shattered the fragile peace of the room. "Good riddance," he sneered, his tone dripping with venom. Each syllable was a blade honed to perfection, slicing through the air with merciless precision. "He was an embarrassment, Rebekah," Klaus spat, his bitterness casting a dark shadow over the flickering flames.

Rebekah's retort pierced the air like a battle cry, her voice a defiant symphony against Klaus's callousness. "He was still your brother. Mind your tongue," she shot back, her eyes ablaze with a fierce protectiveness as she defended Finn's honor against Klaus's barbed words.

Klaus's response was a venomous hiss that seethed with disdain, his sarcasm cutting through the tension like a blade through flesh. "Fine, let's all say a prayer for Finn. Who slept in a box longer than he lived as a man," he spat, each word a venomous arrow aimed at the heart of Finn's memory. "He was a lovesick fool. He is better off in death," Klaus sneered, his contempt for Finn's romantic nature laid bare for all to see, like a festering wound oozing with malice.

Isabella's voice thundered through the room like a bolt of lightning, her challenge to Klaus a defiant roar against his cruelty. "Is that how you would speak of us if we died?" she demanded, her eyes blazing with a fiery determination that dared Klaus to face the consequences of his callous words.

Klaus's words were a venomous onslaught, each syllable laced with spite as he hurled accusations at Rebekah and Isabella. "Well, Rebekah let the Salvatores loose, with two stakes that could kill us. So, I guess we'll find out soon enough," he snarled, his gaze piercing Rebekah with blame as he cast her as the scapegoat for their impending danger.

Turning his attention to Isabella, Klaus's tone dripped with malice as he launched a scathing attack on her character. "And for you, Isabella, you truly are a lovesick fool, just like Finn. Still simping over a boy you met in 1864? Why do you fancy Damon so much?" His words were like daggers, plunging deep into Isabella's heart with merciless precision, leaving her reeling from the sting of his cruel accusations. Rebekah's shock was palpable as she absorbed the revelation of her sister's secret affection, her disbelief mirrored in the widening of her eyes and the trembling of her lips.

Klaus's inquiry into Rebekah's sudden change of heart was met with a tremor of defiance in her voice. "And since when did you have a soft spot for them, Rebekah?" he taunted, his skepticism casting a shadow over her loyalty. But Rebekah refused to back down, her resolve unyielding as she confronted Klaus with the truth of his actions. "The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end, they would die for each other. At least they know what family means. You destroyed ours," she declared, her voice trembling with emotion as she laid bare the devastation wrought by Klaus's betrayal.

Isabella's voice reverberated through the room like a clarion call, cutting through the tension with a defiant strength. "No!!" she declared, her words echoing with unwavering conviction. "He did not destroy our family, Esther did. Klaus wanted a family....He..He wanted a family," she continued, her tone ringing with fervent defense as she stood boldly in Klaus's corner.

For Isabella, there was no doubt in her mind. She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was Esther who had torn their family asunder, not Klaus. And in that moment, she stood as his staunchest advocate, refusing to let him shoulder the blame for sins that were not his own.

Klaus's admission hung in the air like a heavy shroud, his words a bitter reminder of the fractures that had torn their family apart. "They just didn't want me. And now we are unlinked, we're no longer responsible for each other," he confessed, his tone heavy with resignation as he faced the painful truth of their estrangement.

Rebekah's question cut through the silence like a blade, her gaze fixed on Klaus with a mixture of defiance and resignation. "So, are you leaving?" she demanded, her voice a challenge that hung in the air like a storm cloud, waiting to break.

"Soon as I get my stakes, I'm gone," Klaus declared, his resolve unwavering as he met Rebekah's gaze with steely determination. "I'm gonna take Elena and use her blood to create a new family... of hybrids," he announced, his eyes flashing with the fire of determination as he laid bare his intentions for the future.

"Rebekah's defiance stood as a formidable barrier against Klaus's ultimatum, her resolve unyielding as she faced him head-on. "And if I choose to stay?" she challenged, her voice steady despite the storm raging within her.

Klaus's response was a venomous barb aimed at her heart. "Then you're just as pathetic as Finn or Isabella," he spat, his words a cold reminder of the stakes at play before he turned and vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a heavy silence that hung in the air like a shroud.

As Klaus's footsteps faded into the distance, Rebekah turned to Isabella, her eyes seeking solace amidst the chaos. With a mixture of curiosity and concern, she broached a subject long left unspoken. "So, when were you going to tell me about your little crush on Damon?" Rebekah's question held a note of gentleness, her tone softening as she reached out to her sister in a moment of vulnerability, seeking understanding in the tumultuous sea of emotions that bound them together.


Word Count - 1046

BYEE !!!!

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