writing contest ii

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this is for x-_Snowy_-x 's may writing contest!!

prompt: write a one-shot about something that plays a big part in the lore of one of your warrior cat OCs.

word count: 3120

context: in my book series eternal, ivorystar is your typical power-hungry leader! there's a lot of background information leading up to this moment which this one-shot (hopefully) is able to cover so that it's not too confusing.

but the main thing i want to mention is that ivorystar's a very ambitious, rash cat, and that the hatred she has for the cats in this one-shot runs very, very deep and has been going for a long time. so this chapter will definitely seem a little fastmoving and unrealistic, but hopefully with this bit of extra information it will read a little better!


IVORYPAW WAS LIVID, if she could even call it that. Truthfully, it was a deep rage that had been stirring in her stomach all night, that pulled her out of deep sleep whenever she drifted too close, that prevented her from climbing out of her nest in the morning.

She didn't even so much as twitch when the apprentices around her began climbing to their paws, beginning with their morning.

"What's wrong with her?" This was the voice of Wasppaw, one of Ivorypaw's friends.

"I don't know," came Blazepaw's snicker. At the sound of the reddish brown she-cat's voice, Ivorypaw had to resist the temptation to lash a paw over her face. She and Blazepaw have hated each other ever since birth, and had been arguing for as long as anyone in ShadowClan could remember.

If there was one cat who Ivorypaw hated with all her heart - and who hated her back just as much - it was Blazepaw.

"Maybe she's just sick or something," Blazepaw mewed with fake sympathy, which drove the white she-cat into a even further agitation. 

You know exactly what's going on, Ivorypaw thought angrily. Don't try and play innocent now.

"I'm going to go get Clearpaw," Wasppaw decided. "If anyone will know what's wrong with Ivorypaw, it's her sister."

As he ducked out of the den, Ivorypaw could practically imagine Blazepaw rolling her eyes before muttering lowly to her friends, "Or maybe, she's just getting what she deserves. I don't know why everyone's being so dramatic over this."

The white she-cat's head almost snapped up at this, but there was one other cat in this den that she was being cold to, one she could not let up on.

As soon as the den's entrance rustled, announcing that Blazepaw and her friends had left, Lilypaw - Ivorypaw's best friend - spoke instantly. "Ivorypaw? Are you still mad with me?"

Ivorypaw huffed, then turned her back a little firmer to the calico she-cat.

Lilypaw sighed, receiving the answer loud and clear. "Ivorypaw, please don't be upset. I'm sorry about what happened last night, but I don't-"

"You shouldn't have done that," Ivorypaw interrupted sharply, sick of hearing her excuses, lifting her head up to meet her friend's gaaze. "We're ShadowClan cats, and we're meant to stick with each other. We shouldn't be fraternizing with strange, RiverClan cats."

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