Chapter one

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I noticed that despite the numerous daminette/maribat fanfics, there aren’t many genderbend versions of those. I have a soft spot for genderbend characters, & I think it would be interesting to see how their dynamic would work out if that was the case which brings us here.
This is my first time writing a daminette/maribat +salt fanfic so I hope I don’t disappoint. I also hope I manage to keep a smooth flow of the story & the lore of both fandoms. Sorry if certain characters are OOC, I’ll try my best.
Many thanks to Silent_Radioactivity for inspiring me to write this. Sorry if I'm plagarizing you and I hope I'm not offending you in any way.
Also, pls note that not all the characters are genderbent. Only a few are as stated below.
Genderbent characters:
Marinette- Marcel/ Red Beetle
Chloe- Chris
Adrien- Adrianne/ Chat Noire
Damian- Dahlia

Everyone else remains the same. In this version, Lila is basically ‘besties’/'like sisters' with Adrianne. Their ‘friendship’ however is even worse/toxic than Chloe’s with Sabrina’s.
Lila harasses Marcel like she does with canon!Adrien but she isn’t above painting him as a bad guy while turning on the innocent crocodile tears either. Like in many other salt fics, Lila has also distanced Marcel with his class as she threatened him that if he didn’t become her boyfriend and bow down to her rule, she would make sure he has no friends at all. Gotham City.

Home to some of the most dangerous criminals and villains to grace the planet; rough turf of the infamous Bat Family, the dark guardians of the the very city where crime beats like a consistent heart, especially when night creeps over the city, coiling its dark tendrils to suffocate the unfortunate and aid the criminals who seek to exploit.

It was also the city where one Marcel Dupain-Cheng was currently lost in.

Marcel sighed aggrievedly, glaring at his phone as though doing so would somehow make it turn back on and show him the goddamn GPS map so he could find some way to backtrack to the hotel.

His phone screen resolutely stayed blank.

Luck was not on his side…….then again, it hasn’t been for quite a while now.

He stuffed his hands into his pocket, eyes closing in frustration. He wasn’t surprised at this point but still, even now, he couldn’t stop the swell of hurtful disappointment at it all.

Three years.

Three years since he’s been chosen to wield the Ladybug Miraculous.

Three years since he’s taken up the mantle of Red Beetle.

Three years since Hawkmoth showed up and terrorized Paris, leaving its citizens and their emotional/psychological states hostage.

Three years since Lila showed up and sunk her claws into his class, trapping them in her web of lies.

Three years since she gave him the ultimatum of bowing down to her rule and becoming her ‘significant other’ (pfft, as if) or becoming another obstacle in her way.

Three years since…..she made due on her threat and made sure he’s lost his friends.

He shook his head to dispel that last thought.

No, that wasn’t true. He did have friends. Not many but genuine friends who cared; who truly stuck by him when things got rough, people he could trust to watch his back.

He felt his mouth quirk upwards a bit. But it quickly fell when he realized said friends were probably worried sick about him right now.

He felt Tikki give him a comforting pat from the inner pocket of his jacket. He was grateful he wasn’t truly alone out here at least.

Another gust of wind blew by, harshly reminding him just how chilly Gotham was at night. It didn’t help that his miraculous has made him more susceptible to cold.

Paris Monsieur in Gotham) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now