~Chapter 1~

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*It's all Fake love....fake love....fake love.....love you so bad*

A girl woke up from her sleep when the sunlight hit her face through the orchid curtains, brushing her hairs a bit she stretched her arms to feel the Morning bliss. "Good Morning Universe" she murmured in her morning sleepy raspy voice. Grabbing her phone she switched off her alarm and looked at her lockscreen seeing which her lips curled into a smile.

Her lockscreen has the reason of her smile the reason she's alive the people she love tha most the people she admire the most. Her idols, lovers, one sided boyfriends. BTS.
She smiled for few more seconds and opened her phone to go to snapchat she sent the Morning streak and stepped out of her bed. After having a glass of water she made her bed and went to the washroom. She came out wrapped in a towel. "Alexa play BTS songs" she said and it started. Jamming on her favorite songs she did her Morning routine and got changed into her school uniform. She looked at herself one last time in the mirror and left the room with her phone and bag.

Comming downstairs she spared a glare to her watch which shows the 7:30 and her school bus will be comming in 15 minutes. She reached downstairs "Good Morning Everyone!" She greeted her Mom and Dad.
"Good Morning Honey" her dad greeted back with a smile. Having her breakfast she rushed out of her house after biding bye to her parents.
Standing near the bus stop waiting for the school bus to arrive.
Till then let's introduce her......

Name: Y/N Sharma
Age: 15
Class: 9th

She is a weird girl who lives in her own world and doesn't have much friends she is focused on her studies and she is a BTS Army. She found them 2 years ago when she was 13 her life was a mess she had friends who were all fake. She was an average student, she was unknowingly in depression she use to question herself taht why is she alive. Then God sent her the 7 reasons of her smile the guys for whom she is alive. There songs, their bond, their lyrics and their story is the reason she related to them she loves them to death she can do anything and everything for those boys. Her parents think she is doing good in studies because of them but the truth is she is doing good in studies because she has a lot of future plans. She belongs to a tipical middle class indian Family where her parents don't understand her. They just want her to study higher and do whatever she wants but infront of their eyes.She doesn't have a lot of friends just a few like her who are BTS armies. Her class boycott her most of time nad the reason she that she loves BTS. According to her classmates BTS are fake, they are gays and they hate them but all their boycotting dosen't give a single percent stress cause she has nothing to do with them she just loves the boys to an unimaginable extent. And why not? They saved her from depression and her dark past. Nd oh! Did I mention she is a good writer. She writes love quotes nd love poems.

Talking about her personality she is a Tomboy, she gets into fights also sometimes physical sometimes verbal she has even beated the shit out of a BTS hater on road! She only fangirls over BTS.

Do vote and let me know in the comments how it was...it'll just be basic in first few chapters.

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