Hamburger Backpack?

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Hamburger Backpack

Normal as any other, at least for the Crystal Gems, we see esteven running home with a package in his hand.

Steven: I've got to show the guys quick. Enter each one to see the gems and alexs coming out of the portal. Uuu?

Garnet: Hi Esteven.

Pearl: amethyst we don't need this it's not going to end up in the fridge.

Amethyst: what? I'll take care of it," he says as he tries to put a giant egg in the fridge.

Amethyst: wow, imagine what we can do with this: a giant omelette or an omelet, or..

Alexs: Scrambled eggs or an egg ball," I say as I walk in the door and see what they're doing.

Pearl: We fought a giant bird by the way, we have to go back and Alexs we need you.

Alexs: Okay, I say as I walk towards the portal.

Steven what? But why.he says complaining sadly.

Pearl: We need to place this statue on top of the moon tower or Steven you should have seen it in its heyday it was an oasis for the gems of the earth but. Now it's abandoned, but we can still save it with this one. She says with a lot of joy, or so I think, the truth is that I have never been able to get along with her, or at least not completely, after all her past and mine make friction.

Steven what? That's perfect, he says excitedly.

Pearl: that... Reason? Question confused by steven's answer. Steven: Why can I help you with... He says as he shows us what appears to be a giant burger.

Pearl: a hamburger? Confused question

Steven: It's a backpack shaped like a hamburger, I'm only going to show it to you one day and you'd say wow Steven you look amazing but obviously this is about important gem business.

Pearl: Exactly, and you should let us take care of this.

Steven what??????? "I'm a gem," she says as she shows us her stomach with a gem in her shoulder.

Pearl:..... But you still have a lot to learn and.. Amethyst interrupts her. Amethyst: Let it come will be educational.

Alexs: She's right, if you don't let him come with us, he'll never be able to learn what it's like to be a gem or how to use his powers. Besides, at his age I was already training for the war against the evil gems

Pearl: um. Okay, you can carry it in your burger. He hands her the statue. Steven: Great, look, that's all a pocket, even the cheese is a pocket, wait, I'll pack supplies for the road. He says cheerfully as he runs to his bed to pack.

Short Time skip

Pearl: Come on Steven

Steven right away

Pearl you brought the whole room

Amethyst friend leave those things

Garnet, let's go now

Time skip templo de la diosa monthly

Alexs: Here we are Steven

Steven: wow la torre marina

Alexs: and the ouuu gems

Alexs: What happened to him

Pearl: I don't know, it didn't look like this 100 years ago.

Garnet: I'm feeling some structural instability.

Steven: If that's never good, it's about to fall until

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