chapter 03

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The next day there was a huge crowd in front of Hyunjin's apartment.
"Stop calling me that-please" hyunjin said as he cutted off minho."why are you- people might get the wrong idea-"
"First of all i DO NOT care what other people think be who you are why care about others" minho said as he flipped back his hairs."okay so why is this crowd here?"
"I don't know this is your place your town you should know better" hyunjin said  as he walked towards the crowd.
"Excuse me move aside"
"You better not look-" said one of the bystanders.
"Why what worse could it be?" Hyunjin said as he looked at his car, which had dung of many animals on it."yeah this is the worst" hyunjin said being dramatic.
"Yeah you've made my baby sad now go back to your place I'll take care of the car"minho said as he placed his hands on Hyunjin's shoulders.
"Let's go-"
"Stop calling me baby" hyunjin said.
"Okay but we'll be late  for the college sweetheart" minho said as he walked into the house.
"Just for  three months I'll bear it" hyunjin mumbled as he went into the house.
The day was same hyunjin couldn't understand most of the things especially their accent and the words the used it was like they haven't moved on from last three decades.
The period bell rang and the  professors went to the office then back to the classes.
Hyunjin stared at the schedule he didn't had any lecture with felix's class today.
"Yeah I'll just go and steal him from the class,..." hyunjin talked to himself and went to the class.
"Okay class i need you to-"
"I'm sorry mr lee-" hyunjin interrupted minho and went into the class."I need to steal one of your students" hyunjin said as he looked around.
"Yes babe who do you want to steal?" Minho said.
"Don't you dare to call me that  again-" hyunjin said in a stern voice.
"Okay okay so who's the student?" Minho laughed.
"Felix-" hyunjin said. Felix rolled his eyes as the rest of the class especially girls stared at him as if he was going on a date with hyunjin.
"Let's go let's prepare the painting" hyunjin said as grabbed felix's bag.
"No thanks I'll pick it up myself" felix grabbed his bag from Hyunjin's hand and walked out of the class. Hyunjin followed him out.
"Okay so class concentrate-"
"Jisung did you know about it?" The girls in the class crowded jisung causing minho to yell in the class."FOR FUCK'S SAKE GO BACK TO YOUR SEATS IF NOT YOU KNOW THE EXIT TO THIS CLASS ROOM!!" Minho slammed the book to shut." And that's it. I'm done with today's class you're going to pass this semester on you're own" minho walked towards the door to walk out of the class.
"Yah move away!" Jisung said and followed minho ."professor lee! Professors lee!" When minho didn't stop.
Jisung got mad said in a loud voice."Yah lee min ho I told you to stop so why won't you?!"
Minho halted and turned around.
"Yah?" Minho said as he tried hide his smile.
"Lee min ho?" Minho walked towards the boy who stepped back with each step minho took toward him." You're really dumb,..."
"Okay I'm sorry." Jisung said.
"About what? Asked minho.
"I'm sorry mr lee i was being disrespectful." Jisung said and minho chuckled."Why do you think I am angry ?" Minho walked closer.
"I'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled in the class I'm stressed out, anyway why did you follow me out here?"
"I didn't attend the last class so i need that lecture again, so will you-"
"No it wasn' t me who left the class saying I'll call you later " minho said as he moved a bit closer.
"But It was really urgent if not I wouldn't  have dared to skip your class" jisung explained.
"What was the emergency? " minho asked.
"Why were you mad in the class?"
Jisung questioned back.
"You- you're only dumb when it comes to studies" minho said still standing close to jisung.
"Mr lee!" A girl called out as she walked toward them. Jisung pushed minho away.
"Yeah what is it, jisoo?" Asked minho.

"Yes where are we going?" Felix asked." And why were you in the class?"
"Do you suffer from memory loss?" Hyunjin asked.
"No" felix said hyunjin pressed brakes as they reached their Destination.

"Then did you not pay attention to what i said the other day?" Hyunjin bent over surprising the boy. Who moved away."you need to be my model for the project I'm submitting for the competition" hyunjin said as he looked closely at felix's facial features. Once again hyunjin was astonished by the beauty of the boy next to him.
Felix looked into Hyunjin's eyes and same did the raven haired guy. Hyunjin unknowingly moved his face closer to the younger.
"Um mr hwang- i think we need to park the car if not-" felix said as he moved a bit away from the fine man.
"Yeah I'm sorry- " hyunjin opened the car's door for felix to get out and moved away "you can wait outside I'll take the stuff" he got out of the car and opened the back door of the car to get the stuff out.
 Then the two of them walked toward the place  awkwardly. "Do you want something to drink? It's hot here" hyunjin said as he took out his vaccumed bottle and handed it to felix. "Here help yourself,..."
Hyunjin walked toward the garden to set the colours and the easel after felix finished his drink the professor told him to concentrate and   hyunjin began to paint the boy.
"Can you  please be quick i feel like my whole body is numb?" Asked felix as he started to move.
"Felix stop moving- okay let's just call this a day we can continue it tomorrow" hyunjin said as covered the easel and felix stared at him.
"You can look at it when I'm done with the painting it's already started to get dark"Hyunjin said as he put all of his stuff into a bag. And then they walked back towards the car.
"Do you always choose a model for the painting?" Felix asked as the elder focused on the driving.
"Actually no, this was first time asking someone to be my model" hyunjin said as he pressed brakes out of blue.
"What the-" hyunjin covered Felix's mouth as he pulled out the keys of the car turning it off without wasting a second.
"Shhhhhh- look at the north side of the car" hyunjin whispered. Felix looked at the north side and saw there was someone standing with guns in his hands. Felix stared at his wrist watch and then removed Hyunjin's big hand off his face.
"Yeah what about it- i have to get home early my parents are returning " felix said as hyunjin gave him a weird look."seriously- I'm sorry but i don't want to lose my life just now so,.."
"Fine whatever!" Felix said as he took out his phone he had tons of messages from jisung and other classmates.
Hyunjin only stared at the boy who read all of the messages." Can  you stop staring?"
Felix asked without looking up from the phone.
"Yeah I'll try but you're too beautiful to be ignored" hyunjin said and the both of them remembered the thing happened in the car earlier."i mean like an art-" hyunjin changed the topic."what do you want to become-"
"That's so lame try to think of some other question" felix said as he turned off his phone.
"Are you dating someone?" Hyunjin asked as the two of them made and an eye contact once again.there was some kinda tension in the two of them in the drop dead silence.
Felix's phone rang as he changed the topic.
"Yes i want to become a fashion designer"
Hyunjin looked out of the car while brushing his fingers into his hairs.
"Was that yes for the second question?"
Felix stared at hyunjin unsure whether he should explain himself or not.
"No-" before felix could say something Hyunjin's phone rang.
"Yah are you sure you don't want to attend yeonjun's wedding?" The voice on the phone said.
"Shut up changbin it's next week, why did you call me?" Hyunjin said as he stared at felix who was texting someone probably his parents that he would be late for the dinner tonight.
"......" the voice on the phone said something but hyunjin was too interested in admiring felix's beauty.
"YAh, hyunjin did you just hear what i said?"
"Uh yeah I'm listening, good for you you finally found the right person for you" hyunjin said still not breaking an eye contact with felix.
"Seriously i said i haven't been able to find someone even for a night stand and you're saying that i found the right person?" Changbin questioned.

"Yeah sorry i wasn't listening" hyunjin opened the car's drawer. That had a sticky note with written a cell number with a note saying 'call me'
"Okay so i think i should just go over there to see you" changbin said. Hyunjin covered phone's screen." Hurry up"
"What why?" Felix asked.
"Just do it for now" hyunjin said.
And felix dialled the number called hyunjin.
Hyunjin's phone rang  as he stared at felix.
"Okay i gotta go I'm receiving another phone call-" hyunjin hung up the phone call.
Felix looked away." It was my phone. Anyway I'll just go from here my friend is coming" felix said as he undid the seatbelt. Hyunjin grabbed felix's hand.
"What is there something you want ?" Felix asked.
"Actually are you free like the day after tomorrow?" Hyunjin asked amd felix gave him that look.
Felix looked out of the car ignoring the elder's question."are you free or not?" Hyunjin repeated the question.
"How old are you? " felix questioned back.
"Wai- are you trying to change the topic?" Hyunjin laughed. "No I'm not i literally don't have any idea other than you being an art professor" felix said in his deep voice.
"Okay I'm 26 years old, and an intern here and yes I'm absolutely single" hyunjin said.
 felix laughed."AnD yEs iAm siNGle" mocking the guy at the driver's seat." I mean like i didn't ask-"
"I asked you so i was just trying to be polite" hyunjin brusted into laughter the both of them laughed until there was some intense tension in the car with awkward silence.
"Uh well i think we should get going" hyunjin started the engine and then the both of them stayed silent until they were out of felix's house.

"Auntie where is felix?" A black haired guy standing in the front of the gate talked to a middle aged lady.
Probably felix's mom. Hyunjin guessed as he got out of the car in hurry and opened the door for the boy."please-"
"Thanks I mean like you didn't have to-" felix got out of the car. Hyunjin grabbed felix's bag as he looked at his hairs in the car's reer view.
"It's fine i can carry my own bag,.."Felix said as he reached for  his bag."but you don't have to right now,... keep walking"
"Oh lixie you're home!" Felix's mom hugged him real tight."i called jisung but he said you weren't with him so i got really worried" the black haired boy went away from the lady to talk to someone at the phone call.
"Mom I'm not a kid anymore i was doing assignment" felix said."where's dad?"
"Oh he went to get your sister from the station, have you eaten yet?" Felix's mom stared at the fine man who was holding felix's bag."and young man who are you?"
"Oh nice to meet you mrs lee I'm hyunjin, felix's arts professor" hyunjin reached out his hand to shakehand with mrs lee.
"Here's your bag felix, I'll see you in the class "
Hyunjin handed the boy his bag."have a good night " bid goodbye and walked towards the car.
"Has he eaten?" Felix's mom stared at felix.
"Why are you so stupid- professor hyunjin"
The lady walked toward the guy who just sat on the driver's seat.
"Yes mrs lee?"
"You can join us for dinner" the lady invited the guy.
"Well if you're being too polite i don't think i can decline your invitation" hyunjin said as he fastened his seatbelt." I'll park the car and then join you guys later" hyunjin said as he started the engine.

"Yah felix!" The black haired boy hugged felix who hugged him back."what have you been up to?"
"Nothing much" felix said."what about you wooyoung why were you out of the town?"
Felix said as he looked at Hyunjin's car.
"Who is he? Your boyfriend?" Wooyoung asked.
"No he my professor" felix said."let's go in the house.
"How's san?"Felix asked.
"What do you mean? He's your cousin not mine" wooyoung said and they started to walk in to the house."but he's your boyfriend" felix said.

Hyunjin walked into the house the house the dinner was served but before they could start having dinner. Hyunjin's phone rang.
'I swear to god if it's changbin I'll kill him for sure' hyunjin looked at the number it wasn't changbin but it was from his mother.
"I'm sorry felix I'll come over next time to apologise for leaving like this but right now i have to leave" hyunjin explained and left the dinning table.
Felix stared at the plate of the latter who just walked out.Felix completed his dinner and went in his room to call jisung to ask if he was okay or not.

Hyunjin walked into his house hoping that minho was asleep. He went into his room took a quick shower and then he went to the bed.

"Yah felix i need to ask something,..." hyunjin bent over surprising the Blondie next to him on the passenger seat but this time he didn't moved away but leaned in for a kiss.
Hyunjin smashed his lips onto the younger tasting the sweetness of the felix's mouth,........^_^
"Babe wake up we'll be late for the school,..."
Hyunjin fell off the bed. Minho was standing in front of him completely ready for the school.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Hyunjin rushed to the bathroom.....
'The fuck was i dreaming of?' Hyunjin thought to himself.

wish you were MINE (a hyunlix story )Where stories live. Discover now