Chapter 3: Dream

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Leshy did end up sleeping on the ground, which he didn't mind. As he lay there, he tried to imagine the many stars as they twinkled in the sky to the best of his memory; it had been so long since he had seen them. The ones that didn't like sleeping on the ground were his siblings, excluding Shamura; their minds were too scrambled to care.

Leshy felt around before feeling and lifting a rolly polly off the ground and playing with it by slowly moving it between his fingers, carefully as to not hurt it.

Though soon enough he realized the position he was in, even for him, wasn't the best. So he moved himself onto his back, putting the little rolly polly down again.

Leshy let out a sigh; the air was refreshing tonight, and if it wasn't for the distant smell of the kitchen, he could have probably fallen asleep, but due to his heightened smell, even a little whiff of something bad can ruin him.

Leshy shifted to his side and tried burying his nose into his hands. This made the smell a little better; he felt himself slowly start to doze off, but that's when he started thinking. Milo, until today he never realized just how much he missed that cat. Why had he stopped seeing him? Oh, right, the prophecy. He had gotten too busy, too scared; he had a cult to run and a prophecy to try and prevent; he couldn't waste time seeing a yellow cat that didn't even know he was a god.

Though, Leshy did really miss him. Leshy let out a sigh, but now, they were back; maybe this wouldn't be so bad, and before he knew it, he was asleep.


"Leshy, why don't you want to go to my village?" Milo asks, "There are lots more berries there!"

"Don't question me, mortal! I... I have my reasons! It's complicated.." Leshy snapped, causing Milo to frown.

"Oh come on... you're one of my friends now... I want to introduce you to others. You can't just be by yourself your whole life..." Milo says as he snuggles up closer to Leshy, getting comfy in his mossy fur.

"I... have reasons... I do... trust me..." Leshy says as he snuggles back.

"But one day you will, right? One day?" Milo asks, hopeful.

Leshy looks down as he thinks, "Maybe... one day... I'll think about it."

Milo smiles as he snuggles more into Leshy, "Thank you, Lesh... thank you."


Leshy woke up the next morning and stretched; he went to get up only to realize something was on his lap.

He felt around and realized that the thing on him was... furry.... he felt more and realized it was a person. Leshy freaked out and immediately pushed them off.

This seemed to wake the person, who was sleeping, up.

"Who the hell are you!?" he yelled.

"H-Huh? Oh! Oh! Leshy it's me!" They yelled.

"Milo?" Leshy asked, "What are you doing sleeping on my lap?"

"Sorry, it's just my roommate invited a...'friend' over and... I couldn't sleep. So I came outside and saw you.... guess I got comfy and fell asleep.."

Leshy sighed, "Well, you scared the shit out of me, man... it's fine..."

Milo smiled, "Thanks..."

Leshy nodded as he got up, only to hear footsteps running towards them, "Leshy! We got your house ready!!"

Leshy didn't recognize the voice, but Milo seemed to, "Dorian! Good morning!"

"Good morning Milo! Good morning Leshy, you're the newbie, right?" Dorian asks.

Leshy muttered, and Milo wrapped his arms around him, "Yep! Got here yesterday!"

Dorian nods, "Great! Your house is ready; follow me!"

Leshy grumbled but followed along with Milo who had a huge smile on his face, a huge dumb smile, Leshy could sense it.

Nonetheless, as the smell of construction filled his nose, he wondered about his new house and thought about the bed. 'Cause as much as he liked sleeping outside, he would like to have a normal place and bed every once in a while...

"Chaos's Beloved," Leshy x The Yellow CatWhere stories live. Discover now