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In an open area on the outskirts of beach town, there was a family on a picnic of sorts, but it wasn't for the fact that this took place more than 4,000 years ago, one of the members of it was a boy of about ten years old who was running through the field being chased by his mother and father, the three of them were laughing while the field player suddenly heard a very loud rumble around From where they were while the mother and he stayed there, the father was to investigate what had happened soon they saw 2 figures two very tall figures the only thing the boy could see was the smile of one of them as they grabbed his father with their hand the boy wanted to help him but his mother stopped him the only thing he managed to hear from his father was the word run the The child was worried, but the mother did not waste any time and tried to run without warning one of the figures manages to catch her by dropping the child the two figures began to attack the mother to help her jump towards them but the taller figure took something out of his body and threw it into the distance the child fell unconscious and when he woke up the two figures had disappeared But the child sees his But before he could help them, they died, leaving him an orphan, the only thing he can't make cry.

Tim skip 4 years later

We see a 14-year-old boy running to get away from a food stall while carrying food, you can see at the stall a man shouting coven demanding road, boy boy manages to escape deep into the forest, a makeshift house is hidden, you can see the photo of a family composed of 2 potatoes and 1 child of about 10 years old, then when the boy managed to hear a very loud bang near his house And when he comes out he finds what seems to be a fragment of a meteorite, when he gets closer he sees that it is a stone very similar to a white crystal, he approaches to try to grab it, but just at that moment the stone shines and is embedded in his left arm above his wrist, the boy then convulses and begins to scream from fear.

Back in reality.

Just at that moment he wakes up after his nightmare and realizes that he is in his room that is next to Steven Universe's room, a boy that he met during his time living with the Crystal Gems rather than that he saw born So to speak, since so to speak, I am living with the Crystal Gems for over 4000 years, he joined the war between the Crystal Gems against gems of the mother planet and since then he lives with them in Beach City, that moment our protagonist gets up and goes to the bathroom to wash his face

Alex: You can't be the same nightmare again how many years have passed since then and I still have this nightmare I thought after the war I could have a peaceful night's sleep. I see my reflection in the bathroom mirror and nothing has changed since I turned 18. I remember when the Crystal Gems surprised me with that surprise party, although it was a bit weird because in theory they were all women and I was very popular with some of them, even so, it was one of the best moments I've ever experienced.

??: Alexs are you okay?

Alexs: ha.. yes steven I'm fine I'm sorry if I woke you up. Steven: Was that dream again? Alexs: Don't worry about me, well you should get ready, I remember you said you would go on your first mission today as a crystal gem, it's not like that. Steven: That's why I wanted to use the bathroom to wait for the mailman to arrive. I open the door and say.
Alexs: It's all yours little friend and I'm ruffling his hair. And while he's doing his thing I'm going to do a little exercise to distract myself and then I'm going to the big donut to get some donuts for me and Steven because even though I don't have the need to eat since the incident I still like to do it mostly for Steven. When I enter the store I am greeted by Sadie, an employee and great friend, she is very friendly since many times she gives me doughnuts

Sadie: Either Alexs is it you I know you're coming for your daily supply of donuts and from your face I can see that you had the same dream or through it isn't it?

Alexs: yes but don't worry I'm better but tell me how everything goes coon.. Larss. I say with a mocking smile as she blushes at my comment.

Sadie: Well, in fact yesterday we talked longer than expected, he smiled at me more than usual.

Alexs: So you haven't said anything seriously to him? Straight Face

Sadie: I was going to do it, it's just that at that moment Steven came in and I got distracted talking to him about the cat biscuits.

Alexs: Or right, the cat cookies were very difficult for him to say goodbye but Sadie since I have known you have been in love with Lars and until now I didn't say anything to them.

Sadie: It's just.
Ding dong hears the doorbell ringing and Lars enters

Lars: Hi sadie, good morning, and hello also Alexs. Say hello when you realize I'm here

Alexs: Hi lars well I'm going see you later and good luck Sadie.

Time skipe casa

Alexs: Hey steven I'm home or where will he be, the gems are about to arrive and he still doesn't show up. *Sound of Toilet Chain going down*Steven sorry Alexs was in the bathroomAlexs: Don't worry Steven now let's wait for the gems so you can start your first mission....

____&&&___Fueraaaa________Antes that nothing an apology for the spelling, I thought that Google's voice dictation would write better than it did and it didn't, but I hope you liked it, I will try to correct it and I will upload the chapter again, plus the second one, where we will start the adventure of our protagonist, although I have to clarify that I am not going to write all the chapters, but only some will be the most important ones For the plot they will be a priority but if you want any specific tell me in the comments and the most requested ones will be added or if I like those by the way as you saw with Sadie I will modify the appearance of some of the characters but only some and although it takes me a long time to update I will continue writing the story since I have a lot of work and I also want to continue the other story so please have patience yyy chau

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