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oh my gosh.

i actually can't believe it. i logged on this morning (5.26.24) to find that my followers count has reached triple digits. 100 people!

to start off, i of course would like to say thank you so so so so so much to everyone who's taken the chance to look at my profile page and thought it good enough for a follow! i appreciate each of you so much!

i know i joined this platform quite a few years ago, but i've been so on and off in activity that i didn't think it would ever be possible for me to reach 100 followers. i joined mainly to share my writing and i never thought a book of mine would ever get past 1k views. checking this account, seeing comments, and interacting with others has become the highlight of my day in the past few months!

so again, i would like to say thank you all so much!

now, i know a lot of people do 100 follower specials, but i'm going to be honest, i don't really have anything planned. let me know if you guys have any ideas, but as for this chapter, i wanted to give a shoutout and personal thank you note to each one of you!

(side note: as i was writing these, i realized that so many of my earlier followers are all on hiatus/abandoned their accounts. and of course, there's nothing wrong with that, but it just hit me with so so much nostalgia. i joined this platform in 2021, and though i haven't been very active until recent, i still made a lot of good friends! it's honestly pretty cool to see how the warriors fandom on wattpad has changed in the past years. it feels like different generations!)

1 || @Icestorm_ || my first ever follower! thank you so much, that will always mean the world to me <3 i know you're not super active now anymore, but in the chance that you see this, i'd like to say that i really enjoyed your shooting stars series, and i'm really sorry that wattpad took it down.

2 || @Aurora_WC || i think your profile is so so so pretty! i don't really think i ever got the chance to read your books, but if you ever do come back and decide to publish something, please feel free to tag me! i'd love to take a look!

3 || @dreamcloudofstarclan || your darkened hearts series is so inspiring!! i cannot believe you had the motivation to plan and write six separate books! it's honestly so impressive! i know your knew account is @District3Tribute and you're not as active anymore, but if you happen to see this, please leave some tips!

4 || @_mistyfrost || i love your profile too! everything on there's so neat and pretty! i'm not entirely sure if you're very active anymore, but i notice that every now and then i'll get notifications from you, like comments or votes on my books. it just means so much to me that you would decide to check out my works when you come on, so thank you so much <3

5 || @cookiesandcream3evea || i really enjoyed your book snowstorm's destiny! i thought it had a very nice setup! and though i know your account's been abandoned for a few years now, if you ever decide to come back and start it up again, please please please tag me!!

6 || @aqziiea- || i think your account is the prettiest, most aesthetic account i've ever seen! i love everything about it, and it's really inspired me to make my profile look nicer :] and the title system you have for your non-fanfic books is also so incredibly cool!

7 || @Vmoneywhoop || you seem like a really, really sweet person!! and i really like your location, haha, it's so funny! please feel free to tag me for anything you need!

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