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"Picture perfect you don't need no filter"I sang out loud to Intentions by Justin Bieber and Quavo.
It has been so long since it was released but it is still one of my favorite.
I swayed my hips as I flipped pancakes.
Cooking with your headphone plugged in is so amazing.
"Yeah these are my only intentions" I continued before turning off the stove, that being the last one.
I grabbed the jug that contained the orange juice and set everything down on the dining table.
I hummed to the song as I headed to Olive's room to inform her.
I shook my head at her still sleeping soundly and snoring lightly.
It is only weekends that I am able to wake up before her. Today is Saturday so she likes to sleep all the ones she missed during the week. Her words not mine.
I walked to her windows and draped the curtains to the side. I opened the window letting the bright light illuminate the room. She groaned and buried her face in her pillow.
"Wake up sleepyhead"I smiled feeling good saying that to somebody.
"Leave me alone"she snapped and turned to the other side.
"It's 12pm" I said and she groaned more.
"So let me sleep more"she grumbled and I rolled my eyes.
"Then you are going to miss out on the food I prepared"I said with a smile and watched her sit up.
We are both foodies so...yeah.
"I am just going to brush and join you"I raised an eyebrow at her reply.
"I will shower later"
"You stink"she rolled her eyes and crawled out of her bed.
"Whatever. Deal with it" I huffed and walked out of her room.
I went straight to the dining and settled down. I sipped my juice and waited for her. "Why you cooked pancakes at noon is only known to you"she mumbled after sitting across me.
"I was craving it so I prepared it" I pouted and took a bite.
"Any plans today?"she asked.
"Yeah. There is this interview at that high class restaurant we went once. For waitressing"her eyes widened then she recovered. She raised an eyebrow and I shrugged with a sad smile.
"I am tired of being jobless. This will be my side job until I get a nice paying job"
"So sorry I can't help"
"You tried enough by linking me up for interviews" I squeezed her hand and continued my food.
"I know but_"
"You are a good friend"we smiled at my comment.
"I got hired"I squealed holding her shoulder.
"Congratulations"I retracted my hand and plopped down on the couch.
The interview really went well. The interviewer was really nice and I was able to answer the questions she asked me. The pay is actually okay to pay my bills and all. I just hate the staff uniform not because it's looks slutty or anything. I haven't wore a uniform in years not even in my high school. It's kinda weird to be matching with people I don't know.
It's a white shirt with black skirt stopping just few inches above the knee with black flats or heels. Our hair must always be in a ponytail.
I am just glad my shifts are during the day like a normal job.
"You don't look too happy"she said sitting one the sofa opposite me.
"I am but this is my first time doing a job like this. My parents didn't allow me to work in my high school and same goes for college. What if I fail? It looks like an  easy job but... what if someone sass me and I insult the person back. I am one to not take shit from someone but now I am gotta learn to do that" I voiced out my fear and undid my French braids.
"I am not going to tell you that it is going to be easy because it's not. You would have to learn to take insults without reacting to them. I wouldn't want someone talking shit about you but you were the one who decided to take up this job. I know you can do it. You are Stephanie Walker, duh. I have faith in you bestie. and scumbags.."she sniffed and I wiped the lone tear. I moved to where she was sitting and pulled her into a hug.
True friends aren't easy to come by but I am lucky to have a lot of them.
High school really changed me for the better, I met real friends and got THE guy. I wish that phase of my life didn't have to come to an end.
"Thank you so much. I can't have this six years with you any other way. I am glad I helped you from the bullies in the bathroom that day"I mumbled and she tightened her hands around me.
"No thank you for rescuing me"she pulled away and I stared at her crying state.
"What?!"she snapped and I chuckled.
"You look like a mess" I said after getting away from her and on the way to my room.
"And you look like a gorilla. No offense to those animals" I laughed aloud as I walked into my room.
I put my purse in the right place and opened my wardrobe.
I took out a sport bra, T-shirt and shorts. I took a quick shower and put it on.
I sat on my bed to wear my trainers. I put my hair in a ponytail to hold it in place.
I grabbed my headphone and phone before heading out.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. I sauntered off to living room to see her sitting in the same place I left her. "I am going for a run, you coming?"I asked and she giggled.
"I can't run to save my life"
"Yeah I know. You gotta learn how to do one physical exercise"
"Yeah!! I walk round the house" I rolled my eyes at her as she smiled like she just said the most brilliant thing.
"You can do a road walk round the street not the house"she scoffed and I shook my head at her.
"See ya" I waved at her and headed for the exit. I plugged in my headphone and took a deep breath.
I started on a slow pace letting my legs and music lead me.
One direction's song was playing but I didn't know the title.
Running is my forte!
I settled on a big rock to calm my nerves. I took a mouthfuls of water and stopped the song playing.
I was about forty five minutes away from home according to Google map.
I let the water trickle down my face to wipe off the beads of sweat.
I haven't done this in a while so my body is just adapting to it. I felt tired easily and it's unlike me.
I stared at the park few meters away from me. I smiled watching kids play different games and their parents watching them at the corner.
Growth is inevitable. I would have loved to stay young forever, under my parent's care so I don't have to fend for myself.
I don't really like this waitressing job but I have gotta take it. It's my only chance because I don't want to depend on Olive. It's really weird for me to depend on someone except my parents. It hurts my small pride and self respect.
I haven't talked to those oldies in a while and my mom is going to have my head soon. They don't want to get over the fact that I am not their little girl any longer.
I really miss them so much. They are the best and I am so grateful I haven't lost them. I don't know what I will do without them even though it has been so long since I set my eyes on them.
I picked my phone and dialed my mom's number.
"Well!!! If it isn't the girl who forgot that she had two folks somewhere"my mom snarled and I rolled my eyes at her comment.
"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me. Before you ask how I know, motherly instinct"if I could see her, I know she will be smirking right now.
"It hasn't been so long. I want to talk to my dad now" I pouted and played with a small rock.
"I knew it"my mom grumbled and I heard muffled voices.
"Speak to your daughter who seems to miss only you"I rolled my eyes again and waited for my dad to get on the line.
"Hey my little munchkin" I beamed and sighed at the same time if that was possible. I really miss this and hearing their voice is making me feel guilty about not visiting them.
I have gotta do that soon. A surprise visit would really make them happy.
"Hey dad. How is the restaurant doing?"I asked and heard rustling in the background.
"It's going well. We are thinking of expanding the restaurant in size and operation. I never dreamt of owning a restaurant but look where we are. Being fired by the Stanley's was a blessing in disguise" I hummed in response agreeing with him.
The company HE got my dad to work in before leaving fired my dad after two months. According to the boss, the Bianchi didn't fulfill their end of the deal. The man is really callous to be thinking about that after what happened to the whole family.
I spent two months trying to believe it was a dream I was going to wake up from. That family was the best. They didn't treat me like the lowlife I was but accepted me wholeheartedly. The men weren't so nice but they looked to be groomed to not do that. I really feel so bad for Sydney because she is never going to know how her parents were like. She became an_
"Stephanie!"my dad called and I snapped out of the trance.
"Sorry, what were you saying?"
"What were you thinking about?"he asked and I can feel his protective dad mode activating.
"I am fine dad. Just thinking! I got fired again but got hired today for a waitressing job" I mumbled and fiddled with my fingers. The headphone acting like my speaker since I was so tired to hold the phone to my ear.
"Why did you get fired again young woman?"my mom seethed and I giggled internally. I really thought she wasn't listening to our convo.
I explained and my mom insulted them without using an swear words. It would have been fun to say language mom just like she always does to me.
"Psychos everywhere. Are you happy with this new arrangement? With your new job?"my dad and I bit my lips to think his question through.
Am I happy?
"I feel content. I always wanted to work in the office but has gotten little to no luck so far. Getting sacks every time has made me lost little faith in myself. I am scared to screw this up. What if I get fired on my first day for dropping a plate or insulting a customer for being rude? These are my fears and insecurities. I am scared to ruin this"my voice was almost a whisper and I can't believe I voiced out all my thoughts to them so easily.
Well they are called parents for a reason. They are there to understand and put us through. To get rid of our fears and nurture us with love. Not many people get this but I am really grateful to be part of the lucky ones.
"Losing those jobs isn't your fault. It wasn't your fault your boss is cold and fired you for spilling coffee on his shirt. Not your fault your boss was unforgiving and fired you for coming to work ten minutes late. It wasn't your fault your boss is a manwhore and couldn't accept the fact that you were not interested in sleeping with him. Not your fault that your boss couldn't accept it was his fault that you didn't win a business deal. And lastly it wasn't your fault your boss is a psycho who needs urgent help. In life, you fail but you don't let that failure overpower you. You fight to overcome it to succeed. You can't let your past ruin your future. You should stay optimistic. You haven't even started this and you already have that fear that you are going to fail. It's your determination and mindset that can take you far in life. Have faith in yourself and watch how everything will play out"my dad lectured and I nodded in understanding. "Thank you so much dad. Your words are really helpful. I am me and I am not determined to fail" I said with a big smile.
"That is the spirit sweetheart. I am proud of you"
"Thanks mom"
"When are you coming home missy?" I groaned lowly hoping I was going to avoid that one.
"Soon" I don't know when I am going to go surprise them but SOON.
"Sounds promising. This is why I wished you could have been a little girl forever"my mom sniffed and I sighed.
"I am so sorry mom. I promise I will visit you soon but I am making it a surprise"
"Yes mom"
"I am holding you to that. I have got to go to the kitchen to check up on things. I hope you are eating well and not doing that diet thing. You are already skinny so I hope you are not starving yourself" I shook my head at my mom's comment.
I am not that skinny, I have got curves in the right places.
"I am not dieting. I love food so I can't starve myself"I pouted and she muttered a 'okay'.
"Take care of yourself hun. You shouldn't stop believing in yourself. Know that everything happens for a cause" my dad added and I hummed.
"Talk to you soon dad. I love you both so much but I love you more" I whispered the last part and heard a scoff at the other end.
"I heard that. Can't wait to see you so I could...keeping that to myself"my mom said making me smile.
"Bye little munchkin!"
"Bye dad" I hanged up and sighed.
I got up and went to my playlist. Pressing a random one and stretched my legs.
Time to jog back home!!
"Welcome"Olive smiled sweetly at me making me look around looking for anything strange.
I moved from the door and walked towards her sitting on the couch.
"I have a little surprise for you in your room"she kept the smile on and I looked skeptic about the surprise.
"Should I be worried? Did you thrash my room?"
"What?! No, you would like the surprise"she grinned and I took a step backward. I hurried to my room and contemplated on opening the door.
Only God knows what is waiting for me in there. She can't kill me right?!
I placed my hand on the doorknob and twist it slowly.
I walked in and looked for anything strange. Nothing was except the small boutique bag on my bed.
I walked to it and picked it up. I looked inside and saw a bold red dress such looked pretty.
"What are we doing?"I asked spotting her standing by my door.
"Clubbing"she squealed and I cheered.
"You and me?"
"With Ian and his friend" I frowned hoping it wasn't the same friend.
"Not Mark but he has a girlfriend now"
"Wasn't he hungover on me few weeks ago?" I pouted not wanting to believe he got over me so fast.
"He moved on. You didn't like him so why are you sad he moved on?"
"Am I that easy to get over?" I whispered thinking about how he never contacted me again.
"Of course not. I have a feeling he knew you didn't feel the same way long before you told him. It's easy to move on that way"I nodded and settled on my bed.
Is she right or I am really that easy to get over? I pulled my hair and sighed loud.
It better not be true because...
Fuck no!

              Press that little star

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