writing contest

80 15 7

this is for lolareadsgoodthings 's may writing contest!!

prompt: two cats are kidnapped by a clan that a tyrant leads. the two cats must work together to figure out how to escape. there is one small problem, though: the two cats have hated each other since kithood.

word count: 3108


EARTHCLAN'S PRISON was dark. That much, Dovesky had figured out before she even entered it. The thick scent of mud and mulch had flooded her nostrils at the entrance, and a sense of wickedness shrouded it that the white she-cat had seldom seen anywhere else. It was like an aura of evil, creating the same kind of feeling she felt when nearing a Thunderpath.

That emotion was only elevated by Echostar's prescence. He looked kind enough, with a pelt of flaming red and forest green eyes, but there was a certain glint in his gaze that forced anyone who met him to categorize Echostar as nothing less than crazy. 

And he certainly was; only a moon after taking control of EarthClan, he'd declared that all Clans must join under his rule. Naturally, everyone refused, then came the war. And that's how Dovesky found herself in this position, rotting in EarthClan's prison without hope of seeing the sun or her Clanmates ever again.

At the very least, Dovesky wasn't alone. That brought the white she-cat some satisfaction. Not in the thought that she was accompanied by a Clanmate she'd known since kithood, but in the idea that that Clanmate would die the same, horrible death she eventually will. 

Morbid, yes, but Dovesky hardly cared. Especially not when this Clanmate - in her mind - was the sole reason she'd ended up in EarthClan's camp.

Even through the dark, the white she-cat can easily find Shadowbounce's silhouette, despite the fact that her pelt was as black as the prison itself, worsened only by the mud they slept in. The two cats were crouched on opposite sides of the den, an air of thick hatred between them, keeping a bitter silence.

That wasn't new. The two had bickered ever since they were kits. They'd argued over what games to play - to the eventuate point of refusing to even look in each other's directions. They'd snapped over who could catch the most prey or run the fastest as apprentices, and who would get their first apprentice as warriors. 

It came as a shock for everyone when Dovesky became mates with Shadowbounce's brother, Nightstep. It was Shadowbounce's opinion that Dovesky only did so to irk her, and the cleft between the two she-cats deepened even further. 

It may seem petty, now that the two were in a prison they would most likely die in, that they couldn't set aside their rivalry, but Dovesky could hardly care.  So that was why she now found herself glaring bitterly into Shadowbounce's dark, raven pelt.

The black she-cat looked to be asleep, but after a few moments, she spoke without bothering to lift her muzzle to glance in Dovesky's direction. "I can feel you glaring."

Dovesky didn't miss a beat. "Congratulations," she meowed icily in reply. "If only you could now feel some remorse for getting us in this rotten position."

Now Shadowbounce found the energy to look up, and fixed the white she-cat with piercing blue eyes. "You didn't have to follow me," she hissed. "Don't blame me for something you chose to do."

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