Chapter - 3 -Messing around

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"Mmmmm...." a grunt came from under the sheets of a bed.

"Nnnghhh...." a spark of consciousness awakes.

"Uuughhh...." A mop of blue hair sat up from their bed and looked around the room, trying to get it's bearings.

Their hair was a mess of spikes loops, and knots, while observing their surroundings, they found a body next to them, with blonde short spiky hair.

Moments later, the blue haired devil caught a mischievous idea.

"Inu, I, Hitsuji..Henge no jutsu!" The blue haired and red brained child whisper shouted.

Gone was the mop of blue hair from vision, from underneath the bed, raised a thin spiky and hairy appendage, soon after another appeared, spearing itself into the bedsheets, followed by more and more until four made an appearance, followed by eight blue golden eyes,

"Heheheee..." it giggled to itself as the rest of the creature crawled on to the bed.

On the bed stood a spider the size of a large dog, it got closer and closer to the mop of head and weighted down on the sheets.

'Oh he's going to hate me.' it thought to itself in childish glee.

Noticing the added foreign weight, the blond mop of hair shifted, until regaining cognitive functions, it turned around up to meet the stare of eight eyes.

At first, no reaction came about, because the target of this prank had yet to adjust their eyes...but when they did.






"HAhahahahahaaaaa! You should have seen your face!" laughed Rimuru.

Naruto on the other hand... was heaving heavily, after getting almost scared to death, his adrenalin rocketed trough the roof in a single moment powering all of his functions in order to survive.

When he regained a semblance of calmness.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" He shouted "DO YOU WANT TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!" Naruto shouted angrily.

"Oh come on bro, it's just a prank." Rimuru singsonged as he smiled smugly.

"I'll show you what for!" Naruto hollered and lunged at Rimuru.

"Olé!" Rimuru skillfully dodged by lunging to the side, while Naruto remained in motion and his motion ended on the floor, face first.

"Why you!!" Naruto seethed.

"Catch me if you can! BLEGH! " Rimuru stuck out his tongue and put a mad dash into the closet. Opening the door quickly and closing it just as.

Naruto immediately followed after him but when he scrambled to tear the door open he was met with nothing.

"Huh? What the? Where the hell did he go?! Is there some kind of secret door or something?" Naruto stared dumbfounded into the empty space. While unknown to him, a small fly flew out from under him and out of the door into the kitchen.

Naruto started to rummage through the closet to see where the hell did Rimuru disappeared off to. "There is no way that Rimuru isn't here somewhere! There has to be a passage!" Naruto shouted indignantly as he searched every corner and every nook of the closet.



"Heheheeee." Rimuru giggled while covering his mouth, standing right behind the door, listening in to Naruto's desperate and futile attempts to find anything in that closet.

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