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I looked at my back over my shoulder using the mirror by my vanity table.
I patted my shirt even though it was free of crease and lints.
I checked my hair making sure none of it was out of the ponytail I put it up in.
My shirt was tucked into my skirt and the black flats looked good on me. I am thankful we are allowed to choose between heels and flats. I can't imagine walking in heels for so many hours. It would be better if I was sitting at a table, I could just kick it off and hide my leg under the table. This waitressing job isn't going to be easy wearing heels.
Staying safe with my flats.
There is a changing room for all staffs who decided to change into their working outfit in the restaurant. I don't see the reason since it is not a customized cloth.
I actually look like I am going to the office not some waitressing job.
I lined my lips and applied my matte lipstick only.
I wasn't interested in adding lipgloss to make it glossy even though it would look really good.
That is the only thing I applied because I was hoping to stay invisible.I don't want attention from hormonal peeps and jerks. I don't want the customers to hit on me so I try to look my worst like that is possible.
Still look stunning without trying to hard and I am definitely not bluffing. I grabbed my tote bag and put the necessary things in it.
I was about to put my phone in the bag and it buzzed with a message.
Make me proud! Try not to punch a customer in the face and better still try to take all insults. I still hate you);- O
This girl is an idiot but her message had me smiling and feeling much in control of my emotions. I still feel nervous and anxious at the same time but I feel a bit better.
I will TRY. I hate you 200x:) - S.
I put my phone in my bag and walked out my room. I decided not to take my car wanting to attract people. I don't know if the other workers have cars so I don't look like I am trying to show off.
Workplace is really no different from school; High school and college.
You would have that person or people that hates you for no substantial reason and those people that will always have your back anytime. You will have that person that intrigues you which develops into a crush and hopefully a relationship.
Those are actually the main groups in the world. There is no rule that says I can't insult a fellow worker. I actually don't like going physical with a person except that one time in high school. I actually slapped someone and felt really good about it.
I already ordered an Uber as always because I don't like the stress of trying to wave down a taxi. It's always so difficult to find one quickly.
My phone buzzed at the same time a car honked outside indicating my ride had arrived. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and fiddled with the bracelet on my hand.
I locked the door behind me and strolled to the parked car.
"Good morning ma'am"the driver greeted as I entered and I replied with my version of 'good morning'.
He started the car and I uncapped the bottle of water. I took few sips trying to calm my nerves down. I wasn't sure what to expect.
The workers? The customers? The boss?
I fiddled with my fingers and took deep breaths. I can do this! I can't fail and I am really determined not to.
I sighed and patted my skirt. I felt a lot better after the pep talk.
The radio was switched on and breaking news were being read out. I listened attentively to it hoping I had get more information about him.
I feel like a weirdo. I already read everything the paparazzi were able to gather from him. His pictures! His accomplishments! His ONE NIGHT STANDS!
I bit my lips at that and tried hard not to frown. I can't believe he did that or he is doing that. I am a mess and my love life is a mess because of him. I compare everyone to him hoping they would have the same characteristics.
I rolled my eyes at my thought knowing that wasn't possible. We are different and special in our own ways.
Maybe I really need to seek help. This isn't normal. Thinking of different scenarios with someone I haven't set my eyes on since.
Six years is no joke! It's enough to forget about someone, ANYthing but it's just fucking hard for me to forget him.
I can't just do that. I thought about him everyday in this 2,190days.
It hurts to think that he might not have thought about me once in six years.
"We are here ma'am"the driver announced and I blinked few times.
I looked around and noticed we have actually arrived.
"Thank you very much"I faked a smile and grabbed my bag. I put my hand on the door handle and took deep breaths.
"Are you okay ma'am?"the middle aged driver asked with hint of concern and I gave him a real smile this time.
"I am fine"I said wanting to believe that and he nodded.
"Everything gets better with time. Give it time and watch everything fall into place"I nodded at his wise words.
"Thank you sir"he gave me a warm smile and I got out of the car.
I waved and watched him zoom off. I stared at the huge one storey building.
I plastered a poker face on and strode off to the entrance. I opened the door and it jingled as I entered.
The interior was just as I remembered it to be. The walls were painted with different colors and paintings were hung on the walls which looked exquisite.
There was a one side see through glass at the center of the room with a door at the right side leading to the VIP area of the restaurant. There is a small bar pushed up at the corner with stools in front of it. A bartender was standing in there mixing drinks. A slow song was playing in the background. The customers were dressed in formal clothes scattered round the restaurant. I haven't stepped foot into the VIP area so I don't know how it looks like.
"Hello, can I help you?" I turned around to the voice and saw a redhead girl staring at me curiously. She glanced at my outfit and back at my face.
I cleared my throat and stared back at her. "I am the new waitress hired to work here"I said and her eyes widened.
"Oh! Come with me, I will take you to manager" I nodded and I walked behind her to the office my interview took place in. She knocked and only opened the door after hearing a 'come in'.
"Good morning sir, I thought to bring her to you"she said staring at the man in his late fifties sitting in the boss chair.
"Thanks Ruby. Have a seat Miss Walker. You will show her around after I am done talking to her"he said and she nodded.
He tilted his chin and she walked out closing the door behind her.
"How are you doing today?"he asked leaning back in his seat.
"I am very well thank you sir"I smiled and he hummed.
"I am not going to sugarcoat things for you. This waitressing job is a very huge task even though it seems easy. You might be wondering what is difficult in taking orders and delivering orders. There are different types of customers. The nice one who leaves a huge tip and a rude one who is never satisfied with whatever you do determined to make your blood boil. They do that for entertainment knowing fully well you can't react to anything they do to you. You just learn to control yourself and take insults well. A lot of embarrassment would be thrown at you but you must not let that make you something you will regret. I am telling you all this because I want you to know what you are in for. Do you think you have what it takes to work here? Isn't it weird I am asking you this after you got the job"he chuckled and I smiled glad he tried to lessen the thick tension in the room.
"I am not going to lie, I am not sure I have what it takes but I am determined to do my best"I replied truthfully and he nodded. "Very good. I like that"he got up and walked over to me.
I was confused at that and hoped it is not what I am thinking.
"I am not going to do anything to you. You are like the age of my daughter and besides, I have a lovely wife"he scrunched his nose as if that thought disgusted him and I was surprised he knew what I was thinking. "Come with me so I can introduce you to the other staff on this shift. You will meet the others later. Mind you, your shift changes every week"I pouted and quickly conceal it. I was hoping that would forever be my working schedule but we don't always get what we want. I got up and walked out of the office with him. He pushed upon a door at the side and revealed the kitchen.
There were so many people cooking different dishes and the waiters walking in and out to deliver orders.
"Gather around everyone"the manager's voice boomed and everyone stopped what they were doing.
"This is Stephanie Walker and she is going to be working with us from today. Introduce yourself and make her feel at home"he said and a loud 'okay' was heard.
I turned to him wanting to thank him for being a good boss. Not everyone could actually advise a worker like that.
"Thank you very much sir. Your words are going to help me succeed here"I said lowering my voice and he smiled.
"Call me Steve. You are very much welcome. Ruby would show you and teach you everything you need to know. In the mean time, get to know the other staffs"he patted my shoulder and walked out. They all turned to me and told me their names. I couldn't remember any of the names because I was so overwhelmed.
They got back to their duty after introducing themselves to me.
"Hello"I turned around to face the Ruby girl. "Let me give you a tour before showing you the tables you will be waitressing"I nodded and followed her out of the kitchen.
She showed me the changing room and bathrooms. She showed me the  camera room even though we couldn't go inside. It was out of bounds to everyone including the staffs.
"Lastly, the VIP area"she opened the door and I was awed by the settings of the place. I could see the other part of the restaurant from here and understood the essence of the one side see through glass.
There was a bigger bar located at the side. There were table for twos, fives and booths arranged round the place.
The walls were painted in different colors highlighting a painting.
The place got an actual band playing one of their songs which sounded melodious.
There is a tv showing the news at the side which couldn't be heard over the song playing. Some people were playing chess in the corner and I couldn't hide my shock at that. It looked rich and expensive.
"This place looks wow!" I exclaimed and the girl giggled. "Being there"she said and I still stared around.
"Your table schedules so you could start work immediately"we walked out and headed to the side. She opened a door I didn't know existed close to the bar.
It looked like the staff lounge room and there was a tv on the wall. There was a long L-shaped couch taking much room,a loveseat and beanbag at the side.
"We spend our breaks here. Your break is one hour and starts by noon. She walked to the small table at the side and opened a drawer. She handed me a list and a jotter alongside an apron I just noticed she was wearing. I put on the apron and put the jotter with a pen inside.
I work table 5,12,6,7,10 and VIP5 today. It changes everyday.
"Bitchy customers can't be avoided but the best way to treat their fuck up is ignoring them and acting nonchalant when they talk trash"my eyes widened at her use of words and she smirked.
"I like you already Stephanie. I am glad you are not someone interested in fucking the customers because they are rich" I chuckled at her comment and folded my hands over my chest.
"How do you know I don't want that?"I retorted and she shook her head.
"Your shirt and skirt doesn't look skimpy and I can read body languages"I smiled and rolled my eyes.
"Do we have people like that here?" I asked and she scoffed.
"Are you really asking me that? Duh! We have got a lot. Thankful, just one of them is working this shift"she groaned and I chuckled. "You are not going to laugh when you actually meet them. Lovie is the worst but she isn't around today. She is sassy and slutty. Double S!"
"Her parents were drunk when they decided on her name. Love? Lovie? Super funky weird" We giggled at that and I really like this girl vibes.
"I like yours too" I fiddled with my fingers groaning internally for thinking aloud again. "Let's waitress and get stressed. That totally rhymed!"she squealed and I chuckled at her. I can tell I am really going to like it here.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me out.
She grabbed three menus from God knows where and handed it to me.
"Table five is occupied so get working"she nudged me towards the table and I sprang forward. I took deep breaths and plastered a fake smile to the family of three. She didn't even tell me what to say.
I see them do it all the time so I have totally got this.
"Good day, I am Stephanie and I will be your waitress for today"I smiled and handed them the menu.
"Should I get you started on drinks?"I said remembering that always came after the introduction.
The family smiled at me before looking down at their menu.
The boy was about seven and was really cute. He handed the menu to his mom and pouted.
"We would like a bottle of white wine and a cup of juice for him"the man said and I quickly wrote it down in my notepad.
"I will be back with your order in a few. And to take your food order"the woman and I turned to leave.
I breathed a sigh of relief thankful I didn't get rudies aka rude people as my first customers.
"Hello"I said to guy at the bar and he looked up from the drink he was preparing.
"Hi pretty"he smirked with excitement dancing in his dark eyes.
"I need a bottle of white wine and a cup of juice"I said and put my jotter back in my apron.
"Your name is Stephanie right"he said after turning his back to me to reach for the wine bottle.
"Yup"I must have seen him in the kitchen but I actually can't recollect any faces not to talk of their names.
"I am Stan"he said after handing me the tray containing my order.
"Nice meeting you Stan" I smiled and balanced the tray in my hands.
"So glad a pretty face like yours decided to work here"
"If you are trying to flirt with me, it sure isn't working"I plastered an amused look on and he groaned.
"I am gotta bring up my A game"he winked after the statement and I rolled my eyes at him.
I took small strides back to table not wanting to drop the tray.
After a few agonizing minutes, I dropped the tray on the table without spilling anything.
"Are you ready to order something to eat?"I asked with a smile bringing out my notepad.
"I will take the steak and mashed potatoes"I nodded at the man and wrote his order down.
"I want the salad"the woman said and I almost rolled my eyes at how predictable that was. She looked like someone who diets to maintain her slim shape. Don't get why people are interested in being slim.
I wouldn't care if I was plus sized. Weird I am not because I eat everything and anything. Running few times a week can't get rid of all those fats and calories.
I am just a lucky one. I would have been proud of my body either ways. We are all special in our own ways. It's really bad a lot of people don't feel comfortable in their own skin because of the body shaming idiots.
It's really high time we embrace reality that we can all be the different physically and mentally.
"I want the pasta and meatballs"the boy grinned and I mirrored his expression.
I just love kids!!
"I will be back in a few"I smiled and headed to the kitchen.
I headed to one of the chefs not sure how it really worked around here. I usually sit and wait for the food not the one actually bringing it. Ruby didn't enlighten me about any of this and she is going to get an earful when I see her next. "Sorry for bothering you sir. How do I get a customer's order?"I asked and he smiled.
"It isn't hard. You just tell the guy sitting by that small hole your order. And he will meet with the chef in charge of that dish"he pointed to a corner which I haven't noticed.
"You get your order passed through the same hole. You don't have to make a long trip to the kitchen"he explained and I thanked him.
I walked out and walked behind the small counter beside the bar. There was a button so I pressed it. A hand was stretched and I was kinda confused. "Pass your notepad to me"the voice said in a bored tone and I gave him the note. I tapped my hand on the counter with three other waiter. They didn't acknowledge me so I didn't bother sparing them a glance.
"Table three order"the bell rang from inside but it was so low it could only be heard by the people present behind the counter. The tray was pushed forward and the person in charge of the table picked it up. I waited for mine and puffed when it finally came.
I balanced the heavy tray in my hands and headed for their table. I put the food in front of them and headed back to the counter. I settled in the stool and wriggled my toenails in my flats. I was tired from standing from too long.
I couldn't wait for my break.
I still had about two hours, fifty minutes to it.
I watched my tables from there making sure they weren't occupied.
I headed back to table five as I saw them push the empty plates forward.
I already calculated their bill using the cash register. "I hope you enjoyed the food"they nodded and I smiled. "Can we have the bill please?"the man asked and I handed it to him.
"Are you paying in cash or your card?"I asked after he finished glancing at the bill.
"Cash"he brought out his wallet and counted a few dollar.
He gave me the money and a huge tip. "You are a good one, keep it up"the man said and I smiled at him. The wife walked out and their son just stared.
"Make sure to come back"the man nodded at that and headed for the entrance with his son.
I pocketed the tip and headed back to the counter.
I put the money into it and settled back down.
I can't wait for the day to be over even though it just started.
Screw my life!
I was excited when I finished counting down the last minute to my shift.
I wasn't able to give Ruby an earful for not teaching me all I needed to know because I didn't see her at all.
I took off my apron and put it on my personal locker in staff room.
I patted my hair and grabbed my tote bag.
I walked out after saying goodbye to everyone.
I walked towards the entrance while trying to order an Uber on my phone.
I looked up just in time to stop myself from bumping into someone.
I didn't bother hiding my surprise and the person also mirrored my expression.
"What are you doing here?"he asked as he glanced at my outfit.
He was also wearing a white shirt and black pants with black shoe.
"Working. You?"I asked even though I had an idea.
"Working. Oh!So you are the one  everyone is buzzing about on the group chat"
"There is a group chat for staffs here"I was bewildered but he laughed.
"Yes Stephanie"I was kinda surprised he still remembered my name.
He never texted me since that night.
"That is so weird Shane" I said with a poker face and he raised an eyebrow.
"Oh sorry Stanley"
"Stanley?! Do you seriously not remember my name?"he scoffed and I nodded.
"Really because your face haunted me the whole night. I can't believe you don't even remember my name"he pouted looking like a little child who candy was taken.
"I do remember you Sebastian, Seb! I wanted to mess with you head" I smirked and I saw a ghost smile playing at his lips.
"I am really offended. I just hope our shift actually aligns together sometime"
"It will be nice seeing a familiar face here"
"I will see what I can do. I have really gotta go now because my shift starts by 5:30pm. I will text you okay?"I nodded because it looked like he was asking for permission.
"Nice seeing you Stephanie"he kissed my cheek and winked before walking off.
I couldn't help the smile and was sure I was blushing a little. I was acting like a teenage girl who got kissed for the first time. I looked around making sure no one saw that especially the staffs. I don't want a rumor circulating about us.
Still super funky weird like Ruby said that they have a group chat.
Like they are in high school.
My phone buzzed and I shook my head thinking Seb texted me already.
I was kinda shocked at the name of the person that sent the text.
It's surprising he wants something from me but what could it be?!
I am outside the restaurant. We need to talk!

Who do you think it is?
Is it *cough*... A?!
Seb also works here. *wink wink*
              Press that little star

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