~Chapter 2~

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So here she reached the school.

Aparna: Annyeonghaseyo!!
Y/N: Annyeonghaseyo baby!
Aparna: done assignments??
Y/N: Yeah! I don't want that my jagiya should leave his work and come to me just for shaving off my eyebrows!
Aparna: Lol! That was funny.

???: Look at her? Isn't she the one who stan gays?
???: Sure they r gays? I think they r girls! Lol

Y/N: If they r gays then I'm happy cz I love their songs and their bond I'm not on my knees just for their looks! Idiots.

*Bell Rings*
Aparna: Come on let's go!
Y/N: yeah.

They want to the class nd everyone gave them weird looks which is not new for her.
She sat at her seat which was the 1st one today as per the rotations.
As she kept her bag the footsteps were beard which was of none other than their teacher........and then entered a man dressed in black shirt nd black pants he was tall nd had specs. His smile has Dimples....wait! Dimples? She looked up nd saw

She chocked on air the entire class was looking at her. "What happened?" She heard Aparna saying while patting her back.
"Shit! It was again the same hallucination??!"  Y/N thought.

Yeah! It was a hallucination it not new to her. She always had it nd thinks RM is Entering the class....funny right?

Then the teacher came, took attendance nd then he said....."So class, our class has its turn to stand at the assembly tommorow"
"I want 5 children to be there who will be able to speak infront of the principal nd the entire school. I give the responsibility to........." he romed his eyes throughout the class nd said "You!" While pointing at Y/N as she was at the very front seat. "Thank you sir" she muttered. Then he left nd other teachers came  and started teaching.

It was lunch break.

Y/N went infront of the class and asked "Who all r interested to speak for the assembly?"  No response
"It's for the class guys!!"

"Me!" A girl with specs said
"Ohk so Iris" Y/N wrote her name. "Who else?"

"Me!" A girl said while eating her lunch.
"Riddhi! Cool" Y/N noted it down.
"2 more!" She said
Two boys said pointing at eachother.
"So....Jay nd Aryan done! We'll meet after school at the cycle stand" she said nd went to have her lunch.

*After School*
"So Riddhi You will do the thought of the day"
"Jay you will do the prayer"
"Iris you will do the narration"
"Aryan you will read the bible"
"And I will speak on a topic! Final?" Y/N said.
"What is your topic?" Jay asked
"You will know it tommorow" Y/N smirked nd left.

The Next Day*

"Good Morning to one n all present here! Let's start this beautiful morning by singing 'XXXX' song" Iris said in a bit hurry. She was nervous obvi!

Then it goes blah..blah..blah...
"Now let's hear what Students of 9th D want to say about Self love" Iris said nd Y/N came to the Mic.

"Self Love is something what people say is selfish. But they don't know the difference between selfish nd self love. Today's Generation You nd me we don't put any efforts for ourselves to make our inner self happy. We often get conscious about about our own self we doubt our own self. No! It is not acceptable. We even fear to put forward our voice which is not done! No matter who you are, where you from,  what's your skin colour all that matters is we should love ourselves just way we are. We should speaker up for ourselves. Thank you"

A loud applause was heard which made Y/N flitch a little. Then the assembly ended nd everyone went to their class.

"I liked taht babe!" Riddhi said which smiling like an idiot
"I always wanted to say this! I always wanted to do what RM did so I did that" Y/N muttered to herself.

The teacher entered the class "Where Y/N?" He asked.
"Here" Y/N said a bit scared as the teacher was looking angry.
"Come to the Principal office" He said nd walked away.
Y/N's body froze, she had butterflies dancing all over her stomach. What if Principal didn't like the speech? What if he will be mad? What if he Suspended her? What if he didn't liked the idea of Self love? All these questions were clouding her head as she was walking towards the Principal's office. She reached the door taking a deep breath she opened it nd said

"May I come in?" A loud nd Heavy "yes" answered her.
She opened the door to see Her Class Teacher Mr.Walpes Already there.
"Good Morning s..sir" she mentally cursed herself for shuttering. "Morning" the Principal said. "You called me sir?" This time she did a victory dance in her mind for not shuttering. "I wanted to ask you something" he said looking at her. "Whose idea was it about that Self Love topic?" He asked nd there was a 2 minute silence when Y/N said "I..it was mine s..sir" "Are You sure?" He raised his eyebrow. "Yes sir" she said confidently cz ofc the topic was hers. Because she always wanted to speak about Self Love nd Most important that Quote from RM's UN speech
'No matter who you are, where you from, your skin colour, your gender identity just speak yourself'

"That was a great speech!" The principal Exclaimed. Y/N was shocked on those words she thought the principal will be mad at her for not selecting a study related topic but he liked it nd THE PRINCIPAL liked her speech she was on Cloud 9.
"Thank you sir" she bowed.

Back to Class

As soon as Y/N entered the class the entire looked at her nd asked in unison "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Y/N laughed nd told them everything they all were happy except the few who hate her, her success, her happiness, her being a BTS fan an all but do you think she gives a fuck about it? Oh hell nah honey!

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