Chapter 5

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Walking down the hall, Christian and Cassandra were silent before Christian asked the question that was bugging him "So how do you know Jose well enough for him to do this for you?" Sue him, he didn't like the thought of Cassandra with anyone

"Uh, he's really Ana and Kate's friend. I don't..." Cassandra takes a deep breath "I don't feel comfortable around men, so I don't have any guy friends" Cassandra told him as they entered the elevator

Christian froze, turning to Cassandra who was playing with her skirt. That was when he noticed what she was wearing. A black sweater turtleneck, a black and yellow skirt with sheer tights and black boots

Cassandra was also looking down, like her boots were the most important thing in the world "Cassandra, look at me" Christian demanded, Cassandra felt a shiver go down her spine as she slowly looked up, storm blue meeting stele gray "Cassandra, do I make you uncomfortable?" Christian asked this time his voice soft

Cassandra looked at him for a long time. Did she feel uncomfortable around him? No. Did she feel like she was in danger around him? Again No. But was she afraid of what he was doing to her? Yes. Was she afraid that she was starting to think about BDSM again after years of ignoring it? Yes.

"No" Cassandra finally told him "I don't feel uncomfortable around you" I fear what I feel around you Cassandra silently thought

Christian sighed in relief, happy that she felt comfortable but he did wonder what happened that made her uncomfortable around men. Was it a side effect of what put her in the hospital? Did a man hurt her? He felt his blood boiled

"Christian" Cassandra called, folding herself slightly. Christian blinked looking down at the girl who was folded on herself. He took a deep breath cursing himself for scaring her "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" He apologized

"I-it's fine" Cassandra smiled softly at him, making something in his stomach flip. Once the doors opened, he led her outside "There's a nice coffee shop up the street, we could walk if that's okay with you?"

"I'm fine with that" Cassandra turned her head a little and saw the guy who led Christian in the room, standing a few feet away from them "I'm guessing your friend that's been following us since we got off the elevator is coming?" She asked wrapping her arms around herself

Christian looked back at Taylor before looking back at Cassandra, he didn't like the fact she was afraid of Taylor, though he could get it. Taylor was an ex Military, he looked every bit of army man people think about "Yes, I'm sorry. That's Taylor, my head of security...I could call him off" Christian suggested

Cassandra instantly shook her head, she didn't want him to get rid of his security just for her "No. No it's okay, you trust him right?" Christian nodded "Then, I'll be fine. As long as you trust him, I can deal with it, just uh, don't let him touch me please" Cassandra whispered the last part as they started walking

"I promise, he won't touch you" Christian promised immediately. Cassandra smiled at him as they continued walking in silence, every once in awhile Cassandra looking back at Taylor but for the most part ignored him


Standing in line, Christian looked over the menu wondering what to get as Cassandra already told him she wanted an iced coffee with a muffin "Hi can I get an original blend iced coffee, with hazelnut creamer, with a chocolate muffin" Christian rattled off Cassandra order, the man behind the counter nodded "Anything else?" He asked

"A black coffee, original blend as well. That's all"

"That would be 15.32"

Christian handed the kid a 20 "Alright, here you go and your food and drinks will be delivered to your table" The kid handed him back his change. Christian nodded, putting the change and 10 in the top jar before moving to the table Cassandra picked

"So, Ms. Cassandra can you tell me about yourself?"

Cassandra shrugged "Not much to tell, but okay. I'm the youngest, Ana's my twin, she was born like 5 minutes before me. Carla Steele Steele is my mom, I don't have contact with her at all. Raymond Steele is my dad, not mine or Ana's biological father, but he's the only father we've known. He's also really the only man I'm not afraid to be alone with so..."

Christian frowned, he really wanted to know what happened to her for her to be afraid of men, he had a hunch and it wasn't pretty but he decided to leave it for when she trust him more

"Your parents, are they not together?"

Cassandra shook her head as a waitress set down their coffees and her muffin "Thank you" She muttered grabbing her ice coffee. When the waitress left, did she answer "Carla, gets bored easily, before you know it she's moving on to husband number three then four" Cassandra rolled her eyes "I don't care how many guys she's been with, Ray has always been my dad and that won't change. I wouldn't be here without him"

Christian could tell there was a story behind that but didn't pry "So when was your last relationship?" Cassandra blinked at the topic freezing for a second "Oh uh" Cassandra picked at her muffin "The last relationship I ever had was in my junior year in high school"

Cassandra shifted uncomfortably, Christian seeing this switched the subject "So, what are your interests?" Cassandra shrugged taking a sip of her coffee "I really like music and reading, my uh...I plan to be an author once I finish school"

Christian raised an impressed brow and leaned forward "Oh, tell me more" Cassandra smiled and started talking about what she would write, which publishers she would go to and more. Christian just listened with a smile, which was weird for him as he was never interested in what was going on in any woman who wasn't his mom and sister lives

They continued talking before Christian asked the question he needed to know "Do you believe in the whole love birds, dinner and movie love making exclusive relationship thing?" Please say no, please say no...

"Doesn't every woman?" Cassandra asked, looking down trying to ignore the question. Christian noticing this, gently grabbed her chin making her look at him "Cassandra, please"

"I believe in those things," Cassandra said after a minute. Damn it Christian thinks. While he would love to have Cassandra with him, he doesn't know if he could do those things with her, he's never been in a relationship like that "But uh" Christian paused in his thinking looking at Cassandra who was looking at her hands again "I don't believe that's something for me" she shrugged

"Why?" The question slips out before he could stop it. Cassandra looked up panicked for a moment before she got up "I have to go, thank you for the coffee" Christian stood up confused but Cassandra was already out the door

"Is everything okay sir?" Taylor appeared next to him. Christian huffed looking at the door of the coffee shop "I don't know" And he hated not knowing  

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