Chapter 7: Eye

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Next thing Leshy knew once he met with The Lamb was being shoved into Darkwood on his ass with the last person he wanted, Narinder.

Guess this was what The Lamb talked about the first day he got there, looking for his eye, he sighs only to be hit in the face with a leaf, "Ow! Shit!" He pulled it off of his face and grunted.

He sniffed around and caught up with Narinder who just kept walking, "Sooo... What's up with you and The Lamb?"

Narinder freezes, "What?"

"You and The Lamb... the way they talk to you...." Leshy restates, "All the, 'Hey Nari~'s. I can hear them, you know..."

Narinder sighs, "They like to taunt me ever since they beat me... damned lamb..."

"So that is why you're small now.... same thing happened to you as it did us." Leshy chuckled, "Serves you right."

"Shut it Leshy! Before I claw whatever is left of your eyes out again!" Narinder threatened.

"Already blind, can't do much more in that area...." Leshy sighs.

Narinder's hand tightened, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "Just because you're blind doesn't mean you're immune to pain, Leshy," he muttered.

Leshy laughed, that's when he smelled something and stopped suddenly, it wasn't right. "What are you doing?" Narinder asks.

"I smell something... I feel... us being watched.... and air tastes... stiff..." Leshy sniffs around.

"What is your point? Is your eye near?" Narinder asks.

"No... it's not my eye.... it's..." Leshy suddenly grabs a stick and jams it into the darkness of the trees. They both hear a yelp and a bunch of heretics jump out, weapons drawn.

"Shit! Leshy, run!" Narinder yells. Leshy immediately drops the stick and they both run as fast as they can.

"Think I can calm them!? I'm their god, right?" Leshy asks, yelling.

"Wrong. You used to be their god! They don't recognize you anymore!" Narinder yells back as he proceeds to lose the path with Leshy just to get the heretics away.

Leshy felt his legs tire, but he pushed on, only for him to trip on a rock and he let out a yelp.

"Leshy!" Narinder called out.

Leshy knew this was the end, Narinder wouldn't save him, but he didn't want to die hearing and thinking of the end, he wanted to die thinking of something pleasant, something like... Milo.


Milo and Leshy were sitting on a hill, Milo was looking up at the night sky, his hands at their side.

Leshy looks at one of them and slowly reaches for it before stopping himself.

Milo smiles as he looks at him, "Hey Lesh?"

Leshy lifts his head and looks at Milo, "Yeah?"

"If you could have one thing.. what would it be? I think it would be cool to have invisibility, or maybe world peace.. or-" Milo's voice slowly drowned out as Leshy thought about his question. Milo, that's all he could think of.

"I would like my eyes back..." Leshy says, catching Milo by surprise, "You know how hard it is to exist without ever having seen you?"

Milo was a little quiet, "I.. never thought of that..." Milo then rests his head on Leshy's shoulder, "There...isn't really much to see on me. I'm quiet broing..but if you want you can.... feel it.."

Leshy raises an eyebrow, "Feel it?"

"Yeah... feel my face..." Milo faces straight towards Leshy.

Leshy understood what he meant as he slowly reached for his face. He touched it lightly and felt around, his face was soft and fluffy, as Leshy felt every hole and divot he tried to imagine what Milo looked like. He had soft features, big eyes, and... soft lips. Leshy felt himself lean in a bit but stopped himself.



"Leshy... I-"


Leshy snapped back to reality, he was being pulled off the ground by Narinder, and being dragged along. As they ran, Leshy tried to keep up and not trip again. That's when Leshy felt himself being thrown inside something and Narinder shutting the door, holding it closed as the heretics banged on it, trying to fight their way through.

After a while though, they lost interest and thankfully, left.

Leshy couldn't believe it, Narinder had saved him!? "Narinder... you saved me.... You could have left me... but you didn't... you saved me.... brother...." Leshy was in a state of shock.

Narinder took a step towards Leshy before falling to the ground. Leshy jumped as he heard the thud, he felt around and grabbed Narinder's body, "Narinder!" Leshy shook him, "Narinder! Wake up!"

Narinder was on the floor for a full 30 minutes before he woke.

Narinder grabs Leshy tightly, shaking, "Leshy...." Narinder had tears in his eyes, "... I'm sorry... please.. forgive me..."

Leshy is silent, did he forgive him? He thought about it, Narinder was his big brother and by the tone in his voice he seemed.. genuine. Plus... he did miss him. He nodded, "Of course I'll forgive you, Narinder. You're my big brother..."

"Thank you..." Narinder slowly gets up and outstretches his hand, helping Leshy up too.

"Thanks... where are we?" Leshy asks.

"It's your temple...."

"Really?" Leshy felt around, "It's very.... broken..."

"Well, it's probably been a while..." Narinder replies, "Leshy, look... oh right..."

Leshy crosses his arms, "Look... really?"

"Sorry. But there's something on the floor..." Narinder got closer and immediately backs up, "It's your eye..."

Leshy went over and picked it up. It was squishy in his hand.

"Ew man, put it down or I'm a jar, don't-" suddenly the eye jumped out of Leshy's hand and smashed him in the face, Leshy's screams rang out, "Leshy!" Leshy felt as the eye squished itself back into one of his eye sockets. The pain was horrible.

But it was over as fast as it started, Leshy sat up and held his face, "What the fuck!? What the actual fuck!?" he felt his eye open and... he could see?

Narinder's eyes were wide in disbelief, "Leshy, are you alright?" Narinder asked.

"I.. I think so... I-I can see.... I can see!" Leshy jumped and looked around, "I can fucking see!"

Leshy celebrates and jumps on Narinder in celebration, "I can see, brother!! I can see!"

Narinder smiles and laughs, "You can see!!"




"Chaos's Beloved," Leshy x The Yellow CatWhere stories live. Discover now