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chapter ten, boyfriend

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chapter ten, boyfriend.

JEREMEY JORDAN AND CHRISTAN BORLE WERE NO STRANGERS TO PREFORMING, and they knew that Rose wasn't either. But, they also knew that having a good support system—specifically when she never had one before—was crucial. So, their little group always vowed to be in support of one another no matter what.

That leads to today, Christian and Jeremy had bought tickets to see Rose in Moulin Rouge. Of course, Rose knew. She was excited, especially because she planned to invite them backstage. She had already asked the stage manager, and they said yes.

Rose received numerous texts like:

"Holy shit dude! The stage is beautiful!" - Jeremy

"I see who broadways favorite show is.....this theatre is gorgeous!" - Christian

Rose laughed at those, along with the many photos the two sent her of them standing next to her ad. She also received some 'break a leg' messages from the two, and all of her girls.

As the show started she felt her nerves go away. She waved goodbye to Ricky, Sahr, and Aaron as they left to join the cast in the opening number.

Soon enough, it was time to get on the trapeze, harness herself on it, and get lowered. As soon as she could see the audience, she locked her gaze on two people, Jeremy and Christian who were sitting directly in her line of view. Her smirk widened as she began to sing.

Act one went by fast, and before Rose knew it, Elephant Love Medley started to play.

The song started, and Rose did her usual. But, as she turned away from Aaron, the normality of Aaron coming up behind her, pushing her hair out of the way and brushing his lips against her skin, well, it felt....different. She quickly shoved him off, and she felt him trace his hand down her arm. As usual, she walked away. Her heart, once calm, now sped up.

Nothing was different about what he was doing, so why was she feeling this way?

Aaron continued to sing, and so did Rose. Rose let out a yelp of 'suprise' as he spun her and pulled her down, causing her to sit on his lap. She quickly got up, laughing softly as he took her hand, getting down on one knee. She pulled her hand away, walking around him before turning around and singing, "What's love got to do, got to do with it? What's love, but a second hand emotion?"  She smirked as the crowd cheered for her, she could clearly make out Jeremy and Christian.

Suddenly, before she knew it, Aaron stood being Rose, his arms wrapped around her waist. Rose let her hands rest on his own, leaning her head back and closing her eyes as she sang.

Before Rose knew it, the end of the song neared. She ran right back to Aaron as she had previously walked away. An Ensemble member pushed their bodies together, and the two sang perfectly. As they hit the last notes of the song, Aarons hand went to the back of her head, dipping her. Their voices faded out as Aarons kissed her deeply.

The crowed cheered, and Rose could easily make out the few wolf-whistles. The curtain closed, signaling the end of Act one, and Rose and Aaron quickly pulled away. Rose couldn't have gotten out of there faster, as she felt like her heart was about to beat right out of her chest. Rose glared at Aaron, and Aaron glared at her, as she walked away.

Truth be told, the two of them never discussed about what happened outside of Roses apartment. Though, they both desperately wanted to.

Rose and Aaron both mutually, although they didn't know, decided that it was all the alcohols fault. Yes, that's right. It was totally the alcohols fault...right?

Just as quickly as Act one ended, act two started and ended. After Rose got back to her dressing room, she texted both Jeremy and Christian to come backstage.

They both hugged the girl once they got backstage, and Rose introduced them to the rest of the cast. Christian couldn't stay for too long, so after ten minutes he left, but not after telling Rose she did amazing, (and that he bootlegged some things).

Rose hugged Jeremy, who had become more of a brother figure to her over the years, and the two joked. He stayed as she took her makeup off, and got her wig taken off. Aaron, Ricky and Robyn were in the room as well, getting to actually know Jeremy; they hadn't gotten to fully get to know him on Roses birthday. Abruptly, Aaron stood up and left, a pissed expression on his face.

The others looked at each other, confused expressions on their faces. After a second, Rose excused herself, going after Aaron. She ended up finding him in his dressing room.

"What's your deal?"


"You just left, for no reason, and you seemed angry. So I'll ask again, what's your deal?"

"Don't you have to go bother your boyfriend," Aaron spat, running his hands through his hair as he packed his bag. Rose laughed at that.

"Who, Jeremy? Ew absolutely not. He's like a brother to me."

"Well you two seemed awfully close."

"And why do you care?" Truthfully, as Rose said this she felt a pang in her heart, and her stomach churned with a silly school girl feeling.

"I don't," Aaron mumbled, looking down at his bag, 'making sure he had everything he needed.' "Just go Rose."

"Whatever," Rose left. When she got back to the room, Ricky and Robyn had left and Jeremy was just heading out. She quickly followed after, wanting nothing more than to lay down.

As she walked home, one thought had stayed in her mind. Since when did Aaron, someone who lived to annoy her, start calling her Rose? What happened to Rosie? And since when did Aaron care about who was close to Rose? She wish she had the answers, but she didn't. And that's what left her so confused.

remember when I said don't expect three chapters a day.....well I may have three today 😋

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