•On my knees, Love

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The man paced the lobby besides the reception area of the hospital

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The man paced the lobby besides the reception area of the hospital. The luxurious crystal chandelier showering the warm glow over his stature. The long of the lobby busy with nurses, doctors and attendees as they moved about the hospital. The lobby had floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the vast gardens outside and honey brown eyes trailed to them ever so often. His anxious steps fell over the spotless polished floors. Dressed in black slacks and a black button down, the man had rolled the sleeves up as he tensely ran his fingers through the thick of his hair.

" Altamash!"

A slight touch to his shoulder made him turn around to face Abdul Razzaq.

" Hi."

Altamash greeted taking in the man in navy blue scrubs. Abdul Razzaq offered a small smile.

" Let's get some coffee, come."

He turned around midway but Altamash stopped him immediately.

" I am sorry but I don't have time for that right now."

The dark of Abdul Razzaq's eyes gazed at Altamash's tensed body before he nodded.

" Let's just talk outside then."

The two men strolled to the open corridor that overlooked the lake. Altamash took in a deep breath and stuffed his hands in his slack pockets.

" It's good that you came, Altamash. I wanted to meet you as well."

Abdul Razzaq spoke as the men looked at the ducks in the lake.

" What have you come to tell me? That Silah has rejected my proposal?"

Altamash averted his eyes.

" Abdul Razzaq-"

" I never stood a chance with Silah. To be honest, she wasn't made for me. And if it weren't for your persistence I would have never proposed to her."

" I don't want you approaching her ever again."

Abdul Razzaq chuckled as he looked at Altamash.

" What? Why?"

He paused.

" Because you-"

" Because she was made for me."

Altamash faced the man. Looking straight at him in the eyes. And Abdul Razzaq smirked. Before he averted his eyes and folded his arms together.

" Finally! Then I think my role in your story has completed and I should go back to my patients."

Altamash pulled his hands out of his pockets and crossed them across his chest.

" Thank you for whatever."

Abdul Razzaq smiled as he placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

" No need. Just.. stop holding yourself back."

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