14. overthinking

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2072 words

The classroom Josh paced in front of would be empty for another 15 minutes due to how early he had left his office. He felt a bit bad for leaving Tyler the way that he did, but he couldn't have stayed in that room alone with him any longer. He was getting a little too relaxed around the boy. He was...feeling things. He wasn't quite sure what, but he was growing suspicious of the small tug in his chest when Tyler came around. He anticipated the younger's company everyday and it was beginning to concern him.

He already knew he was indulging himself a little too much by holding the boy for so long, but when Tyler leaned into him, he felt his heart race in his chest, banging at the walls of his ribs. He wasn't sure if it was his newfound friendship with Tyler that made him feel this way, but he didn't want to find out. He was already walking a very fine line with the casual relationship he had initiated with him. He thought about texting the younger, but what would he even say? "Sorry for leaving so fast, you just made me feel weird but not bad weird, but the fact that it wasn't bad weird is bad"?

The man groaned and ran a hand through his curly brown hair, opting to text Andy instead:

Josh: We need to talk when I get home. I'm losing my mind.

Andy: what happened now?

Josh: I'll explain later. I have to teach soon.

Andy: is it that kid again

Josh: You calling him a kid does not help. And yes, it's Tyler again.

Andy: i bet whatever you're freaking out over is nothing. you guys are friends aren't you?
Andy: oh my god you didn't sleep w him did you

Josh: Jesus Christ, Andy.
Josh: We are JUST friends. Nothing like that.
Josh: I'm done talking to you for right now...I'll call you later.

Andy: boooo you whore
Andy: bye spook ttyl

Josh let out a soft laugh at his phone and pocketed it just as his first student arrived. He gave them a polite smile and decided to not worry about Tyler until after class. He had to keep his sanity in order to keep his job.


An hour and fifteen minutes later, Josh was holding his breath as he slowly opened his office door. The light was off and the room was quiet, but when he peeked over to the couch, there was no one there. His shoulders dropped in slight disappointment as he flicked the light on and walked over to his desk, resting his belongings down with a heavy sigh. He noticed a yellow sticky note in the middle of his workspace with thin handwriting on it:

i left so that you didn't have to worry about me still being here. thanks again for everything, and i'm really sorry about earlier. see you tomorrow.

Josh frowned and sat down at his desk, the note still in hand. What would Tyler even be apologizing for? He hadn't done anything wrong at all. If anything, Josh should be the one apologizing to him. He was the one that made things...weird? Awkward? He wasn't sure what he made the situation, but he made it something. The man swiveled in his chair, a mental debate going on in his head. He sighed and pulled out his phone, the thought of Tyler beating himself up over this too much for him to handle:

Josh: Hey, I hope you're feeling better. I just saw your note; you don't have anything to apologize for. See you tomorrow.
Josh: This is Josh btw

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