Chapter 11: Secret

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"You have the map?" Milo asks as he looks around.

"Yeah, but um... I don't see this place on it," Leshy says, turning the map around, "Oh, no, wait... I think we're there." Leshy points to a spot on the map before bumping into something and face-planting.

"Leshy!" Milo rushes to his side, "Are you okay!?"

Leshy pulls himself up, "Even with one eye, I still bump into things." He shakes his head and looks up, only to see a statue of himself. "Oh, shit..." The statue was very broken, almost hard to tell it was once him, but he knows it was; after all, they were in Darkwood, who else would it be?

Leshy gets up and puts on his best acting face, "So, this is the god of chaos, huh?"

Milo nods, "God of chaos?"

"Yeah... that's what they were the god of... now if only I remembered the name..." Leshy pretends to try and remember.

Milo frowns, "Seems no one's been taking care of the thing... all broken..."

"Yeah... should we pray to it?" Leshy asks.


"You did that the last time..."

"T-That was a one-time thing! I don't want to betray the leader again! I-I'm loyal!" Milo yells.

"Ehhh... you already did it once," Leshy says.

"S-Shut it!" Milo takes in a deep breath, "Let's just... set up camp for the night. It's getting dark..."

Leshy shrugs, but inside, he was frustrated. "Alright."

Milo takes out the small tent from the bag they brought and starts setting it up. Leshy helps.

"It might not be big enough for both... we might have to squish in," Milo says.

"That's fine," Leshy replies.

Once they finish setting it up, they both enter and Milo gets comfy in their sleeping bag. "Alright... good night, Lesh..." they turn over. Leshy is silent before curling up, just on top of his bag. Milo looks over and laughs, "You're more cat than I am."

Leshy smiles, "It's more comfy like this."

Milo chuckles and completely turns around towards Leshy, and closes his eyes, "Night, Lesh..."


Leshy sighed and soon falls asleep.

Leshy woke up to the sound of crying.

Leshy sat up and looked to his side, "Milo. You good?"

No response; Milo was shaking and crying in his sleeping bag.

Leshy wrapped his arms around him and shook him lightly. Milo woke up, "H-Huh? O-Oh..." he sniffed and wiped his eyes, "Shit, did I wake you?"


"Sorry, I'm sorry..."

Leshy pulls him into a hug, "Stop apologizing."

"Sorry..." Milo covers his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Sorry... it's a nightmare... I promise this doesn't happen often... but if you'd rather I leave the tent-"

Milo was cut off, "Shh, breathe..."

Milo turns and holds Leshy tight, "Sometimes... I think I'm still tied up, about to be sacrificed by cultists... and just imagining all of this."

Leshy holds him a bit tighter, "You're here... I swear..."

"....Thank you, Leshy..."

Leshy sighs and slowly lays down, Milo still in his arms. As they lay there, Milo's breathing gradually steadied, and the tension in his body began to ease.

Milo's hand slowly moves to Leshy's face, "Leshy...."


"Did I ever tell you I was found?" Milo asks.

"No... but I guess it wasn't fun..." Leshy replies.

"I was shaken awake by my father... our town was... being taken over by cultists and... I managed to run away..."

Leshy frowns, "What did... they look like?"

"I don't remember... why?"

"Just... asking... sorry..." Leshy felt himself become nervous. Milo's town was in Darkwood; there was a good chance those cultists were his.

"They soon found me though and... nearly sacrificed me... before I was saved by The Lamb." Milo says. Leshy held Milo tighter. "They were saying stuff but I think... I think they were trying to sacrifice me to the god I prayed to..." Milo said, burying his face in his hands, "I prayed to that damned god."

Leshy felt his heart sink. Yeah, Milo was definitely talking about him. Leshy should tell him... right? That's what the right thing to do is, right?

But before he could say anything, he felt Milo's hand tighten on his face and pull him in.

Leshy's eyes widen as their mouths press together. Leshy's arms wrap around Milo's back as the kiss deepens. Leshy felt that strong godly feeling appear in his chest. When they pull away, Leshy stares at Milo, shocked. "Milo..."

Milo covers his mouth, "Oh god, I'm so sorry... I... I don't know what came over me."

Leshy shook his head, "N-No... it's ok... I... I liked it... but... Milo... there's something you should know..."

Milo hugs Leshy tightly, "Don't let it be bad... I just..." he sniffed.

"It is..." Leshy says.

Milo looks up at him, "Leshy... I love you.."

Leshy feels himself choke, that god feeling getting stronger, "I... I do too... you mean it?"

Milo nods, "I do..."

Leshy looks away, "I... oh god... how do I tell you this.."

Milo cups Leshy's face again, "What is it?"

"I'm... I'm the god of chaos.." Leshy says quietly.


"I'm the god that you nearly got sacrificed to! I'm so sorry! I-I was dead at that time and... and..." Leshy was shaking, "I'm so sorry..."

"That was you..?" Milo asks.

Leshy nods, and at that, Milo got up and grabbed his stuff. "Where are you going?"

"Home! I... that was you.. this whole time!" Milo grabs his stuff and the map, "I'm going home, I don't care about the mission!" Leshy got up and picked up his own stuff, packing the tent away.

"You're just... leaving?" Leshy couldn't say he blamed him; who would want to be with the thing they nearly died to?

Leshy stood still as he watched Milo walk off, getting further and further away.

Leshy felt the godly feeling disappear.

"Chaos's Beloved," Leshy x The Yellow CatWhere stories live. Discover now