#4: Battle Lines are Drawn

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Author's Note:

I own nothing, literally nothing this is a fanfic

I love the fun dopamine chemicals. The best way to motivate me to write is to comment on anything and anything you find worthy of commenting on. Positive, or criticisms, I don't care. All feedback is appreciated. I'll do my best to respond to you.

The Gamer's Bio will be updated soon


So it turns out that Kyu lied. Because she quickly converted the [Warrior type skill - Training Dungeon] skill into the [Warrior type skill - Training Dungeon Space Marine 1 Campaign - Easy Tier "Starter" Variant Difficulty Training Dungeon]

So it was strange to find myself in the middle of a Thunderhawk surrounded by Ultramarines who seemed to think I was Captain Titus.

While I would go through this extensive training dungeon campaign I had ordered the total commission of the expansion of my capital being built as well as several armies being built while I was away.

The point was for me to grow strong rapidly, that was a benefit of the dungeons, but I also needed my forces to grow as well. I needed to become a domaten force in the world of Imagination, otherwise, I and my people, my future empire, would be crushed. Like a skull beneath tank treads.

I would expand my empire, take over the volcanic regions entirely to start... litter the volcanic regions with my fortresses and armies, and defenses, make it untouchable.

If all went to plan, even if the other factions managed to stop me from expanding beyond the volcanic region, the most they would be able to do is contain me, as each and every "outpost" would be a fortress that would need either the luck of the ultramarines, or the stubbornness of Dorn, or the savagery of Russ to destroy. And even then, every outpost would be designed to be just as fortified as my main capital, meaning every single fortress would be just as much a contributor resource wise, as it was a producer of my armies.

But that was a plan yet to be enacted. First I needed to conquer the other Chaos clans in the volcanic regions, and turkey become the Warmaster, and then spend a lot more time securing my rule over this region.

But as my main capital was being built, I knew I would have to rise to the occasion and become powerful enough through the sheer unfairness of the gamer ability, to match my father, Horus when he was holding back, at minimum.

However, I was not blind. Due to the nature and structure of my powers, a simple guardsman, a normal human with a weak mass produced weapon, in the proper circumstances, could prove just as grave a threat to me, as say, a Primarch. My ability functioned a lot like the soulsborne games in that respect. Anything and everything could kill me, and so I must underestimate nothing and no one.

Well... time to kill some Orks.

Kyu, still in her pixie form, glanced at me and I returned it, before both grinned. There was something to be said about wonton slaughter as a form of stress relief, and we both knew it. 

We rushed forward, Kyu going at her normal place on my power armor's pelt, as I roared, squinting my maul!


While her master trained in his alternate dimension, the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, Kallikorgani, took it upon herself to prepare an intricate network dedicated to his cause. Kallikorgani, a fragment of Slaanesh and a cunning strategist, decided to establish numerous interrogation halls, torture chambers, and even a brothel-disguised spy network to serve her beloved master. Each of these facilities was meticulously designed to cater to various purposes, all converging towards the singular goal of strengthening her master's influence and control.

Reborn as a RTS Gamer, but Also a Son of Horus LupercalWhere stories live. Discover now