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It was early afternoon at Autobot Outpost but not peaceful. The Autobots were getting a call from Agent Fowler, "Prime!" Optimus and Arcee walked in as they heard him yell for Optimus's name. "PRIME!" Fowler's voice boomed again.

"Special Agent Fowler, to what do we owe..."

Optimus was unable to finish as Fowler interrupted, "Who else?! Cons!"

"I chased them off with some hard ordinance but not before they blew me out of the sky."Fowler continued.

Miko snickers as he says, "Again?" Recalling the last time it happened when she, Jack and Raf had to do science fair projects.

"I don't even want to know." Musa said as she turned her magazine page.

"They tried to make a smash and grab for the D.Y.N.G.U.S."

"The what?" Arcee asked, raising an optic brow.

When Musa heard the word: "D.Y.N.G.U.S" she lowered her magazine she was reading and couldn't help but blush as her mind went somewhere else. Something not appropriate for children.

The African-American agent sighed before he explained, "Dynamic Nuclear Generation System aka the D.Y.N.G.U.S." Fowler pressed a button which brought up a video feed of the D.Y.N.G.U.S in the cargo bay of Fowler's jet.
The device was shaped like a large metal cube with a door on the side, and was strapped down to prevent it from moving. "It's a prototype energy source that I was delivering to the coast for testing."

Ratchet snorted. "That's absurd. Why would Starscream bother with such primitive technology?"

"I'm guessing to make a big bad primitive weapon of mass destruction!" Fowler retorted. "If this baby were to meltdown it would irradiate this state and the four next door."

"Hmm... that sounds like a good enough reason to steal it." Musa commented.

"Uh, did Agent Fowler day what state he was currently in?" Raf asked.

"Nope!" Musa responded.

"I'm a seating duck here, Prime. I need you to spin up your bridge and send the D.Y.N.G.U.S to its destination before the 'Cons come back for it." Fowler said.

"I'm afraid such an option is out of the question" Optimus replied, "If there were to be an accident during transport in the Groundbridge vortex, the radiation of which you speak could propagate through the groundbridge vortex and harm all fifty states... and beyond."

Fowler looked to the side for a second, clueless of what to do. "You got any better ideas?"

Later, at Fowler's location, Optimus Prime was currently in his vehicle form: a red long-nose Peterbilt. However, there was one more addition; attached behind him was a silver coloured trailer with bright blue highlights. Bulkhead and Bumblebee were also in vehicle mode and parked behind their leader.

Agent Fowler had just climbed into Optimus and sat down at the driver's seat. The agent looked at the dashboard and rubbed his hands gleefully, intending to take hold of the wheel, but the wise Autobot leader was quick to stop him.

"No need, Agent Fowler," Optimus offered. "I will handle the driving."

The former Army Ranger furrowed his brows as he slumped back in his seat, arms folded across his chest.

"This is gonna be a long trip" muttered a disappointed Fowler.

Optimus started his engine, Bulkhead and Bumblebee following swiftly.

"Autobots roll out!" commanded Optimus.

The red and blue truck took the lead as he drove toward the nearest road, a green SUV and yellow custom muscle car following in his wake.
Autobot Outpost:

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