Chapter 3

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Pulling up to her apartment, Cassandra was finally able to collapse on her couch and exhale. Kate and Ana entered the living room hearing the front door open "Hey Cass, we finished the article, want to read it?" Ana asked taking a seat next to her sister

Cassandra shook her head feeling tired before she remembered what happened "Oh my god, I almost forgot" Cassandra sat up, looking at her sister and Kate who was in the kitchen getting a soda "Guess who stopped by the store today?"

"Your dad?" Kate asked taking a seat next to Ana while taking a sip of her soda. Cassandra shook her head "Nope. Christian Grey" Kate spat out her soda making Cassandra and Ana jump back

"Kate!" The twins yelled, making Kate smile at them silently before looking at Cassandra "Are you serious?" She asked sitting up, making Ana look back at her sister "Yeah, he stopped by to pick up some stuff. He asked about the article and when I mentioned you guys not having an updated picture he said he's free tomorrow if we can get a photographer"

Ana and Kate stared at Cassandra silently making her shift uncomfortably as the seconds ticked by "What?" She asked self-conscious

Ana, noticing her sister is getting uncomfortable, shook her head "Nothing, I just...Wow" She smiled blue eyes shining with happiness "Like he really agreed, to meet with us tomorrow?" She asked. Cassandra nodded "Yeah, said to call him when we have a photographer"

Kate head snapped towards Ana "Call Jose" Ana nodded and rushed to her to get her phone. Once she was gone, Kate turned to Cassandra "He gave you his number?" She asked with a smile

Cassandra nodded, grabbing her bag and pulling out the card he gave her, flipping it over to find his personal number, hand written "Yeah" Cassandra showed it to her. Kate took it from her and noticed the number was hand written "Ohhh, he hand wrote his number" She teased

Cassandra rolled her eyes taking the card back from Kate just as Ana walked into the room, on her phone "Yes thank you Jose. When I get the place and time, I'll let you know" Ana said bye and hung up turning to the two woman sitting on the couch

"He said he'll do it!" Ana squealed. Kate pumped her fist in the air before turning to Cassandra "Now call him" She demanded

"Okay. Okay" Cassandra pulled out her phone, typed in the number and waited for him to pick him


What the fuck am I doing? Am I really sitting in my hotel room waiting for a phone call, from one girl Christian sat at the desk in his hotel room trying to get some work done and clear his mind from Cassandra

Just as Christian was thinking about giving up and going to sleep, his cell rings "Grey" He answered

He heard a slight hitch in breath on the other line and knew it was Cassandra calling him "Cassandra, I was beginning to think you forgot about me" A little laugh came over the phone before she replied

"How can anyone forget you Mr. Grey?"

Christian couldn't help the smile at her teasing "So does this call mean we're on for tomorrow?" He asked

"Yes, our guy said he's free, he just needs the time and place"

"My hotel, I can have a room booked. Say around 9? I will text you the location"

"Yes, that's good"

"Will you be there?" He couldn't help but ask, he needed to see her again, and if she wasn't going to be there, then what's the point of this photo shoot

"Yeah, I will be there"

"Good, see you tomorrow at 9 AM sharp. Have a goodnight Cassandra"

"Goodnight Christian" Cassandra said before hanging up and holy shit. His name coming out of her mouth makes him think about how it will sound like when it's moan "Shit" Christian groaned covering his face "What the hell is happening to me" He muttered

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself before texting Cassandra his hotel and the details before calling Taylor to let him know that there will be a change of plans "Taylor change of plans were not leaving at 8, I had something come up. I'll be meeting Cassandra Steele at 9. Book a room in ballroom 3 for 9 till 12"

"Yes sir"

What the hell am I doing? Playing with fire it feels like

While getting changed for bed, Christian comes up with a plan to get to know Cassandra better. After the photoshoot, I can take her out for coffee. There is a nice place a few blocks from here, and if it doesn't work out, I can always leave Christian plans

God just thinking about Cassandra turns him on and he has not had sex in months. Just the thought of Cassandra in his play room, taking the more softer scenes he could give her, tying her up, spanking her with his hand, fucking her

His cock got hard making him groan as he stopped his night time routine and turned to the bathroom ready to take a cold shower


Cassandra hung up the phone and turned to her sister and best friend "He's going to book a place out at his hotel for 9 AM" She told them

Ana and Kate stared at her with wide eyes before Kate spoke "Did you just flirt with Christian Grey?!" She asked with a wide smile "Did I hear that right? Ana tell me I heard that right" Kate turned to the older Steele sister who nodded "You did!"

The two squealed, jumping up and down as Cassandra stared at them wide eyed. She didn't flirt with Christian, did she? No I didn't. Remember Cassandra, don't trust men she told herself before her phone buzzed

Looking down she saw a text from Christian unknown number

'Room is booked. I'm staying at The Hilton Inn, go to Ballroom 3 when you get here'

Cassandra smiled at how fast he got that sorted out before typing her reply letting him know they'll be there and saying Goodnight before turning off her phone and heading to her room leaving her sister and best friend to squeal about her like a guy

"I don't like Christian" Cassandra muttered to herself closing her door

Cassandra Steele 50 Shades of GreyWhere stories live. Discover now