Chapter 1

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Sonic's P.O.V.

I've lopped around the island at least 8 times by now and tails still won't let me see his new invention yet. Every time I ask he goes, "nO iT's NoT doNe yEt". I might just pry that garage door open if I can't go in after I loop around 15 times. I stopped running to hear the grumble of my stomach. My nose catches a particular scent, the scent of my love... Chili cheese dogs! 'My fat ass shouldn't be eating any more today since I've already had 5, why am I calling myself a fat ass- but hey, tails isn't here to stop me if I dooo.' I slowly start to follow the scent until, " Sonic! " My head whips around to see the one and only, Amy... Don't get me wrong, she's the best! But she came here at the wrong time. I straighten my posture and a few words slip out my mouth, "oh uh heya Amy, uh strange to see you uhm out here hehe... " 'god that was so fucking awkward' I thought. "Sonic you silly goose, this is my house!" 'Great... Now I seem fucking stupid too.' "Oh haha yea kinda forgot- anyways I got like places to be but I'd love to chat later! " I dash away before I can hear her response, from the corner of my eye, I see some sort of yellow light- and no, it's not the sun, trust me I'm not that stupid. It seems like it's- wait, is that fucking shadow!? No no no, I just want to eat my damn chili cheese dogs and just go back to tails. My speed increases until I realized, he wasn't coming at me, for like the first time ever. He's just standing there, looking more emo than usual, maybe I should ask him what's wrong... After Chilili cheese dogs though, I am not going to put him in front of my beloved.

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