Chapter 1

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Standing in front of a mirror Cassandra brushed her hair back into a high ponytail, leaving some of her front pieces out to frame her face "Cass! Come on or you'll be late" Anastasia yelled from the living room. Huffing Cassandra left her room heading to the living room where her sister Anastasia and best friend Kate were on the sofa drinking tea

Anastasia Steele, a beautiful woman with straight brown hair, blue eyes and kind of pale skin. Kate Kavanaugh is another beautiful woman with wavy blond hair, blue eyes and a slight tan. Sadly the two looked like a hot mess with baggy clothes, tied up messy hair and red noises Sick Cassandra thought with a soft sigh going into the kitchen to get the two a cup of tea

"I won't be late Ana" Cassandra told her pulling out two tea cups "I still have 10 minutes before I have to leave" She continued pouring nice hot tea into the cups before bringing them to her sister and best friend "There's soup in the fridge for both of you" Cassandra gave Ana a look knowing her sister would eat all of it. She wasn't the cook in the house for nothing

Ana nodded with a pout as she grabbed her tea while Kate laughed "You have the questions?" Kate asked. Cassandra nodded, grabbing the paper off the counter "And the recorder?" Ana asked "Got it" Cassandra pulled it out her purse

"Is that what you're wearing?"

Cassandra looked at her outfit wondering what's wrong with it. She was wearing black skirt with white flowers on it that fell to her thighs, black sheer leggings, a black sweater, with a belt and black Doc Martens

"Yeah" Cassandra looked back at her sister and friend "What?" The girl shook their heads "Nothing it's pretty" Ana told her sister before Kate could say anything

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"Yeah" Cassandra looked back at her sister and friend "What?" The girl shook their heads "Nothing it's pretty" Ana told her sister before Kate could say anything. They knew something happened to her. Just two years ago when they first started college Cassandra always wore crop tops, shorts, tops with the sides cut out. Then one day, she ended up in the hospital, and wouldn't tell anyone what happened. After that day, she never wore things like that again

Always sweaters or long sleeves and if she did wear short sleeves she wore cardigans or jackets. Shorts became skirts with leggings, crop tops became sweaters, shirts with strings or side cut off became long sleeves shirts leaving nothing to be shown.

The two of them always tried Cassandra to be more open with her clothing but she never changed it back. Kate wanted to know what happened but Ana knew not to push her sister knowing nothing good will come out of it

Cassandra smiled at them not knowing where they're thoughts went "Thanks, now I need to go before I'm actually late" Cassandra grabbed Kate keys since Ana's was still in the shop and I don't have one

"Bye. Be safe!" Ana yelled

"Don't crash my car! Ow, I mean be safe!" Kate yelled making Cassandra laugh


Cassandra parked in front of the tall building. Looking through the window she whistled "Nice" she whispered before turning off the car

Heading into the building, Cassandra made sure she had the questions and recorded before stepping up to the desk "How may I help you?" The blond woman asked

"Hi. I have an interview today with Mr. Grey. Cassandra Steele"

"It says here the interviewer is supposed to be Ms. Anastasia Steele and Ms. Kate Kavanaugh." The woman looked at Cassandra with a suspicious look.

Great. They didn't call ahead. Cassandra thought annoyed as she smiled at the woman "Yes. Anastasia is my sister and Kate my friend. Sadly they both caught the flu from someone. They sent me in their place"

The woman hummed "One second" She picked up her phone and made a call. Cassandra looked around noticing everything looked neat and expensive

"Mr. Grey will see you know" The woman said, pulling Cassandra from her thoughts. Sliding a visitor barge Cassandra slightly thanked the woman before heading to the elevator


"Did she say why they made a switch?" Christian asked, looking at his assistant Andrea. Kate Kavansugh had spent months trying to get an interview for her and her friend Anastasia

After finally agreeing, they send someone else "The flu Mr. Grey" Andrea told him. Christian nodded, turning to look out his window "Send her up" Andrea left him alone, he couldn't believe this. The flu! So what if they had the flu, they could still have come in

It was 10 minutes later that the door to his office was opened and he heard a thud. Turning around he saw a woman on the floor holding her shoulder "Are you okay?" Christian asked, walking towards her.

Cassandra followed the woman Andrea towards Mr. Grey's office "Watch your step" Andrea told her before leaving. "You got this Cass" Cassandra muttered before pushing open the door and taking a step in when she fell to the ground banging her shoulder against the floor

"Are you okay?" Cassandra heard. Looking up, Blue eyes connected with Gray. Christian stopped in front of Cassandra, looking into her blue eyes, different from the others, it's kind of like a deep stormy blue

Cassandra talking snapped him out of his observation "I'm fine, just a small fall" Cassandra said quietly, pushing herself to her knees, Christian had to hold back a groan, she looked so pretty on her knees in front of him, shaking away those thou...

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Cassandra talking snapped him out of his observation "I'm fine, just a small fall" Cassandra said quietly, pushing herself to her knees, Christian had to hold back a groan, she looked so pretty on her knees in front of him, shaking away those thoughts he held out a hand for her

Cassandra grabbed his hand holding in a gasp at the electric current. Christian looked down at their attached hands feeling something warm in his chest, before Cassandra pulled away. Clearing his throat, Christian motioned for Cassandra to take a seat

"So they tell me your filling in for Ms. Steele and Ms. Kavanagh" Christian starts sitting back in his seat "Yes, Sir" Christian shifts around hearing Sir fall from her lips, it was quiet but sexy, Cassandra didn't notice his movement since she was cursing herself out in her head. She didn't know why she called him Sir but she won't make that same mistake again

"Kate and Ana have the flu, so they sent me in, their place. I'm their sister and roommate, Cassandra Steele. I do apologize for not contacting you and telling you of the switch"

For some reason Christian doesn't mind the switch anymore "You can begin"

Cassandra quietly took out the questions and recorder, for some reason being in the room with Mr. Grey made her act a little submissive, which is concerning for her since she hasn't felt like that since the accident

"Okay, I'm ready Mr. Grey. Ms. Kavanagh and Ms. Steele thought because you would be giving the commencement address at the graduation, they believed it would be a good idea to learn some more about you. There isn't much known about your life"

Christian had to hold back a scoff, he knew that and he liked it that way "I know, my private life is my business and no one else's" He snapped. Cassandra flinched and lowered her eyes, making Christian feel guilty, which isn't an emotion he was used to feeling

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I just like my personal life just that, private" Cassandra smiled shyly at him before nodding "How about we just get onto the questions?"


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