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"One last time? Okayy!"

"Hey! My name is Jonah Hazley!"

"I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for 3 and a half years, i've been Brooklyn's one and only Spider-Girl."

"And things couldn't have been better."

"My partner, Miles Morales (my ex boyfriend), is the most controversial and stupidest partner I've ever had.

"How do you get cancelled for endorsing baby powder? Couldn't be me!"

"After Peter died, aunt May moved to Florida, I redesigned my suit completely, I dyed my hair."

"I took a break from being Brooklyn's Spider-Girl, but I'm back, and i'm better."

"As much as I didn't want to come back, Peter would want me to continue rescuing Brooklyn's citizens, so here I am."

"I miss Peter a lot, and despite Miles technically being the reason he died, I can't bring myself to blame him. He didn't mean to get bit."

Spider-Girl and the new Spider-Man were fighting  "The Spot", when Jonah peeped Miles on his phone.

"Are you serious??" She asked the older boy as he sent a text.

Due to Miles not paying attention, the Spot created a hole, and Miles fell straight in it.

'You've got to be joking.', Spider-Girl thought in her head as she rolled her eyes and grabbed a part of Spot's body that didn't have a hole, and threw him in the road.

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