A Persistent Eternal Void

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Amidst the chaos and desperation reigning in Venturia, Hannorian troops scatter with the relentless mission of eradicating survivors. Hans and Velázquez, amidst the heat of battle, struggle to make their way toward their destination. After clearing enemy lines, they arrive exhausted with the rest of the soldiers at a hangar where they hope to board a helicopter to take them to Mifdak in search of safety and salvation.

"That damned one is still alive?!" Hawkins shouts upon spotting Hans in the distance, his voice laden with surprise and disgust.

"Hans! It's good to see you here! Oh, Mr. Velázquez, what a relief to know you're alive," exclaims Sammuelle, joy reflecting in his face.

"Of course, Sammuelle. If it weren't for this man by my side, we'd be lost," Velázquez responds, acknowledging Hans's bravery amidst the chaos.

"Enough already, we must leave here," Hawkins orders brusquely, his tone conveying impatience and concern.

"Hawkins, Hans, Sammuelle... two o'clock," Velázquez announces, noticing enemies approaching from the right flank.

As they converse, an Imperial squadron opens fire on them, forcing them to fight for their survival. With scant equipment, they manage to repel the attack and, upon boarding the helicopter, decide to put distance between themselves and the danger, heading toward Mifdak in search of safety.

"Finally, we're leaving this cursed island... We must leave before more Eradicators show up," Hawkins remarks, gazing at the horizon.

"Eradicators? What are you talking about, Hawkins?" Hans asks, bewildered by the new threat they face.

"It was when our plane exploded. We were stranded on that island and suddenly, she... emerged from the smoke. Although the ground was littered with mines, that damned woman walked as if nothing. I don't know why she spared us, but if she appears again, we won't be so lucky. That's why we must leave now!" explains Hawkins, with anguish.

Upon hearing Hawkins's story, a thought strikes Hans: that recurring nightmare that torments him every night seems to have a connection to that woman. Without a doubt, he knows he must face his destiny and return to that place.

"I must go. You all carry on your path. I'll take another helicopter and manage to escape," declares Hans, his voice firm and determined.

"Are you crazy?! Staying here is suicide!" Velázquez exclaims, trying to reason with Hans.

"That's none of your concern! Just get out of here as fast as you can!" Hans responds vehemently, determined to follow his own path.

Hans leaves the helicopter and heads toward the island that haunts him so, while Sammuelle, desperate, decides to follow him, unable to abandon his friend to his fate. However, neither Hawkins nor Velázquez can do anything to stop them.

After several minutes, they arrive at Crab Beach, where Hans takes a boat to Solara, the island that harbors the mysterious Eradicator. As he turns his gaze, he sees Sammuelle running along the beach towards him.

"What are you doing here? I told you to flee!" Hans replies, with concern and exasperation at seeing his friend in danger.

"Isn't it obvious? I've come to help you," Sammuelle responds, his voice determined and full of resolve.

"You're a fool! You're only putting yourself in danger! What good will you do me? Just go away and don't question my orders!" exclaims Hans, trying to protect his friend.

Sammuelle boards the boat and pushes Hans, determined to follow him on his dangerous mission.

"You know I won't leave, so let's go," Sammuelle responds firmly, refusing to be intimidated by his friend's determination.

In silence, the two friends row toward Solara, and after a few minutes, find themselves in the middle of the sea, very close to the island.

"Sammuelle, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to say you wouldn't be of any use to me," apologizes Hans, recognizing his friend's bravery and sacrifice.

"She's there," Sammuelle responds, pointing towards the horizon with a pale face.

Hans turns to where Sammuelle is pointing and is perplexed to see the approaching sailboat, identical to the one he has seen in his dreams.


A deafening blast interrupts their conversation, and as he turns to his left, Hans sees his friend lying in the boat, critically wounded.

"Sammuelle, listen to me! Don't stop breathing! You'll survive. Calm down, don't stop breathing!" exclaims Hans desperately, trying to stop the bleeding and keep his friend alive.

Although Hans does everything possible to save him, the woman's accurate shot ends Sammuelle's life, leaving Hans with a broken heart.

"Hans... My father... he's alive," murmurs Sammuelle, with his last strength, before fading away in his friend's arms.

An overwhelming buzzing fills Hans's mind as he watches helplessly as the woman on the boat points a rifle at him. Agony consumes him when he realizes his throat burns like flames and the buzzing is nothing more than a desperate scream of pain.

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