thirteen ─ first kiss?

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"where are we going? I didn't even get to say bye to my brother!" Teddy complained as Erica started dragging her.

"To find a car," Dustin said. "And, don't worry, Teddy, you can welcome him with a sweet sister kiss once this shit gets over," Teddy rolled her eyes as shrugged it off and held Erica's hand.

"I fucking knew it's gonna be here," Steve muttered excitedly as Teddy's lips curved up.

"Why so happy, Harrington?" Teddy asked, as Steve raised an eyebrow and grinned smugly.

"You'll see, Sterling,"

After walking for a few minutes, Steve opened a door as he whistled at the sight of a car, which looked like it was made for him.

"Oh man, now this. . ." He said, pointing at the car. "This is what I'm talkin' about!"

"Todd father?" Robin asked out as they all marched towards the car.

"Oh, screw Todd," Steve said. "Steve's her daddy now!"

"Did you just talk about yourself in third person?" Teddy asked, as she sat on the passenger seat, followed by others occupying the back seat.

"Did he just calls himself daddy?" Erica asked, scrunching her nose.

"All right, where are we going?" Steve asked.

"Weathertop," Dustin said.


"Just drive!"

"Okay. Jesus!" Teddy stifled a smile as she looked at the duo bickering eachother. But what she didn't notice was, Steve adjusting the rearview mirror as he saw Teddy smiling at them through the mirror.

The drive was pretty much silent, but that didn't long when Dustin leaned in and turned on the music player, as he received a glare from Steve.

"Really? You need music in this time?" He asked, glancing at Dustin and looking back at the road.

"Just shut up," Dustin said, crossing his arms.

Teddy chuckled as she leaned her head back on the seat comfortably as Steve increased the speed.

"So. . ." Steve spoke, clearing his throat as he received multiple stare others, except for Teddy, who was looking out of the car.

"How was California?"

"Kinda boring," she replied, still not turning to look at him. But the boy was exchanging glances between the road and her as the trio in back seat cleared their throat, teasing him.

"I made one friend, but then she moved to Chicago," Steve raised an eyebrow at the mention of her friend.

"You guys are so awkward," Erica blurted out as Teddy and Steve's cheeks went red, but a smile was plastered on their lips. She was true though. They were once inseparable, but look at them now.

"Jesus, how far is this place, man?" Steve asked, changing the topic.

"Relax, we're almost there," Dustin said as Steve rolled his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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