
29 5 2

I groaned and turned away from the sound threatening to wake me up.
The ringing continued making me groan louder.
Just five more minutes!!
I sit up with my eyes closed and reached for my phone on the nightstand.
"What"I snapped into the phone without looking at the caller ID.
Wrong move!
I opened my eyes and quickly checked.
I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it wasn't a callback from one of the interviews I did. That would have spoken much about me, I could lose the job because of my manners.
"Sorry baby gurl but I really need your help. I forgot an important file on my table. I need it for the meeting that is happening in an hour. So?"Olive said softly and I sighed.
"I will bring it for you. Girl, you owe me one" I rubbed my eyes and got up from my bed.
"I love you girl. I would come collect it from you in the carpark" I smiled and hanged up.
I made my bed and quickly headed to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and had a quick shower.
I dressed in blue hoodie and joggers.
I wasn't going to get out of the car so there is no need to dress up.
Since she is going to come get it from me.
I put on a beanie and my black sneakers.
I went to her room and saw the file on her table. I took it, grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl before heading to the garage. I started my car and maneuvered out. I turned on the radio and listened to the old boring news.
"The Bianchi group of companies just opened a new 6-star hotel in New York. It's a really beautiful place to hang out"my ears peered at that and I turned up the volume.
"Emiliano Bianchi is really competing with Christian Davis as the most sought after bachelor in New York. Both of them are worth drooling over"the lady cleared her throat realizing she is acting like a fan girl. I don't blame her, they are both really worth drooling over.
I checked up his recent pictures and man didn't he look like something out of this world. I blushed like a fan girl looking at all his pictures. Can't believe once upon a time, he was mine. That made me shed a few tears. I miss him being mine!
I turned down the volume as she started talking about something else.
I drove into Olive's company carpark and pulled up in an empty space with the direction of the guard on duty.
I took my phone from the safe and dialed her number.
"Hey, I am outside so you can come out and collect the file" I said immediately she picked up.
"About that"she paused and I so didn't like the sound of that. And I am sure I wouldn't like what is coming next.
"I am too busy to walk down there so could you please bring it up to my office?" my eyes widened and I stared down at my outfit. "Oh God! I am in my comfy clothes because I thought I wasn't going to come down at ALL" I made sure to emphasize the 'all'.
"I am begging you. I will make it up to you"she hanged up before I could get a word out.
What if I meet a potential suitor today?
Like everyone is dressed in formal clothes and I look like I wanna chill on my couch.
I will fucking kill her when I see her.
I didn't have a face mask so I sighed.
I got out and grabbed the file.
Maybe I should have made a little effort.
Hoodie and joggers?!
What was I thinking?!
I pulled my beanie down and started the walk; WALK OF SHAME.
People stared at me and whispered to themselves.
More reason to kill that girl.
I took fast strides into the building and headed to the receptionist.
"Hello"I said and she turned to me with a scowl.
"Oh God! Just because he is coming here today doesn't mean we need fangirls. Not even ones who doesn't know how to dress up nicely"she said with a disgust look.
"And you don't look like you want him to notice you with that layers of makeup. And this shirt that looks like your boobs are going to fall out anytime soon. Besides, I don't even know who you are talking about and I don't care. My friend is Olive Whitman, the assistant accountant who is literally your boss. Direct me to her office" I said giving her one of my dirty look.
"I am going to confirm from her"
"Suit yourself bimbo"she glared at me and took her anger out on the telephone.
She can't throw me out right?
She talked a few times before looking at me. "Take the elevator to the 35th floor. The receptionist there will direct you to her office"she grumbled and I gave her a fake smile.
"Ditto"I waved at her and started the little walk to the elevator.
I really hate bitches like her.
Reminded of the girl that swore to make my life a living hell in high school.
I pressed the floor number and liked the elevator's song. The elevator was transparent so I could see the floors as it moved up.
Loaded people!
Who was that girl talking about?
Wait! Could it be him?!
Is he coming here?
Or was she talking about?
He is the owner of this company and Olive has never forgotten a file at home before. It's the first time he is coming here so they must be tense.
Or not. Maybe it's just a billionaire company coming for partnership or something.
I got out of the elevator and made my way to the receptionist.
She was a old lady so I didn't encounter any bitchy issues.
She directed me to her office since she was too busy to get up from her seat.
She kept typing away on her computer.
Yup, really TENSE!
"You owe me five"I said as I entered her office noticing she is the only one present. How awkward and embarrassing would that be? Like I don't already look out of place. "I love you so so much"she squealed and gave me a brief hug.
I smiled and settled in the chair in front of her. I have never had any reason to be here so I looked around trying to memorize it.
The room was bigger than I expected for an assistant accountant.
Her chair looked really comfy and I trailed my fingers through the gold table. "Is this real gold?"I asked curiously and she nodded.
"Wow"she shook her head at me as I opened my mouth.
"I think you are gonna faint when you see the director's office not even the top boss"she mumbled and continued scanning through the file.
I looked at the refrigerator at the side and walked to it. It was fully stock with drinks,water and snacks.
She had a medium size tv in front and a single sofa at the side.
"You lucky girl. None of my ex offices can top this"I pouted and scanned around.
"Sorry for your bad luck"she giggled and I scoffed. "Am I even allowed to be in here?" I asked after taking out a soda drink from her fridge.
She owe me more than just a drink.
I opened it and took a huge gulp. "My boss is pretty chill so I guess you are safe"she replied and I nodded.
"Why are you still in here anyways?"
"I am going through this again. I would have to present the company financial stat"
"Who is coming here that has you all tense?"
"You wouldn't believe_"she was interrupted by my ringing tone.
"Hello"I said immediately I answered the call. "Where are you girl? The interview is about to start in just an hour"Laura, one of my friend back in college shrieked out. I looked at my time and facepalmed.
Damn I have totally forgotten about that. I wouldn't even be awake right now if not for Olive.
"Don't tell me you forgot about it. I really put in good words about you to my boss"she grumbled and I sighed.
Olive raised an eyebrow and I mouthed Laura. She had an ooh look probably remembering about the interview I told her about.
I mouthed bye and rushed out of her office. "I am on my way" I replied as I entered the elevator.
I pressed the ground floor and tapped my feet on the floor.
"You better be. It would be really disappointing for you not to show off after everything"
"I know" I sucked in my teeth and hurried out of the elevator.
"My boss is pretty strict so you better get your ass over here" I closed my eyes and sighed.
I opened my eyes in time to stop myself from fully bumping into someone.
I side bumped the person and quickly muttered a sorry not turning back.
The girl was still screaming in my ear so there was no time to look at the person.
This is the last interview I am doing before applying for a small side job.
My savings account keeps draining everyday and I can't keep depending on Olive to pay OUR bills.
I rushed out moving through the high people coming in.
I caught a whiff of a familiar cologne when I bumped into that person. I didn't think about it at first but now I am really tempted to turn back.
"Girl, HURRY UP!"that stopped me and I quickly made my way to my car.
I put the key into the ignition and started the car. I drove out quickly and pondered on the cologne.
The cologne smelled just like... that's impossible. This is his company and someone important was visiting them today.
Oh my God!! Don't tell me I really bumped into HIM and didn't even see his face properly.
Dang! I should have apologized properly but I blame it on Laura who was determined to ruin my eardrum.
I pulled into the driveway and quickly unlock the door with my key.
Changing into a purple shirt and blazer jacket with suit pants. I wore black flats and applied just lipgloss.
I put my hair in a ponytail and ran out of the house after grabbing the necessary documents.
I zoomed to her office hoping I really get the job. I really hope I don't zone out.
Crossing my fingers on that.
"Why are you just arriving now?"Olive asked immediately I entered the house.
I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I am really exhausted.
I gulped it all in one go showing how thirsty I am.
I plopped down on the counter stool after kicking off my flats.
I wriggled my toes and watched Olive settle beside me.
"The interview was shit" I mumbled and massaged my temples.
"When I got there, I already met other people sitting in the waiting room. I joined them and guess what we all sat there for three good hours. No one was called in. Then a food tray was wheeled in but I only took a bottle of water. Some people ate the food. We didn't even know what was happening and why the interview was delayed. After some while, a man came in and started criticizing the management. Shouting and threatening to sue them. Then an applicant like me tried to calm the man down. She managed to succeed and the man smiled at her. Guess what he fucking said" I paused and she shrugged not wanting to guess.
"You passed the test, you are hired'. Like what the fuck? We were all delayed for nothing. We came to know that the three hours delay was a test to see how resilient we are. The food was to test for greediness. The final test was who could actually pacify customers and all that shit. I wasted my fucking time sitting in that fucking place" I seethed out angry and hungry at the same time.
"That is the worst interview I have ever heard of in my entire life. For what reason? Her pacifying the man doesn't make her the best applicant. What if she is unable to perform when she gets to office"she grumbled and I gave her a look saying thank you!
"Have you had dinner?"she shook her head and got up.
"I made Mac and cheese" I smiled and mimicked her.
"I will go take a shower and join you" I walked to my room after picking up my shoe. Stupid interview!
Stupid management!
Stupid people!
Stupid reasons!
Can't they conduct interviews like a normal company?
Laura told me she knew nothing about the test or she would have briefed me about it. I am kinda happy to not have gotten that job. I think the management need their brain to reset,
I grabbed a hoodie and basketball shorts.
I took a long relaxing bath before heading back to the kitchen.
She passed me a plate as I settled on the dining chair.
I scooped some into my mouth and moaned. This is really good. It feels great eating after so long.
I only had an apple till now thanks to Olive and this dumb interview.
"How was the meeting?" I asked after filling my stomach.
"It was nice. It was good seeing him after six years" I raised an eyebrow confused.
"Asher"she replied and my heart skipped a beat. My head shoot up towards her and she looked amused.
"He was hotter than the pictures displayed"I cleared my throat and glared at her. "I know I have a boyfriend missy but it doesn't mean I can't appreciate fine specimens" I rolled my eyes at her and laced my fingers on the table.
"Did he talk to you?"she shook her head. "At all?"she repeated the same action and I was surprised by that.
"He didn't even glance my way. I don't know if he still remembers me. It has been six years since we last saw and we met in the last days of our high school. He might not know who I am but I am sure that can't happen to you" I nodded and swallowed the food in my mouth.
"There is no way he wouldn't remember you. Maybe he wasn't sure and didn't want to approach you in case it wasn't really you" I reasoned out and she hummed. "If you actually think about it like that, it makes more sense. I was kinda sad when he didn't acknowledge me. Imagine he smiled at me and said my name, damn that would have made me a famous person in my office"she squealed and I shook my head at her.
"The girls would be so jealous. I would boss them around because they would want to get close to me to get to him"She added and I chuckled.
"I am really happy that didn't happen. Like that would have inflated your pride and ego ten times more"I said and she glared hard at me.
"Worst or Bad friend ever"she stuck her tongue at me and I rolled her eyes at me.
We finished our food in silence and I offered to do the dishes. Literally because I used the dishwasher.
"Do you wanna watch a movie now?"she asked as I let out a yawn.
"I was really stressed out. I am gonna hit my bed now"I stretched my hands and she nodded. "I will just watch one movie and go to bed" I waved and mumbled a 'bye'.
I strolled to my room and laid on my bed.
I really bumped into him.
I missed a chance in catching up with him. He didn't recognize Olive.
The question is will he recognize me?!
Will he?!

Will he?!
              Press that little star

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