SCALDING | moon | ii (5) | 11.1k

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| xii |

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| (she stalks, affectionately) |

Sparring with Xavier was of swift hostility. There was a flippancy, matched against spite.

The fight now is brutal.

A body is slung into brick. Her claws are the rapier's persistent choir, long after the fact. Yoko has the dexterity to flinch away, then the strength to shunt Enid back. They move to the pace of swordplay. It's fast. A blink means to blind yourself from several rhythms of this exchange.

Enid snaps her hand around Yoko's ankle. You watch the moment where Yoko knows what's to come, and the yelp that tears from her mouth is more of annoyance than anything. It breathes the same kind of indignation that Bianca has for you, whenever you pull the same tactic. Largely because Enid has done this thrice now, within the same match.

You do this every now and then, perhaps a little often. Keep an eye on her. Sometimes, Enid is knowing. Whether it be at her month's fixation — a club, though the wood-crafting has stuck —, or a lecture hall, you'll find a dark nook, she'll find you, and you'll be sent to scour for a snack or few, the odd book she left at her desk... Most of the time, however, your stalking is refined, enough to dodge a Lycan's nose. You don't let her discover routine.

Today proves to be the latter. She has yet to discover you, from beneath the gym bleachers. You figure that has more to do with dungeon musk than anything, because though vampires do not froth their scent like Furs, stale does clog. The undead have a way in reminding their nature. There is no escape, truly.

This gym — the one of two, kept far from sunlight — is ripe of this stale. It does more than clog, if you have to be honest. You are reminded of the attics at home. The same you dig through whenever Mother so much as mentions the existence of another photo album of you.

But, it is the only gym which pays no mind to Enid. The vampires, thanks to Yoko, have taken a liking to her. That, and Enid does have respectable habits in the way of hygiene. She wouldn't froth this place with her scent.

For another time, Yoko plummets from the rafters. Enid swings along the equipment before she lunges down. The vampire barely has the time to dart from the weight. Enid is hurtling. She's not quite the size she managed to get to this morning, though by hands alone, you know there's still that rawboned frame.

Yoko lands a kick. It's enough for Enid to curl by reflex, bark a whimper. On Yoko's part, there's hesitation. Enid takes the advantage.

Again, she snatches Yoko by the ankle, and it's a body flung into the wall. Yoko lands in a heap. Dust settles. She stands, then staggers, before her arms weakly cross — fists closed.


Enid relaxes. At once, the tension between vanquishes. Yoko strolls to where Enid lingers.

"I'm telling you, girl, I think they'd let you in the top class this year."

"The coach said I can't wolf-out and that's it."

"Well, you've been tossing me around like a rag-doll." (Prods her shoulder.) "And, he probably heard of the stunt you pulled with Xavier."

The academy trials. Every outcast is evaluated, both to strengthen their abilities, and to mark those who'd pose a threat for everyone not. Werewolves have their arenas. The top class is sent into the woods. Vampires as well, for their own. As for the rest, you are kept to the classroom.

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