Con Job

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Autobot Outpost:

It was morning in Nevada. The  horizon was a warm yellow as the bright orb that was the sun rose higher  into the sky; the clouds were various shades of dusty pink and purple.  This landscape was filled with desert mesas, plateaus, and canyons. One  of these mesas specifically is a former missile silo that now serves as  the base of operations for the Autobots and the hangout place for Jack, Musa, Miko and Raf

Bulkhead had Miko on his shoulder as they walked into the main room of the base after finishing chores, "All right," Miko said, "Chores are done. Now can we do some dune-bashing?"

"Uh, I don't know Miko," He said, "Last time, I spent a week picking sand out of my Articulators. Uh, but, there's a monster truck rally in town."

"Optimus," Ratchet said from the Cybertronian computer System, with Optimus approaching with Arcee and Bumblebee, "I'm receiving a signal on a restrictive band. It appears to be coming from a starship inside this solar system." He checks the affiliation of the starship on the computer, "It's an Autobot identification beacon."

"So there are other bots out there?" Jack asked the Autobots from beyond the computer controls.

"The masses scattered to the galaxies when cybertron finally went dark, but Cons have been known to bait traps with false beacons," Arcee explained.

"Like whenever Lila lies to everyone." Musa thought to herself.

Hearing that fact, Optimus turned his gaze back to the screens. "Unknown vessel this is Autobot Outpost Omega-1, identify yourself."

For a second, there was nothing but static, until a male voice replied, "I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon combat brigades."

Suddenly, after hearing that voice, Bulkhead's optics widened as his demeanor became more elated.

"Wheeljack?!" The green Wrecker laughed a bit as he stepped closer to the monitors. "You old 'Con crusher, what are you doing all the way out here?"

"Bulkhead? Is that you?" The bot known as Wheeljack asked. "What's with all the security?"

"The rock we're on is crawling with 'Cons. How soon can you get here and even the odds?" inquired Bulkhead.

"Sometime tomorrow, if I put metal to the pedal," Wheeljack replied.

"Another bot's coming here," Miko said, "How cool is that!"

"Wheeljack, I know of him by reputation only," Optimus said, turning to Bulkhead, "Can you verify his voiceprint?"

"He is 1,000% the real deal, Optimus," Bulkhead told the Prime.

"We will send landing coordinates, Wheeljack," Optimus told Bulkhead's friend. "Safe journey."

"See you soon, buddy," Bulkhead told Wheeljack "I'll make sure you get a proper welcome."

Arcee stepped toward Bulkhead and asked in a teasing manner, "So who's your boyfriend?"

Bulkhead chuckled, "Me and Jackie go way back. We were part of the same war unit, The Wreckers," He explained, pounding his fists together, "Which means the 'Cons are gonna wish he never found us."

The Nemesis:

The Decepticon warship glided high in the morning sky, through the thick accumulations of pinkish-purple clouds. Inside the bridge, Soundwave stood behind Starscream, replaying a transmission he picked up on earlier.

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