A rough Journey

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Elm woke up slowly and struggled to comprehend what was going on. When he came to his senses he found himself in a... Bag? With several other People. He gasped as he realized that Holly was there, and she smiled at him waking.

"Elm!" She embraced him, and loosened her grip a little at him tapping her."Sorry, is my grip too much for you?"

"Never." he laughed,"But where are we?"

"We're in a bag that's the dragon's." Holly explained."It grabbed you and me." oh great. Well I'll just cut through the bag and– he reached for his knife only to find it was gone.

"The dragon has taken almost everything from people it has captured so far," One of the humans, an elderly man with tired blue eyes, told them. Like dragons are smart enough for that. But they must have made this bag. Right? Well it doesn't matter anyways i just need to get Holly out of here and safe. Elm started to look around for a way to escape eventually.

"I am afraid you won't have any luck getting out." the old man vocalized while Elm looked for a escape . We'll see about that! Elm thought, trying to crawl out of the top, however it was just out of reach.

"What you trying to do?" Holly asked him.

"I'm trying to crawl out of the top, of course." Elm replied."Can you help?"

"Sure!" She nodded, and pushed him up with surprising strength. I didn't know she was this strong. He grabbed the top and poked his head out and looked around. The hole was too small for the rest of him so he settled with his head. The bag that they were in appeared to belong to the dragon that had caught him earlier.Elm Knew this because it had the same skulls on its neck.Well who did that nobody would, in their right minds, do that. So Maybe, MAYBE dragons can make bags but they can not make art, especially not tattoos. They... couldn't. Elm didn't want to think about what it could mean. The dragon went into a dive by tucking its wings and angling itself down. As the dragon leveled out the force made Elm fall back into the sack.

After a rocky ride and a change of lighting, Elm and the rest of the people in the sack were dropped on what he thought was the ground. Elm landed painfully and when a figure crashed into him his pain only increased.

"Sorry big bro!" Holly yelped.

"I'm okay..." Elm groaned from his place on the floor."J-just please get off of me..."

"Okay okay," Holly moved off of him and looked around."Well just great. We're stuck."

"Yeah..." Elm sighed, defeated and was promptly whacked on the head by Holly.

"Don't just give up like that!" she scolded him."We can figure something out." His sister somehow always knew how he was feeling. She did help him when he lost hope. Well... Holly was right, he couldn't give up, Elm needs to get Holly out of this and hopefully himself. I need Holly to be safe when she gets out and myself too if I can while getting Holly out too

Sorry for the short chapters. For me it is just really hard to write long parts without skips so that's why. Also thank you for reading my writing(Albeit Poor)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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