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Redone by LeahBlue7788 Check out her profile :)

"LET GO OF HER!!!" Elm screamed at the dragon clutching his sister in his claws. Its scales were as pale yellow, and its eyes were a soulless black. The dragon didn't seem to have any interest in listening to the small boy, and opened its massive jaws."NOOO!!" Elm screamed again, but it was too late and he watched with tears in his eyes as his sister disappeared into the dragon's jaws.

"Holly!" Elm awoke with quite the start, and looked around in shock. Oh right, cave. He thought remembering the past events that had led him to be in a tunnel that went halfway across the continent. He looked over at where his sister was, only to find she was gone.

Elm panicked and looked around, only to find his sister sitting right outside the cave. He stalked over to her with a stalk expression, ready to lecture her.

"Holly!" He caught her attention, and she jumped at him calling her."What are you doing out here? You know how dangerous it is! You could get eaten or taken away, or bandits might come out of nowhere, or–"

"I know I know." Holly sighed, cutting him short of what he was going to say."But I really want to see one!" Elm sighed, it was no use, Holly was obsessed with dragons ever since he told her about them.

"Just... go into the cave, it's safer, and if a dragon comes then you'll be able to see it from the cave entrance." He tried to reason with her, and she thought for a moment.

"Wouldn't it have it land?" Holly asked him.

"The point isn't to see the dragon!" Elm snapped."The point is to keep you safe! Please just go back inside." He begged, and she thought before nodding. That was surprisingly easy. He thought as he watched her return. Normally she'll make me give her favors before she submits.

Fifteen minutes later...

"Holly?" Elm asked, looking up."HOLLY?!" he called again realizing she wasn't in the cave. He ran outside of the cave only to find a shadow slowly approaching them. Oh no. He thought, realizing what it was.

"Elm, hi–" Holly turned to him, with a smile before she was covered by the large black shadow. Holly looked up and Elm gasped before shoving her out of the way. The dragon landed in front of him, it had scales like sand and skulls strung around its neck. Black patterns were scattered along its scales like a snake and its obsidian black eyes made him shudder. It made a growling noise that sounded pleased before snatching Elm, who was frozen in terror.

"AH!" He screamed as its talons wrapped around him, and he snapped back into reality. He caught a glimpse of Holly through the dragon's grasp."Holly! Run! Hide!" He screamed, but the squeeze of the dragon, and the shock of it catching him was enough to knock him unconscious.

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