Chapter <4>

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"It's really surprising you are back really early today" I said immediately she settled on the couch.
"Yeah! I finished my work early and decided to come back home to my favorite girl"she smiled and I huffed.
"You mean to your jobless girl"she gave me a pointed look and I shrugged.
"No luck"she stated and I nodded.
"Come on, you will find a job very soon" I hummed in response already fed up with the bad response from the companies I applied to. I had two interviews today and made sure to not let his arrival affect me.
It has been three days since he came back.
Three days I have spent thinking and pondering about everything.
"We need to go grocery shopping"her voice came up from the kitchen. I was surprised that I didn't hear her stand. "I am gonna change my cloth then we head out"she said and I nodded.
I looked fine for grocery shopping in my black T-shirt and denim jeans.
I went to my room and wore my black sneakers to match. I put my hair into a ponytail and left my face bare.
I grabbed a shoulder bag and grabbed my credit card.
I still have some money left in my account but I need a job ASAP. I would settle for anything right now.
I walked out to see her back in the living room. Her work clothes were replaced by a cute blouse and denim skirt stopping just above her knee. She put on a pair of white sneakers. Her hair was put in a messy bun and looked like she applied makeup.
"My car?" I asked feeling ecstatic to drive that little guy again after spending so many days in the mechanic shop.
She nodded and I beamed. I grabbed my car keys from the table and stepped out of the house. I didn't bother waiting for her and headed to the garage.
I unlocked the car from the key and entered. She got in after a while and I put the key into the ignition. It roared to life immediately and I breathed a sigh of relief. Servicing this car was one of the best decision I made lately.
I drove out of the garage and made for the main road. "Do you have a list on what to get?"I asked as we pulled into the traffic.
"Yeah! The fridge is literally empty so we need to get everything"
"I can't wait to get my hands on my Doritos, Cheetos, M&M and ice cream tubs" I sighed dreamily and turned just in time to see her roll her eyes at me.
"Those snacks are heavenly"she scoffed and I decided to ignore her.
I continued driving as the traffic light turned green.
"We can also hit the mall"she spoke after a while. I didn't like that idea because I was short on cash.
"Sure but I am not purchasing anything. I would wait in the car for you so I don't get tempted" I mumbled.
"I just need to get a few jeans and shirts" I nodded in understanding.
She fumbled with my radio and finally left it in a station playing All my life by Lil Durk and J.Cole.
I hummed to the song not wanting her to make a rude comment about my amazing voice she is so jealous of.
"Thank goodness I don't have to hear that frog croaking voice of yours"she said with a smirk and I glared at her.
"You are just jealous" I stuck my tongue at her and she giggled.
"Like you were the one in the music class in high school"she turned to me with a smirk.
"Showoff"I said with a grim look and she grinned.
I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery shop. We walked into the store and grabbed the two carts.
"Take this list and get everything on it. I meet you here in 30"she shoved a list into my hand and walked down the fruit aisle.
I moved to the vegetable aisle that some of the things on the list.
I got every single thing before heading to the snacks aisle.
I put every single snacks I really liked into the cart and also Olive's choice which was written on the list.
I took so many tub of ice cream with different flavors and strolled to the meeting point.
She was already there waiting for me and we sauntered off to the paying point.
We stood in line and I looked around in silence. It was our turn and the cashier faced us with a smile.
She bagged our items and said the total. Olive thrusted her credit card in the girl's hand and stopped me from doing the same. "You are paying for the next grocery shopping"she said making me groan in my head.
I know I am low on cash but I don't want her to pay for my food.
"You could have let the bill be halved between us"I told her as we walked out with bags in hands.
"Come on! My treat this time. You also did this when I didn't have a job. Besides, you are paying the next time"I clamped my mouth shut at that knowing she was damn right.
I opened the car trunk and put the bags in it. "The mall?"I asked and she nodded.
"You still not coming in?"she pouted and I nodded.
"I would need your opinion"she added and I shook my head.
"Snap the clothes to me and I will help you pick. I will be tempted to buy something and you are aware of everything"she nodded and walked out.
"You stay longer than an hour and I leave you"I said after rolling down her side window. "You wouldn't dare"she gasped and I smirked.
"Try me. I really hope you have got cash on you"she eyed me and strolled to the entrance. I turned up the volume of the radio and tapped my hands on the steering wheel.
I really hoped for a good response from the interview I did today. I didn't zone out so that count as a good sign.
I really hope I get it.
I looked out through the side mirror and noticed some kind of movement on the street. A little girl seemed oblivious to the fact that she was walking to the street.
The traffic light is about to change to green and I quickly got out of the car.
I was so glad I wore sneakers making it easy for me to run.
The cars started moving and I hasten up.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the sidelines before anything bad could happen. She glanced from me to the road probably in shock.
A small group of people gathered around and started whispering.
The man in the car that almost hit her glared hard at me. "Irresponsible woman"he sneered before driving off.
Now everyone must think I am her mother and is highly irresponsible.
"How could you walk on the road? Do you know what could have happened? You could have died if I didn't save you in time. What you did was very risky. You are too young to be crossing the road without someone. Where  is your mom? Your dad? Your guardian? How can they be so irresponsible that you could leave their care without them noticing? What you did was very risky" I said all in one breath and looked at the little girl smiling at me. Is she mental?
"Why are you smiling?"I said clearly surprised and angry at her reaction.
"I have never had someone scold me like this"she said in a bitter tone making me wonder about a lot of things.
"Did she just smile at you?"a voice asked before I could ask her about her parents.
I turned to the speaker and glanced back at the girl who had a blank face on.
"Who are you?" I asked and took deep breaths to stop myself from lashing out on this woman. I could see no resemblance between the two of them so I am guessing this isn't her mom.
"I am her babysitter"the woman said and gave me a once over.
"How could you be so careless? She could have been in a fatal accident today. How did she leave without you knowing?" I lashed out unable to keep my anger at bay. This little girl could have lost her lives because of her irresponsible babysitter. What would she tell her parents if something bad had happen to her? I can imagine how heartbroken they would have felt.
"It's not in your place to ask me questions"she said with a hint of disgust and I was shocked.
I crouched to the girl's level sensing it's useless talking to her nanny.
"Don't you go about walking on the street by yourself again okay. It's dangerous so please don't do it again"she nodded with a small smile making me smile too.
"Pinky promise"I held out my pinkie and she smiled linking hers with mine.
"Your name?" I asked feeling some kind of connection to her.
She is so pretty and cute.
"I taught you not to converse with strangers"the woman said and narrowed her eyes at me.
She grabbed the girl's little hands and pulled her away much to my dismay. I decided not to intervene since I didn't know them that much. I really hope the babysitter loses her job because I know this isn't going to be the last time she is going to be careless and irresponsible.
I wasn't able to memorize her features but her eyes looked really pretty.
She looked about nine just like her.
"Stephanie, what are you doing here?"Olive's voice came up and I stood to my full height.
The little crowd has dispersed and I was so happy for that.
"I saved a girl" I replied as we walked back to the parking lot.
I am so glad I decided to stay in the car to wait for Olive. I shuddered as I imagined how the events would have played out.
"I don't understand"she said and handed me a cup of  iced bubble tea.
"Thank you for this" I said and she smiled. I sipped a little before diving into the full story. She gasped at some parts.
"Bitch! You saved her RESPONSIBILITY and she couldn't even thank you. I hope the girl's parent would get hold of this and fire her. That girl could have died if you haven't swivel in time"I sipped my drink and nodded.
I put the cup in the cup holder and started the car. "What are we doing when we get home?"she asked as we started the drive back home.
"You make your family's special lasagna and have a movie night"I suggested and she agreed.
"I like that"
"I think we should hit the club soon and get booze up. It has been a while since we had a little fizz"I blurted out and glanced at her for a second.
"I will just inform Ian about the plan so he can invite some of his friends"
"Not Mark" I deadpanned and she snorted.
"The guy is cute. You are just too blind and stupid to see it"
"He is cute and cringe" I replied after scoffing. "That cringe is cute"I turned to face her and raised an eyebrow.
"Then you can go date him instead. Leave your sweetheart Ian for him"I teased and she chuckled.
"That ain't possible bestie. Ian is stuck with me for life"she emphasized on the 'life' as I pulled into the garage.
"When are you both tying the knot. I could really use a wedding right now"
" Or he doesn't like me enough? Oh my God! What if he doesn't intend to marry me and all this isn't forever? I already dreamed about the future together. Damn_"I flicked her forehead to stop her rambling.
"No buts, that guy is head over heels in love with you. He might be waiting for the right time. I bet he is shy and overthinking things like you. You guys are perfect for each other and I dreamt about holding your baby next year. Cute Liss!" I teased and her cheeks tinted red.
"Thanks.. way in hell am I naming my child Liss. Is that even a name? I really want to have Ian's baby. Do you think I should stop using the pills so that could actually happen?"she bit her lip and my eyes widened.
"I was joking. You are not having a baby without getting married. Your parents will murder you"I said and got out of the car.
"What about you?"she asked after getting out. "Me what?"
"Being a baby mama?" I pursed to think about her question.
"It isn't bad. Besides I don't have a boyfriend so the possibility of that happening is zero. You my girl have gotta be careful" I wiggled my eyebrow at her and grabbed as many bag my hand could carry. "Never say never"I shook my head at her and headed for the door.
I am enjoying being single and tasting nothing.
I dumped the bags on the counter as Olive entered. "Are there still more bags in the car?" I asked and she shook her head.
I opened the fridge and started arranging the items inside.
I left out a bag of Cheetos to eat when I am done.
I closed the fridge and grabbed my snack.
I poured it into a bowl and grabbed a small tub of ice cream.
I need to exercise soon.
By that I mean jogging.
Going to the gym and using those machines and equipments aren't for me.
I learnt that six years ago and didn't bother trying.
I smiled at that memory before I wiped it off. I have gotta STOP!!
I turned to tv and concentrated on the comedy showing.
Cheetos, ice cream and Television is the best way to party after becoming a little girl's heroine.
I smiled glad I could be of help to her.
"You still wouldn't teach me how to make this?"I said after swallowing the first bite.
"Nope. I don't know how to bake confectioners so we are equal now"I glared at her and she smiled sweetly at me. "Not everyone can cook this like me. You can't be good at everything"I narrowed my eyes at her as she threw my words from the other night back at me.
"Keep your recipe to yourself. I can still make lasagna but not as delicious as this. It's better than nothing"I smirked and she scoffed. "Whatever"she grumbled.
I continued my food and pouted. I can just plant a camera in the kitchen so I can see how she makes it.
"Not happening Stephanie. You aren't gonna spy on my special family's lasagna"
Still gotta learn to not think aloud.
"I can just ask your mom. She adores me more so she is going to teach me. Are they back from their trip to Maldives?" I asked and took another bite.
That reminded me that I gotta call my parent soon. I haven't talked to them in a while. They moved to LA years ago to start up a restaurant business.
My dad's job_
"They aren't back. How is Ryan doing? Can't believe he is ten now"I exclaimed and she grinned.
"He is okay. He is enjoying the trip I wasn't invited to"she grumbled.
"You weren't invited because you are working"
"I really envy them. The places they visited, the pictures looked really beautiful"
"There is always another time"
"Yeah. You are right?"
"Movie?" I asked and she nodded.
We put the dishes in the dishwasher.
My phone beeped and I took it. It was replied from the interviews I did today.
We are sorry to inform you that you didn't get the job you applied for. There_
I stopped reading and groaned loudly.
She raised an eyebrow at my mood change and I handed her my phone.
She gave me a small smile and squeezed my shoulder.
Job hunting again tomorrow.
Well fuck my ex bosses!!
Fuck my life!!!

              Press that little star

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