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Few Months Later

She is doing average in her studies she wants to do good but 9th is not a piece of cake nd it's more difficult then 10th but still hearing her mom's taunts, shutting Haters mouth, loving BTS a little more everyday is how her life going.

Sometimes studies get very complicated she wants to give up, run away, burn the books but then she sees BTS group pic on her study table and calms herself. She gifted the Group Picture to herself when she got 80% in 8th. Ik it's not taht much but for her who has always been 70 to 75% it matters a lot. Nd this time she promised herself if she got 85% in her 1st semester of 9th she will gift herself photocards.

Today is the last day of school as summer vacation will be starting from tommorow. She has a ton of homework, she needs to give time to herself nd her hobbies, her studies she decided to finish her syllabus in these vacations. She had a positive mind but then........................"Ohk class I have your Chemistry test papers with me, I'll announce the name nd Marks one by one"
Y/N mind blocked she totally forgot about the test she gave which was not good at all.
After a few name her name was called out "Y/N Sing 3 out of 10" she knew it, she knew it was coming, her class was looking at her weirdly but she was just thinking what will happen to her if her parents got to know that, They will surely blame nd curse BTS for this which she didn't want. It was her 1st Chemistry Test in 9th which she failed.


"What happened?" Y/N's dad asked her in a scary voice. "I..I got the Che..mistry test p..paper" she managed to utter. "And?" Her mother raised an eyebrow. "I....I got 3 out....of 10"
"Wow!!!! Congratulations dear!! U got such good marks" her father said with a fake smile with sarcasm dripping down his voice. Whereas Y/N's mother was a fire ball

"3? Only 3 out of 10?? Where are the rest  7 oh wait! Don't tell me those 7 Chinese boys took away your 7 marks. I told to study nd not to focus on them !!!!! See where get got u? U use to score 8,9, nd 10 but now only 3? Y/N's dad I told you not to waste money on her education, her school, books, coachings nd all! She won't study. She will just eat, sleep, see those chinese boys nd again repeat!!!" Y/N's mom bluttered out without even thinking what she is saying.

Tears were dying to come out from Y/N's eyes she just said "I....I'm....s...sorry" nd ran upstairs to her room.
As soon as she reached her room she locked the door nd went to the washroom. She dosen't cry in her room she cries in shower. So that her snobs can't be heard.

She turned on the shower nd sat there letting all her tears come out. 'Why? Why am I like this?! Why was I not able to get Good marks?!! My Coaching teacher will also be angry with me, will give me taunts just like Mom. WHY TF AM I NOT GOOD AT STUDIES?!!! HOW WILL I GO TO SOUTH KOREA IF I WON'T DO GOOD HERE?!!!! WTF IS STOPPING ME FROM STUDYING! WHY AM I NOT CONCENTRATED!?!??!?!??' She was screaming in her head. She just closed her eyes she cried harder nd harder, but in her mind only the image of Those 7 boys was roaming.

After done crying she came out of the washroom with a different glow on her face. The glow of Tears is better than any other expensive skin care shit.
"I want to talk to her now!" She said walking to the nearby table where her phone was kept. She called her long distance bestie. She is also an army they both meet on social media then they got close nd exchanged numbers now both of them are like soulmates.

They both know Eachother better than anyone else. The another girl is also from India only but another state, she is in 12th science. Her name is Jiya. They both have saw Eachother at their breaking points. Sometimes Y/N didn't slept all night just so she can be with her soulmate when she studies at night. Sometimes Jiya sacrificed her sleep when Y/N was crying her eyes out cz of Pressure, Fear, frustration, anger, confusion nd what not.

Years skip!

Time Skips like magic for others but for Y/N these years were full of hardships, demotivation, discourage, self doubt nd what not. She worked her ass off to get her desired results but in 1st semester of 9th she just got 67% percent.

Her heart dropped thinking off all the things nd taunts she's going to get at home. But it's not her fault she worked really hard but still. That day everyone gave her a speech on how she is useless nd not good in studies. She cired so much that her blanket was all wet cz of the tears. That night she just Hugged BTS pic nd cried her heart out. But then she made up her mind that she will only start working more n more hard from tommorow. The new Morning will bring new hope for her.
As said she worked hard nd got nice Marks much better than 1st semester. She cane in 10th worked hard there as well. Nd as she was dying to get science she got the Marks enough for her to get science. Working hard again, in 12th she also secured 13th position in the school. And now she asked for 6 months from her parents so that she can prepare herself for the upcoming Scholarship Exam to study in South Korea. She was determined that if these 6 months she gave her best she will achieve what she want. Day, night she studied. Nd Finally today as she opened her phone she got an email.


Woosshh! Another update!💜
Jinnie is baccckkkkk😭💜

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