Steven gets serious

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Steven gets serious

Alexs pov

We found ourselves traveling through the portal to a new mission and steven as always doing steven stuff for some reason he thought it would be a good idea to bring a guitar with him.

Garnet: Pay attention Steven, this is your first mission, seriously, you must be ready. Lecture Steven to get serious

Steven Yes, I'm ready. He says while he has a certain expression, but his actions don't show it.

Pearl: Steven, please, you're going to get dizzy.He says as he holds Steven that he was upside down. Ahh why did you bring that.

Steven: I wasn't excited and it's mine and I like it," he says as his guitar floats and he tries to reach it but the portal comes to an end and he falls to the ground. The girls run worriedly towards him while I stand on the platform watching the nostalgic landscape.

Me: What memories I can still see all the gems running around training and having fun around the place before.... I say as my expression of nostalgia turns to one of anger and sadness

STVEN: What's wrong with Alexs girls. He asks worriedly as he looks in my direction.


Amethyst: Yes, what's wrong with you? Ask also looking in the same direction

Pearl: oh it's normal Steven in this place several of our battles were fought and he was in all of them he must have many memories of this place. he says with a look of guilt as he sees Steven

Garnet walks up to Alex and grabs his shoulder, causing him to react. "Oh, what happened?" asks Alexs, looking at Garnet. "Everything is fine, remember that we have a mission to accomplish," she tells him with her usual expression, but for Alexs, who has known her for a long time, he can distinguish that she is worried about him, to which he smiles and says: "if I'm okay, thank you, Garnet." and addresses others

Alexs: Let's keep going, this mission isn't going to end on its own. And with that they all continue on their mission

Pearl: It's unbelievable, this was once a battlefield and now there are wild blackberries everywhere. Ooh is what I love about the land, maybe it's a simple mission after all. He clashes with Garnet. oh?.

Garnet: Maybe not. He summons a gem and places it at the entrance of the structure.

Steven: Heavens, haha, damn, Steven is the best...

Temple: steven... It's the best...

Steven Well, thank you very much temple

Amethyst: You're a fool.

pov Alexs

This structure has images with all the events of the war but I had never seen it before and... there's Rose and... I don't feel well and I want to leave this place

Steven: Hey, this? It looks like a floating triangle.

He turned to Steven and panicked

Me: Steven don't touch... Steven plays the triangle in the sentro. That ou

Pearl: Steven, what did we tell you about playing magical things?..

Steven definitely don't.

TV: Uaouuuha.

Does the ceiling suck us down and we fall up?

Me: Can you get off my amethyst?

The torches around the place and I see a lot of passages this place for some reason makes me feel dizzy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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