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Jungkook doesn't know when it starts but it does,subtle but definitely there.

Like a little bud.

Plain white,not so special but containing a plethora of colours.

He feels it.

When Jimin,his best friend comes to him,a book in his hand and pouty lips
"Can you explain this?"

And Jungkook nods,words dying in his throat as he tries hard to control his beating heart.

He tries not to stare at Jimin's eyes,sparkly,shiny,deep,mellow cheekbones and the pale white skin against his shirt.

He explains with a straight face and feels a tingle when Jimin holds his wrist and hugs him, muttering something along the lines of
"Gosh,it was this simple?Thanks"


Jungkook tries not to water the bud when Jimin comes to him with a stern face,a bowl filled with healthy stuff in one hand.

Jimin rests his hand on Jungkook's forehead, soothing the creases as he brings the spoon closer to Jungkook's lips
"You need to get well.Who the hell told you to order pizza yesterday?That too with icecreams,two tubs?"

Jungkook giggles, feeling giddy,warmth blooming in his body as Jimin taps his cheeks
"You are an idiot.I hope you know that"

"Mm.Will I get my chocolate?"

"Jeon Jungkook.You are ill.Eat your vegetable soup without complaints"

Jungkook pouts but eats the soup anyways when Jimin feeds him.


They are under the night sky staring at the dazzling stars and a charming moon.

Everything feels surreal.

Jungkook is resting his head on Jimin's lap,his fingers gently ruffling Jungkook's hair, knotting it in a few places

"You know" Jimin starts

"The light from the stars is actually ten years old"


Jimin laughs
"The light takes ten years to reach us.So the stars we are seeing right now are the past.Some are even dead now.It's beautiful how they leave a little light,a little glow for everyone to enjoy.They leave a little bit of themselves wherever they go,even after death.I wanna be like that,you know"
Jimin's voice is far off, drifting and Jungkook feels at peace.Jimin is now tapping Jungkook's chest with a fingers,a slow careful rhythm.

"You mean you want to leave a legacy or something?"Jungkook asks.

"That too,if possible.But I meant I want to leave a little bit of myself in someone.A person I love.I want to do everything for them,want to make them happy and pour love into their cracks and appreciate them"
Jimin says with a grin,his eyelashes fluttering.The freckles on his face dance around, magically twinkling everytime his rosy lips overturn.

His angelic voice creeps under Jungkook's skin, revealing a stunning flower, dipped in gold and suddenly the whole world is blue,red,green, yellow, rainbows and flowers everywhere.

Jungkook realises.

He isn't surprised.

He is in love with his best friend of ten years.

He sits up and looks at Jimin.

Jimin frowns at him.
"What's the matter?"

Jungkook looks away,not answering.

"Jungkook are you alright?"

"Yeah,just thinking"

Jimin scoots closer
"Wow,you are thinking? That's an improvement"

Jungkook snorts and shakes his head
"What if I said...what if we live together...forever....only a small cottage and bake cakes and learn poetry and read books and go on long drives....will you...will you be okay with that?"

Jimin is so quiet that Jungkook starts to think it was a mistake.He hears a whisper,very faint and soft.

"Jungkook.Look at me"
Jimin has a small smile on his lips
"Forever with you doesn't sound bad"

Jungkook takes a deep breath and feels tears on his eyes.


Jungkook crawls over and rests his head on Jimin's lap again.He hears a chuckle and then a long kiss on his forehead.

"You'll be one to drive"
Jimin says,gently wiping away the tears from Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook laughs.


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