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Northern Greenland

In the barren, frozen wasteland that was the arctic, Bulkhead and Bumblebee could be seen pushing forward, fighting against the strong freezing winds of an arctic storm. At the front, Bulkhead stopped momentarily to check the Energon detector. It appeared they were getting closer to whatever was detected.

"Are we there yet?" asked Bumblebee.

"No, we're not there yet," replied Bulkhead, "but it should be right past this ridge, 'bee".

The two Autobots approached a steep slope and carefully slid down it all the way to the bottom. Their heavy metallic feet hit the icy ground with an audible thud. Bulkhead looked at the detector again, and was surprised to see the results.

"I don't get it. These readings are off the meter." Bulkhead said.

"Hey, over here," Bumblebee motioned to the left. "I think I see something".

Bumblebee and Bulkhead only had to take a few steps before they did indeed come across something. Looking through a patch of ice that was clear enough to see through, there was a large metallic pod buried deep within.

Autobot Outpost

After recovering the artifact from the arctic, Bulkhead and Bumblebee were now seated on low concrete platforms in the medical ward. Connected to their chests were two tubes pumping in some type of liquid to warm their systems.

Bulkhead ripped off the tubes and proceeded to get up. "I told you, doc, we're fine".

In response, Ratchet pushed Bulkhead back down. "The only way to be certain you're fine, Bulkhead, is to endure standard defrosting procedures." He scolded. "You know prolonged exposure to subzero temperatures can cause permanent system damage".

"Ratchet," The baritone voice of Optimus spoke out. The medic turned to see him and Arcee walk into the command center. "Have you learned anything more of our arctic find?"
Ratchet shook his helm. "Not yet," He then walked towards a terminal that showed a live-feed of the pod in another room. "The pod can't be open while it's frozen solid".

Meanwhile, inside the room, puddles of melted ice spilled across the floor around the massive pod. Suddenly, the metal artifact began to shake, breaking off partially melted ice in the process. Cracks in the metal exterior began to take shape near the top of the pod.

Without warning, something forceful slammed into the cracks from inside. After a couple more rounds of hitting, a small silver claw sprung out from the newly opened hole.

Later, in the main ops center, Ratchet inputted a set of coordinates in the groundbridge controls before he pulled down the lever. The rings of the tunnel lit up as a bright, swirling greenish-blue portal opened at the end. Optimus and Arcee both stepped forward to the groundbridge.

"Arcee and I will search for any clue that may explain the origin of our arctic find." Optimus explained.

"Only until your sensors sound," continued Ratchet as he typed commands on a device. When he finished, he turned to Optimus and Arcee.

"Remember, once your core temperature drops into the blue zone..." He paused as he pressed a button, causing the Autobot symbols on Optimus's arms and on Arcee's winglets to bleep and blink blue. "...system failures are likely, and imminent."

All of a sudden, the sounds of engines could be heard down the main tunnel, growing louder by the second. Finally, Bulkhead and Bumblebee in vehicular mode drone into the command center. Right behind them was 2018 bubblegum-colored Toyota Camry, with purple flowery/vine-line design on two sides of the car and a black treble clef symbol at the front of the bonnet.

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