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First things first, that quote could be my next tattoo.

Four and Eric stare at each other for a few seconds. I feel like I am looking at two different kinds of Dauntless-the honorable kind, and the ruthless kind. But even I know that in this room, it's Eric, the youngest leader of the Dauntless, who has the authority.

Beads of sweat dot Al's forehead; he wipes them with the back of his hand.

"This is ridiculous," Al says, shaking his head. "What's the point of beating him up? We're in the same faction!"

"Oh, you think it's going to be that easy?" Will asks, grinning. "Go on. Try to hit me, slowpoke."

Will puts his hands up again. I see determination in Will's eyes that wasn't there before. Does he really believe he can win? One hard shot to the head and Al will knock him out cold.

That is, if he can actually hit Will. Al tries a punch, and Will ducks, the back of his neck shining with sweat. He dodges another punch, slipping around Al and kicking him hard in the back. Al lurches forward and turns. And that it comes.

I watch the light leave Will’s eyes, which are pale green, like celery. They roll back into his head, and all the tension falls from his body. He slips from Al’s grasp, dead weight, and crumples to the floor. Cold rushes down my back and fills my chest.

Al’s eyes widen, and he crouches next to Will, tapping his cheek with one hand. The room falls silent as we wait for Will to respond. For a few seconds, he doesn’t, just lies on the ground with an arm bent beneath him. Then he blinks, clearly dazed.

“Get him up,” Eric says. He stares with greedy eyes at Will’s fallen body, like the sight is a meal and he hasn’t eaten in weeks. The curl of his lip is cruel.

Four turns to the chalkboard and circles Al’s name. Victory.

"Next up, Jin-Soo and Pete!" shouts Eric, who is still glaring with his hawk eyes at all of us.

The fight between Jin-Soo and Peeking Pete is quick. While Pete is a boy, which is only advantage he has, Jin-Soo is quicker, stronger and a lot smarter than he is. So in no time. Pete's boy falls flat on his face. Jin-Soo smiles sweetly at Eric.

"Next up, Brutus and Keigo!" My eyes go to Jin-Soo who is already looking at me. Than at Tris, who is only focused on Christina. And then I look at Four. His hard gaze already set upon me. What does he want me to do? Fail and leave, or win and stay? That man was like a puzzle, where you missed one piece and suddenly couldn't put the rest together.

I go to the arena. In front of me is a guy, bulky and surely able to beat me in a minute. His eyes are looking at me, well more than at me at my cleavage. That should be easy. Well the chances are not that high for me.

Eric starts the match and we go look at each other. He looks as if he is ready to jump, so I quickly go to left. His body hits the floor. Brutus slowly gets up, his eyes locked upon me. Then suddenly he pushes me on the floor, where I somehow break his nose. I do what any women would do. I pull my cleavage little down, his eyes focused without moving. Then the fight becomes easy. I kick him in the head and his now lifeless body ( for now) drops on me, while knocking me on the heas. I start to wave my arms as if someone would help with that guy. I can hear Eric laugh at me.

Four suddenly appears and lifts the body of Brutus of me and then throws him out of the arena. He then grabs me as if to pull me upwards - not very good idea. (Rather than to describe the incredible story of me fainting in his arms, let's move on)

“Next up—Molly and Christina!” shouts Eric.

Christina cracks her knuckles. I would wish her luck, but I don’t know what good that would do. Christina isn’t weak, but she’s much narrower than Molly. Hopefully her height will help her.

Across the room, Four supports me from the waist and leads me out. Al stands for a moment by the door, watching them go. Brutus lays on the floor.

Four leaving with me makes me nervous. Leaving them with Eric is like hiring a babysitter who spends his time sharpening knives. But unlucky me, that's where my memory fades.

 But unlucky me, that's where my memory fades

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Jin-Soo pov:

Christina tucks her hair behind her ears. It is chin-length, black, and pinned back with silver clips. She cracks another knuckle. She looks nervous, and no wonder—who wouldn’t be nervous after watching Will collapse like a rag doll?

I have fought many matches and I have won many of them as well. But never have I willing fought against someone I knew I couldn't take.

Of course there is the part where it wasn't her choice and all. But is it ever a choice to make when starting a fight?

I grew up in Amity, place where violence was supposed to not exist. And truth to be told, except for a few dauntless who sometimes bothered us, there was never a problem. Then I came here and I had to fight against everyone.

I snap to attention when Christina kicks Molly in the side. Molly gasps and grits her teeth like she’s about to growl through them. A lock of stringy black hair falls across her face, but she doesn’t brush it away.

Al and Tris stand next to me, but I’m too focused on the new fight to look at them, and they are also to focused to even understand the words I'm saying. Well there is also the part that says I shoul probably congratulate Al on winning, assuming that’s what he wants. I am not sure. And I rather be safe than sorry.

Molly smirks at Christina, and without warning, dives, hands outstretched, at Christina’s midsection. She hits her hard, knocking her down, and pins her to the ground. Christina thrashes, but Molly is heavy and doesn’t budge.

She punches, and Christina moves her head out of the way, but Molly just punches again, and again, until her fist hits Christina’s jaw, her nose, her mouth. Tris next to me grabs Al’s arm and squeeze it as tightly as she can. I wished I had something to hold on to from time to time. Blood runs down the side of Christina’s face and splatters on the ground next to her cheek. This is the first time I have ever prayed for someone to fall unconscious.

But she doesn’t. Christina screams and drags one of her arms free. She punches Molly in the ear, knocking her off-balance, and wriggles free. She comes to her knees, holding her face with one hand. The blood streaming from her nose is thick and dark and covers her fingers in seconds. She screams again and crawls away from Molly. I can tell by the heaving of her shoulders that she’s sobbing, but I can barely hear her over the throbbing in my ears.

Please go unconscious.

Molly kicks Christina’s side, sending her sprawling on her back. Al frees his hand and pulls Christina tight to his side. I clench my teeth to keep from saying something. I had no sympathy for Al the first night, but I am not cruel yet; the sight of Christina clutching her rib cage makes me want to stand between her and Molly. And I have to hold myself to not punch Eric in his stupid face for this stupid activity he prepared. Is this some kind of twisted dauntless bonding?

“Stop!” wails Christina as Molly pulls her foot back to kick again. She holds out a hand. “Stop! I’m…” She coughs. “I’m done.”

Molly smiles, and I hear as Tris sighs with relief. Al sighs too, his rib cage lifting and falling against Tris' shoulder.

Eric walks toward the center of the arena, his movements slow, and stands over Christina with his arms folded. He says quietly, “I’m sorry, what did you say? You’re done?”

In how big trouble will I  be if I kick Eric in his stupid face? We'll never know unless I try.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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