•Never let go, Love

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Running a hand through Nur's hair for the hundredth time, I smiled down at the little girl.

" I am going to miss you guys so much."

I pinched Aalee's cheeks seeing the boy fix his glasses and look up at me.

" Won't you come to see us again?"

His words tugged at my heart and blinked away the brimming tears.

" I will-"

" You'll come to America?"

Nur's voice brought a smile to my face and her question made me smile wider.

" Yes I'll come to America to meet you and bring your favorite chocolates too."

The kids gleamed in happiness as I pulled out the custom boxes I had made for them that contained their favorite chocolates and snacks.

" Thankyou."

The kids hugged my crouched figure and I tightened my arms around them.

" Ms. Silah, here are all the documents and all the report cards. I've even put in all the approved applications and all registration forms as well. Good luck for the future."

Nur and Aalee's supervisor handed me the blue file and I clutched it to myself.

" I believe the kids are leaving for America soon."

The dark haired woman looked at me with soft eyes and I nodded my head.

" Yes, their father will be here any minute now."

I smiled at the kids as they said farewell to their teacher and then clutched onto my arm.

I had woken up today with the reminder of the last meeting with the kids. Their father had emailed me last night. The last email, I guess.

Good evening, Ms. Silah.

The last two years you have shown utmost support to my children and have taken care of them like your own. I will always be grateful for your kindness.
Nur and Aalee's semester had ended and I can finally take them back with me to America. Tomorrow is their last day in the boarding school. I'll be picking them up at 3pm. The children will be pleased if you meet them before their farewell.

All the best for ahead.



Nur and Aalee were beautiful children to Gulnar and Khalid. Aalee was 6 and half year old and Nur was 5. After my iddat, I visited Gulnar's house, her husband's house. Gulnar had died with my husband and the grief was suffocating me. How could I not visit her house knowing that she loved her life this way. She loved her life before her peace was snatched from her brutally. There, standing in her home, I saw her kids. Their empty innocent eyes. Aalee's grandmother told me that their father had left for America and had left the kids behind because his work wouldn't allow him to give them the care they needed. Infact he was working to call his parents to America as well so that he could have some help with the kids. I had introduced myself as Gulnar's friend, I couldn't find another way to soothe the flames in my heart. And I wanted to visit her children often so I asked for permission to visit them. Their grandmother was kind enough to grant me permission.

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