Chapter 2

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(Literally forgot about this🤯)
Sonic's P.O.V.
After I finished my ten fucking chili dogs, as per usual for my fat ass, I go back to where I spotted shadow. Strange... He isn't here, well whatever he probably went to hot topic anyways.
I wonder if tails is done with whatever the fuck his ass is doing. I dash over to tails garage to find it wide open. Tails is sitting on his chair with some device? I don't know looks like a water gun but whatever. I walk over to him as he points the gun?? at me.

"Woah woah buddy, it's me."

I see a slight grin appear on tail's face.

"Tails, we've talked about no more experimenting on me, remember??

I start to chuckle a bit as my muscles starts to tense. He's still pointing whatever the fuck he's holding at me. He spoke up in a very happy? Scary? Little kid? tone

" don't worry sonic, this experiment won't hurt ya"

He starts spinning the object around his finger.

"Oh, anyways buddy what in the world
is that"

"It just a translator"

I look at him in confusion

"So you're gonna shoot people to understand them, cool cool totally not harmful. And isn't this like the fifth translator you've made?"

"Oh well- they're all important to me!

" important how?"

"Well- uh- just be quite! "

I chuckled at how frustrated I made him. I walk around the garage and start to poke at things that seem strange.

"Tails, is this gun also a translator? "

I find some sort of ray gun out from a box
"Put that down! You're going to get teleport-

I may have accidentally pulled the trigger, all of a sudden it feels as if I'm being stretch out and being placed back in the way I was. I think what tails was trying to say was that it may have send me somewhere. God, why didn't he tell me soner. Why is this place so dark? I better find a way out than just stand here.

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