#3: Recovery and Rebuilding

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Disclaimer: I own Nothing, also sorry for the short chapter, the next chapter will be more action and filler focused

The battle against the greater daemon's army was draining for my armies. They had taken heavy losses in the forced confederation of the slaanesh daemon.

Via my map skill in combat with my victory and confederacy of the greater daemon of slaanesh, who rather than being large enough to challenge a titan, was now barely 5 foot 5 inches tall, clad in a Slaanesh Sister of Battle's battle armor, no doubt some form of irony orchestrated by Kyu, the little minx she was.

But raising the base owned by the greater daemon of slaanesh had afforded me a massive boon in resources allowing me to build a capital. Consisting of 3 fortresses built together in a 2 by 2 format, being 3 chaos fortresses built in a square pattern, and in the center of that squire pattern were two things. A tower, my throne tower to be specific, and a cathedral.

>>> [Faction Structure - Black Legion Fortress Tier 1/7: You can use resources to directly upgrade it but it is cheaper to build higher tier Structures, and is dirt cheap to build a lower tier one. Acts as a bastion and fortress for region control]. 4 of these built in that said grid format, the throne tower, and then one of these >>> [Faction Structure - Black Legion Slave-Pit Tier 1/7: You can use resources to directly upgrade it but it is cheaper to build higher tier Structures, and is dirt cheap to build a lower tier one. Acts as a Resource Generation structure. Generates Slaves, Adamantium, and Arcane Runes.] and one of these >>> [Faction Structure - Black Legion Cathedral Tier 1/7: You can use resources to directly upgrade it but it is cheaper to build higher tier Structures, and is dirt cheap to build a lower tier one. Acts as a Resource Generation structure. Generates Chaos-Favor. A lesser version of this cathedral can be built within fortresses and slave-pits to ensure structure loyalty for dirt cheap] built at the foot of the throne tower to be specific.

Oh did I forget to mention the slave pit the first time? Oh well.

Either way, our resources are well protected, but something the game does not tell you is that adamantium is produced by the fortresses themselves.

## my mistake host, Correcting now. ##

(Deep sigh)

Either way, the next order of business after a few days of letting the resources benign built on their own, was to have higher walls built around the fortress and within those walls build these:

>>> [Faction Structure - Black Legion Armory Tier 1/7: You can use resources to directly upgrade it but it is cheaper to build higher tier Structures, and is dirt cheap to build a lower tier one. Produces standard vehicles. Thunderhawks, Lupercal Tanks, and such. Each vehicle costs low to Mid Adamantium and Slave resources. ]

>>> {Unlocked early due to Starring world's danger level "Deathworld"}[Faction Structure - Black Legion Titan Tower Tier 1/7: You can use resources to directly upgrade it but it is cheaper to build higher tier Structures. Costs high levels of Adamantium, Slaves, Arcane Runes. Produces Titanicus Legion Titans, such as Warhound Titans, Warlord Titans, Ect. Each vehicle costs low to High Adamantium, Slaves, and Arcane Runes resources ]

I also discovered something absolutely game breaking from a game mechanics perspective. My commander perks that give me a bonus to using astartes in general it SAYS this.

[Astartes Supremacy: -50% Cost to produce and upkeep astartes. +10% Effectiveness to all Astartes Units]

But in practice, that translates to making Astartes just as cheap as the Cultist hood fodder units!

After I realized this and tested it, by taking note of our current resources, building 1 cultist horde, and then 1 astartes and comparing the cost, I found that this assessment was true. Something that caused Kyu and I to look at each other, and then silently agree that this was absolutely busted.

However, being an avid player of Total Warhammer 3, I am well aware that every commander who specializes in a specific type of unit is extremely desirable.

However, Zarel, saw fit to send out cultists envoys to every nearby factions and others even beyond without my knowledge.

The message was very simple, 3 words. One that sounded like a warning, and one that more or less ruined the element of surprise, something that pissed Kyu and I off heavily, but there was no taking this back.

The message was simple.

Osiris. Is. Rising.

Seeing the problem, Kyu immediately granted me a skill

[Warrior type skill - Training Dungeon]


Author's Note:

I love the fun dopamine chemicals. The best way to motivate me to write is to comment on anything and anything you find worthy of commenting on. Positive, or criticisms, I don't care. All feedback is appreciated. I'll do my best to respond to you.

For those of you who may think he's already OP, let's just say that this multi-front war is only at its beginning stages. Needless to say, he's going to need an entire space marine legion worth of astartes to even stand a chance later on.

The Gamer's Bio is currently current to the events of chapter 2, and will be current to chapter 3 soon with a grammatical corrections and the new [Warrior type skill - Training Dungeon] skill being added soon. 

Reborn as a RTS Gamer, but Also a Son of Horus LupercalWhere stories live. Discover now