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Nd Finally today as she opened her phone she got an email. Which says

"Y/N Sharma we are very happy to inform you that you are one of the top 5 students who got selected" nd other information about when to leave nd formalities.

She didn't believed it. She read it again n again nd started crying. It's evening time nd everyone is home. She just jumped off the stairs causing a loud thud sound making her parents come out to see what happened.

"Y/N?! what happened?!" Her mother asked worried.
"MOM!!!! DAD!!!! AHHHH!!!! IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!" She screamed.

"Calm down tell me what happened?" Her dad said.

"DAD! I       GOT      SELECTED      FOR     SCHOLARSHIP     EXAM! I WILL BE  GOING TO SOUTH KOREA!!!!" She said nd hugged her dad. Her parents were beyond shocked to say anything.

Then after sometime everyone congratulated her. Nd her dad said "I don't want you to leave me this early......but guess we need to get used to it! SO PROUD OF U MY DAUGHTER"

And finally after waiting for 6 years Y/N is finally going to her dream place, her mother-in-law's house....lol! She is at the airport rn nd everyone is crying to let her go. Her online friends r also there to bid her bye. she promised everyone that she will work hard nd to her army friends she said that she will take them to a BTS concert with her money.

After few hours

She finally set foot in South Korea. Her heart is pounding like crazy eyes filled with tears that she is finally here. Stomach has butterflies all over. She inhales a good some of air with a thought "I'm breathing in the same air as BTS!!!!!!!! OMFG!"

She went to the college where she will stay she found a roommate who is also Indian she is very hapy about that cz imagine finding someone from your country in an unknown nation it's a happy feeling.
She stil can't believe that She made it! She just over the world....she finally is in South Korea...the place where she was dying to go from the past 6 years!!!! It feels like she will die cz of Excitement.....she looked at the Seoul view through her window nd thought about her life till now.

How she thought of giving up and killing herself.
How she always wanted to travel abroad.
How she wanted to go South Korea.
How she Never gave up.
How She fought with the people who said that Going to SK is a stupid decision that too cz of BTS.
How people said:
"She isn't capable.
She is useless.
She can't do anything.
She will fail.
She is Fat...South Koreans kicks out Fat people.
She is ugly.
She is dumb."
How she worked hard nd Finally got That proud smile from his father.


How finally she is here in Seoul, South Korea.

She took out her diary and started writing:

Dear Dairy,
I'm here! I'm here! I'm finally here in SEOUL!!!!!

  I'm here, Where I always belonged.
His words give me strength.
His smile makes me Relax beyond
Every little bug I come across.......reminds me of his curious eyes.
The libraries reflect his sight
The streets here make me feel his presence.
The winds Carry his fragrance.
The leaves flashes his face.
The running water contains his laughter.
Almonds also say "why are we not perfect as his Almond eyes."

Y/N Pov:

It's been some time since i came....the classes have not started yet so i thought to utilize the time in searching for a  good part time job...nd explor Seoul cz who knows? Just like ffs i bumps into BTS? Lol

I honestly don't wanted to be in a cafe or something cz they are really tiring so i decided to work in a Library...........after talking to the owner who was a cute old lady she agreed........Being a University student my shift is from 5pm to 8pm. As the University is from 8am to 3pm. I will have 2 spare hours for rest also.

Nd today is my first day at University and again my heart is beating like the Drums in Believer....... as an overthinker I'm, I'm literally thinking anything like

What if someone bullied me just like ffs? What if i bumped into the University Heartrob? Or what if someone poured cold milk on me? What if someone says something about my Non-Korean features? What if Kim Namjoon owned this University-- oh wait! Why will he own this University?  You have been reading a lot of fanfrictions Y/N you need to stop!

.....Oh!! Btw i wore a blue oversized kinda crop top and a crem coloured boyfriend Jeans, hairs in a ponytail cz if i left them open oh god! Half of the University Population who are boys are gonna die.....yeah yeah I'm self obsessed! Competing the look with white sneakers.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the university on opening the locker I was greeted with a locker key, some welcome cards, a rose nd my schedule.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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