(Chapter 18)

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Red Beetle’s side felt like it was on fire. Every breath he heaved felt as though a million firecrackers were going off inside his ribcage. The others weren’t in any better shape.

Suzaku’s shoulder was dislocated, her sword clutched limply in her other hand; Viperion was walking with a heavy limp, trying to support most of his weight onto his left foot and Amber Ruche had a nasty gash on his head, one of his lenses shattered.

Ignoring the pain, he managed to find it in himself to cast the Miraculous Cure. He closed his eyes and felt the familiar magic embrace him, healing his wounds and cleaning away the bloodstains as though he was never injured in the first place.

He watched apathetically as the cure washed over the streets of Paris.

As it washed over the bodies of innocents who were caught in the fire.

Amber Ruche just slumped down onto the ground on the spot.

“Fu$k this, we’re supposed to be on bloody vacation right now.” He groaned.

“That was definitely one of the tougher ones.” Viperion said, tapping his foot against the ground, not a single ache throbbing.

“And it certainly won’t be the last.” Suzaku said grimly. “Do you know when help is coming?” she asked Red Beetle.

“Soon.” He reassured them. “We just have to hold out a little while longer.”

They could do this, they had to.

Just a little while longer and help will arrive.

Just a little while longer…until they can finally end this nightmare.


Marcel groaned and collapsed face-first onto his bed. Although the sun had been up and shining in Paris, due to time zones, it was still night time in Gotham.

It was 2: 35 AM in the morning to be precise.

He sighed, mentally steeling himself for what was bound to come. No doubt this was the first of many other continuous attacks to come which means consistent nights in which he went on without sufficient amount of sleep.

He vaguely recalled that tomorrow- well, technically today actually, Mme. Bustier had planned some kind of ‘class bonding’ activity. Basically they were gonna do yoga and aerobics in Gotham Park.

Yeah, no. His body was so exhausted he doubts he could stretch much less keep up with the pace of aerobics.

Screw it, he’ll just call in and say he’s sick or something. Chris would probably do the same.

Right now? Sleep. He was going to get some goddamn sleep.

Forcing his tired body to get up, he stumbled over towards the kitchenette and prepared some hot water. Tikki- the sweet blessing of support- whizzed into his luggage to grab what he needed while Kaalki grabbed a mug and teaspoon.

“Thanks guys.” Marcel muttered.

Tikki handed him a small tea packet and a herb capsule. Stirring the tea, he took a long slow drink, letting the warm liquid flow down his throat and settle in his stomach.

Satisfied, he popped the capsule into his mouth, his taste buds long since used to whatever weird taste it might carry, and swallowed it.

Downing the last of his tea, he felt his eyelids grow heavy as the ‘potion’ took effect. His mind was clear, free from worries but very, very lethargic.

Paris Monsieur in Gotham) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now